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1、海鲜类Seafood 白灵菇扒鲍片 :Braised Sliced Abalone with Mushrooms 鲍鱼海珍煲 :Braised Abalone and Seafood en Casserole 百花鲍鱼卷 :Steamed Abalone Rolls Stuffed with Minced Shrimps 鲍鱼烧牛头 :Braised Abalone with Ox Head 鲍鱼珍珠鸡 :Steamed Glutinous Rice Mixed with Diced Abalone and Chicken 碧绿香肘扣鲍片 :Braised Sliced Abalone wit

2、h Pork and Vegetables 碧绿原汁鲍鱼 :Braised Abalone with Vegetables 锅粑鲍鱼 :Abalone Sauce on Deep-Fried Rice Cake 蚝皇扣干鲍 :Braised Dried Abalone in Oyster Sauce 蚝皇鲜鲍片 :Braised Sliced Abalone in Oyster Sauce 红烧鲍翅燕 :Braised Abalone, Sharks Fin and Birds Nest 红烧鲍鱼 :Braised Abalone 红烧南非鲍 :Braised South African Ab

3、alone 金元鲍红烧肉 :Braised Pork with Abalone 龙井金元鲍 :Braised Abalone with Longjing Tea 美国红腰豆扣鲍片 :Braised Sliced Abalone with American Kidney Beans 银芽炒鲍丝 :Sauted Shredded Abalone with Bean Sprouts 鲍汁北菇鹅掌 :Braised Goose Feet and Black Mushrooms in Abalone Sauce 鲍汁葱烧辽参 :Braised Sea Cucumber in Abalone Sauce

4、鲍汁豆腐 :Braised Tofu in Abalone Sauce 鲍汁鹅肝 :Braised Goose Liver in Abalone Sauce 鲍汁鹅掌扣辽参 :Braised Sea Cucumber and Goose Feet in Abalone Sauce 鲍汁花菇烧鹅掌 :Braised Goose Feet and Mushrooms in Abalone Sauce 鲍汁花胶扣辽参 :Braised Sea Cucumber and Fish Maw in Abalone Sauce 鲍汁鸡腿菇 :Braised Mushrooms in Abalone Sauc

5、e 鲍汁煎鹅肝 :Pan-Fried Goose Liver (Foie Gras) in Abalone Sauce 鲍汁扣白灵菇 :Braised Mushrooms in Abalone Sauce 鲍汁扣鹅掌 :Braised Goose Feet in Abalone Sauce 鲍汁扣花胶皇 :Braised Fish Maw in Abalone Sauce 鲍汁扣辽参 :Braised Sea Cucumber in Abalone Sauce 鲍汁扣三宝 :Braised Sea Cucumber, Fish Maw and Mushrooms in Abalone Sauc

6、e 鲍汁牛肝菌 :Braised Boletus in Abalone Sauce 白玉蒸扇贝 :Steamed Scallops with Tofu 北极贝刺身 :Scallops Sashimi 碧绿干烧澳带 :Dry-Braised Scallops with Vegetables 碧绿鲜带子 :Braised Scallops with Vegetables 宫保鲜带子 :Kung Pao Scallops 鸽蛋烧裙边 :Braised Turtle Rim with Pigeon Egg 果汁银元带子 :Fried Scallops in Fresh Fruit Juice 姜葱酥炸

7、生蠔 :Deep-Fried Oyster with Ginger and Scallion 酱野菌炒胭脂蚌 :Sauted Mussel and Mushrooms in Special Sauce 金银玉带 :Sauted Scallops and Mushrooms 千层酥烤鲜贝 :Quick-Baked Scallop Mille Feuille(Roast Pepper Sauce and Basil Oil Infusion) 扇贝(蒜茸蒸,XO炒,豉汁蒸) :Scallop in Shell (Steamed with Garlic/Sauted with XO Sauce /S

8、teamed with Black Bean Sauce) 碳烧元贝 :BBQ Scallops 铁板酱爆带子 :Sizzling Scallops with Chili and Vegetables 夏果澳带 :Sauted Scallops with Macadamia 鲜果玉带虾 :Fried Scallops and Shrimps with Fresh Fruit 珍宝炒带子 :Sauted Scallops with Cashew Nuts 干煎带鱼 :Deep-Fried Ribbonfish 多宝鱼(清蒸,豉汁蒸 过桥) :Turbot (Steamed/Steamed wit

9、h Black Bean Sauce/ Boiled) 芝麻炸多春鱼 :Deep-Fried Shisamo with Sesame 脆炸桂鱼 :Fried Crispy Mandarin Fish 干烧桂鱼 :Dry-Braised Mandarin Fish 桂鱼(清蒸,油浸,松子炸) :Mandarin Fish (Steamed/Fried / Deep-Fried with Pine Nuts) 清蒸桂鱼 :Steamed Mandarin Fish 松鼠桂鱼 :Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish 豆腐烧鱼 :Fried Fish with Tofu 百花酿辽参

10、 :Steamed Sea Cucumber Stuffed with Minced Shrimp 葱爆海参条 :Sauted Sea Cucumber with Scallion 葱烧海参 :Braised Sea Cucumber with Scallion 高汤京葱扒刺参 :Braised Sea Cucumber with Scallion 海参鹅掌煲 :Braised Goose Feet with Sea Cucumber en Casserole 蚝汁辽参扣鸭掌 :Braised Sea Cucumber with Duck Feet in Oyster Sauce 红烧牛头扣辽

11、参 :Braised Sea Cucumber with Ox Head 京葱扣辽参 :Braised Sea Cucumber with Scallion 京葱虾籽烧辽参 :Sauted Sea Cucumber with Shrimp Roe and Scallion 木瓜腰豆煮海参 :Braised Sea Cucumber with Kidney Beans and Papaya 生焗海参煲 :Baked Sea Cucumber en Casserole 双虾海参煲 :Braised Sea Cucumber and Shrimp en Casserole 虾仔烧海参 :Braise

12、d Sea Cucumber with Shrimp Roe XO酱莲藕炒海螺片 :Sauted Sliced Sea Whelks and Lotus Root in XO Sauce 东古一品螺 :Sauted Whelks in Soy Sauce 麻辣响螺片 :Hot and Spicy Sliced Sea Whelks 响螺烧梅花参 :Braised Sea Whelks and Sea Cucumber 海鲜脆皮豆腐 :Fried Tofu with Seafood 海鲜豆腐 :Braised Tofu with Seafood 海鲜粉丝煲 :Assorted Seafood w

13、ith Vermicelli en Casserole 海竹笙煮双鲜 :Boiled Seafood with Bamboo Fungus 红花汁烩海鲜 :Braised Seafood in Saffron Sauce 夏果海鲜 :Sauted Seafood with Macadamia 黄立仓(豉汁蒸,干煎,红烧) :Pomfret(Steamed in Black Bean Sauce/Pan-Fried or Braised) 红烧小黄鱼豆腐 :Braised Small Yellow Croakers and Tofu 葱焅河鲫鱼 :Braised Crucian Carp wit

14、h Scallion 竹香鲫鱼 :Fried Crucian Carp with Bamboo Flavor 白汁拆烩鲢鱼头 :Stewed Silver Carp Head 豉油王蒸鲈鱼 :Steamed Perch in Black Bean Sauce 莼菜鲈鱼烩 :Stewed Perch with Water Shield Leaves 豆瓣鲈鱼 :Braised Perch in Soy Bean Paste 锅仔雪菜鲈鱼 :Stewed Perch with Potherb Mustard 鲈鱼(清蒸,红烧,锅仔泡椒煮) :Perch (Steamed/Braised/ Stew

15、ed with Marinated Chili) 蜜汁蒸鲈鱼 :Steamed Perch Filet in Honey Sauce 烧烤鲈鱼片 :Char-Grilled Perch Filet 香滑鲈鱼球 :Sauted Perch Balls 豉椒鳗鱼丝 :Sauted Shredded Eel with Peppers in Black Bean Sauce 烧汁鳗鱼条 :Sauted Eel in Spicy Sauce 生炒鳗片 :Sauted Eel Slices 蒜香鳗片 :Sauted Eel Slices with Garlic 碳烧鳗鱼 :BBQ Eel 雪菜墨鱼丝 :Sauted Shredded Cuttlefish with Potherb Mustard



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