2022年高中英语 Unit5 Reading学案2 新人教版必修3

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1、2022年高中英语 Unit5 Reading学案2 新人教版必修3课前预习: Step1. Reading preparation. 在课文中找出下列单词短语(A级)1.minister 2.scenery 3.continent 4.eastward 5.surround 6.measure 7.slightly 8.within 9.harbor 10.urban 11.downtown 12.chat 13.border 14.aboard 15.rather than 16.settle down 17. Manage to 18. Catch sight of 19.have a

2、gift forStep 2: Quiz(知识小测):ACCBDA 7.ABCD课堂探究案Exploring CaseStep 1: Fast reading1. a trip;Canada 2.“The True North ” is the train that run through Canada 3.second: second largest country in the world.5,500: It is 5,500 km from coast to coast.a few hundred: Most Canadians live within a few hundred kil

3、ometers of the USA border.thirty million: The population of Canada is only slightly over thirty millionone-third: Canada has one-third of the worlds fresh waterStep 2: Careful reading: I. Choose the best answer: BACDBII. Read the text again and fill in the blanks. Canada in generalIt is (1)5,500 kil

4、ometers from coast to coast, but only has apopulation of (2) more than 30 million. MostCanadians live within the US (3)border, so most parts ofit appear very empty.It has one-third of the worlds total fresh water.VancouverIt is (6)surrounded by mountains and the PacificOcean.People can (7)ski in Roc

5、ky Mountains and sail in the (8)harbour.Wet climate makes the trees extremely tall, some (9)measuring over 90 metres. The Rocky MountainsThe cousins and their friend managed to (10)_catch sight of some mountain goats, a grizzly bear and an eagle. CalgaryIt is famous for the Calgary Stampede in which

6、 cowboys from all over the world compete for (11)thousands of dollars in prizes.Thunder BayIt is a busy port city at the top of the Grate Lakes in an (12) urban area.Ocean ships can sail up (13)the Great Lakes. The Great LakesThanks to the Great Lakes, Canada has more (14)fresh water than any other

7、country in the world.Step 3: Summary of the text:west;east; The True North;second;coast ;coast;eastward;surrounded;settled down ;grizzly;have a gift for Step 4: Post readingVancouver-Rocky Mountains-Calgary-Thunder Bay-Lake Superior-Toronto课后巩固:阅读理解答案:B A D基础写作 参考范文: As the second largest country in

8、 the world, Canada covers about a quarter of the worlds land area. But its population is very small, about 32 million. People in Canada mainly speak French and English. The weather in Canada is quite different from area to area. There are many lakes in Canada, which supply it with one third of the worlds fresh water. Canada also has many forests, which make it the biggest producer of paper in the world. Besides, Canada also has lots of beautiful scenery.


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