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1、高考英语背悟典型佳句1.It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious.分析明显存在的事物需要非凡的头脑。undertake vt.着手做;从事;承担;保证。(1)sth(2)to do(3)thate.g.1)I undertook responsibility for the changes.我承担了这些变革的责任。2)Then Mr.Li undertook to answer our questions.然后,李先生着手回答我们的问题。3)he undertakes that all the s

2、tudents passing the exam will get a present.她保证所有通过考试的学生将得到一份礼物。2.Theres no doubt that 毫无疑问.doubt . 作动词时,肯定句中可用whether/if引导宾语从句;否定句和疑问句中用that引导宾语从句。e.g.1)We doubt whether shell come.我们怀疑她是否会来。2)She never doubt that Ill help her.她从来没有怀疑过我会帮她。3.Imagine this: you are twenty-one years old and a promisin

3、g graduate student at one of the top universities in the world.想象一下:你已21岁,是世界上一流大学里很有前途的毕业生。.promising adj 有希望的,有前途的promise的句型1)n.2) 间宾直宾2) (sb)to do 3) that从句e.g.1)Father promises me a new computer.父亲答应给我一台新电脑2)He promised to give up smoking.他答应戒烟3)They promised that the bridge would be repaired be

4、fore July.他们保证这座桥将于7月之前修好。4.There did not seem much point in working on my PhDI did not expect to survive that long.取得博士学位对我来说没有什么意义,我没有期望活那么久。Theres no point in doing sth. 做某事没有作用或没有意义e.g.1)Theres no point in cheating our parents. 欺骗我们的父母没有用2)There did not seem much point in shouting. 在这里大叫没有意义。5.Y

5、et two years had gone by and I was not that much worse.然而两年过去了,我并没有那么糟糕。that 此处为副词,意为“那么(=so)”e.g.1)He was that tired. 他是那么累2)You shouldnt eat that much. 你不应吃那么多6.In fact, things were going rather well for me and I had gotten engaged to a very nice girl, Jane Wilde.事实上,对我来说事情很顺利,我与一个非常漂亮的女孩简怀尔德订了婚。e

6、ngage vt. 使订婚;约定;雇用;使从事1)engage sb.to sb.使某人与某人订婚2)be engaged to sb.与某人订婚(表状态)3)get engaged to sb. 与某人订婚(表动作)4)be engaged in sth/doing sth. 忙于(做)某事e.g.1)My son is engaged to a nurse. 我儿子和一位护士订了婚。2)I was engaged in teaching. 我从事教学工作。3)He didnt marry the girl he was engaged to.他没与跟他订婚的那个女孩结婚。7.Instead

7、 of giving up, Hawking went on with his research, got his PhD and married the girl.Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamt of.霍金没有放弃,他继续从事研究,拿到了博士学位并娶了那位姑娘。他也没有让病魔阻止他过上他一直梦想的生活。Nor did he 是倒装句。表示否定意义的状语或表语位于句首时,句子应用倒装结构。e.g.1)Never shall I help my enemy.

8、我永不会帮助我的敌人2)Hardly had she reached the cinema when the film started.她一到电影院电影就开始了。3)Little did he care for money.他不太关心钱8.He told the students about his theories and thoughts on some of the greatest questions: What is time, how did the universe begin, and what exactly are black holes?他给学生们谈了他对一些最重大的问题

9、的理论与思想:时间是什么,宇宙如何起源,黑洞到底是什么?about和on都可表示“关于”,区别是:about表示关于较普通,不严肃,不正式的问题;on表示关于科学性、严肃性、研究性的问题。e.g.1)Have you read this book about Shakespeare?你读过这本关于莎士比亚的书吗?2)She is writing the book on Shakespeare.她正在写一本研究莎士比亚的书。3)There will be a speech on SARS tomorrow. 明天将有一个关于SARS的报告。9.Since then, Hawking has co

10、ntinued to seek answers to questions about the nature of the universe.从那时起,霍金继续寻求有关宇宙特性的问题答案。seek的用法1) +n.请求,征求,找2) + to do 寻找3) + for/after 企图,试图e.g.1)We should seek advice from our parents.我们应征求父母的意见。2)The girl is seeking to improve her oral English.这个女孩正在力图提高她的英语口语。3)They are seeking after the tr

11、uth.他们在寻求真理。10.Scientists, on the other hand, Hawking writes, know that their job is never finished and that even the best theory can turn out to be wrong.霍金写道,另一方面,科学家们知道他们的工作从来没有完成的时候,也知道甚至最好的理论都有可能证明是错误的。turn out+adj/adv/n/to be 结果是,证明是;原来是e.g.1)Everything turned out all right in the end.最后一切都很顺利

12、。2)It turned out to be a fine day. 结果,那天是好天气。3)What he said turned out to be true. 他所说的结果是对的。11.To explain what they have seen, they build a theory about how things happen and the causes and effects.为了解释他们看到的事情,他们建立起一套理论来说明事物是如何发生的,其因果是什么。To explain what 在句中作目的状语e.g.1)To attend the important meeting

13、 I got up early.为了参加这个重要会议,我起床很早。2)To support his family, he worked hard.为了养活一大家人,他努力工作。12.Finally,the scientists test the theory to see if it matches what they have seen and if it can predict future events.最后,科学家们对这一理论进行验证以确定它是否与他们所看到的事物相吻合,是否它能预测未来的事情。 match, suit和fit的区别:match指大小、颜色、形状、性质等方面的搭配;su

14、it指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位等;fit多指大小、形状合适。e.g. 1)This skirt fits you well.这件裙子很和你的身。 2)Does the time suit you ? 这个时间对你合适吗?3)This certain doesnt match the white wall.这个窗帘和白墙不相称。13.“The only trouble,”Hawking, who is British, says,“is that it gives me an American accent.” 身为英国人的霍金说,“惟一的麻烦就是它带给我一种美国口音。”that it

15、gives me 此处that引导表语从句,在从句中不做任何成分,一般不可省略e.g.1)The fact is that we are short of money.事实是我们缺少资金。2)The result is that we succeed.结果我们成功了。3)The reason is that you are too lazy.原因是你太懒了。14.If knowledge is power, as Sir Francis Bacon famously wrote in 1597,then perhaps creativity can be described as the ability to use that power.假如像弗朗西斯培根爵士在1597年写的名言那样,知识就是力量,那么创造力也许可以被称为使用那种力量的能力。as和which引导定语从句,修饰主句时的区别:1)which不能用于句首;而as可用于句首句中或句末。2)as表示“一致”关系;which多强调“因果”关系。e.g.1)As we all know, Taiwan



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