Unit 2 A Visit to the Zoo.docx

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《Unit 2 A Visit to the Zoo.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 A Visit to the Zoo.docx(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 A Visit to the ZooPart A教学目标语言知识目标1.学习单词:elephant,map,over there,hill等。2.学习句型:There is/are.3.学习韵律诗:Where Are They?5.功能:运用there be句型和描述位置。语言技能目标1.能用所学语言描述动物的大小、外观等特点。2.能运用there be句型和方位介词准确说出动物所处的位置。情感态度观看中国野生动物视频,激发爱动物的情感。教具准备1. 有关动物的图片和动物园地图。2. there is 和there are 屋顶贴图3. 新单词卡片。4. PPT和教学光盘。教学过

2、程Step 1 Warming up1. 师生互致问候。2. 由天气问答引入:Its sunny,and its nice to the zoo.3. 教师播放课本第13页的歌曲视频:To the Zoo,学生起立并拍手跟视频唱。(表扬学生)教师揭示课题并显示板书:Unit 2 A Visit to the Zoo Part A。Step 2 Review复习已学过的动物单词并教学新单词elephant。1. 教师提问:Did you go to the zoo? What animals can you see in the zoo?2. 根据学生的回答把动物的图片在PPT显示。3. 运用句

3、型there is . in the zoo, 全班描述动物图片。(表扬学生)4. 游戏-猜动物 根据描述:Its so tall and big.It has a long nose.5.猜出动物后,运用卡片学习单词elephant和elephants, 学习词组an elephant和a baby elephant。6.复习巩固所学的动物单词。游戏:Whats missing?游戏规则:给学生一点时间记忆PPT上显示的五个动物的名称,然后隐藏其中一张图片,请学生说出消失是哪张图片。隐藏两张或三张图片,加大游戏难度。(表扬学生)Step 3 Presentation(一)呈现课文情景并学习新

4、内容1.PPT显示阳光明媚的风景图,说:“Its sunny, So Sallys father took his children to the zoo. Kate wanted to see elephants.Where are the elephants?” “Please open your book , turn to page 9. Listen and line the answer.”2.教师播放课文录音,学生边听边看书,然后在书上画出答案:behind the hill。学生举手回答,教师显示答案,后用不同方式教学hill。(表扬学生)3.学习there be句型。(1)P

5、PT 显示出一群大象在小山后的图片,问:“Where are the elephants?”behind the hillThere are some elephants behind the hill.PPT 显示出一只大象在小山后的图片,问:“Where is the elephant?”behind the hillThere is an elephant behind the hill.(2)教师带领学生读一读这两个句子,并请学生说一说这两个句子的异同点。(3)教师告诉学生,there be句型表示的是 “某处有(存在)某人或某物”,其结构为There be+名词+地点状语(地点状语也

6、可以放在句首)。主语是单数名词或不可数名词时用there is,主语是名词的复数形式时用there are。(4)游戏-帮动物找家在黑板贴上有there is 和there are的屋顶图片,拿出有单复数的动物图片,根据学生回答把图片贴到词组下面,巩固there be句型的用法。4.教师再提出问题:“The elephants are behind the hill. How did they get the information? Please listen again and line the answer.”学生边听边在书上画出相关内容, 举手回答。(表扬学生)(1)显示答案There

7、 is a map over there.(2)教学词汇map,over there及句型There is a map over there.出示地图,引导学生说一说:a map of the zoo(3)学习词组over there。(4)学习句型There is a map over there.5.显示本课的第二幅图说:“This is a map of the zoo.Where are the elephants?”请学生读一读课本第二段的对话内容并通过动作或手势,复习巩固Go straight.Turn left.和Turn right.(1)显示路标复习词组(2)活动:看图指路教

8、师出示平面的城市的位置示意图,教师先选取一个位置,问:“How can I get there?学生举手回答。(表扬学生)(二)再读课文并学习描述动物大小、外观等句子1.教师出示课本的第三幅图说:“ Look,they were looking at the elephants.What did they say about the elephants?”2.学生听录音后,自读对话,然后请个别学生来说一说,教师在大象的图旁显示:so tall and big,在小象的图旁板书lovely。3.出示句子Let me take a photo of it,朗读词组take a photo of i

9、t。(三)熟读对话并进行角色扮演1.教师播放课文录音,学生模仿跟读。2.给学生几分钟时间读熟对话内容,不会读的可请教同学或老师。3.观看对话视频。4.请四位学生到讲台前,分角色进行对话活动。(表扬学生)(四)小练习PPT出示练习,根据图片填空。(五)情感教育观看中国野生动物视频,激发爱动物、爱祖国的情感。(六)巩固活动1.完成课本第10页的Look and say.部分。(1)教师在黑板上贴一个动物园大门,在大门旁贴一棵树,然后请学生根据录音,准备上台将有关动物的图片贴在黑板上,如:T:There is a baby elephant in the zoo.There are some lio

10、ns in the zoo.There are some bears under the tree.There are some tigers next to the lions.(2)教师用手指着黑板上的动物图,请学生看图说话,用there be句型说一说这些动物的位置。(表扬学生)(3)请学生看课本第10页的Look and say.部分,教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。2.完成课本第14页的Lets chant.部分。 Where are the elephants? Behind the hill. They are behind the hill. Where are the panda

11、s? Under the tree. Theyre under the tree.。教师播放录音,全班学生模仿说一说。Step 4 Extension请学生用there be句型说一说教室里有某物,如:There is/ are . in the classroom.(表扬学生)Step 5 Summary1. New words and expressions: elephant, map, hill, under, over there, next to 2.Sentences: There is/ areStep 6 Homework1.听课文录音,并模仿跟读。2.用there be句型写一写自己家客厅里有什么东西。



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