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1、2022年考博英语-中国地质大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 填空题13. We are having some(1) with the machine that we imported (2)Japan last year. It has(3) down twice already. Each time we have(4) to ask a technician to come to Beijing to(5) it. The good news is that our technicians have (6)completed their training in Tokyo. T

2、he next time we have a(7) , we wont need to send for a Japanese specialist.句意:我们去年从日本进口的这台机器正有些故障。它已经发生过两次故障了。 每次故障发生时,我们都不得不让日方派技术员来北京修理它。好消息是我们自己的 技术员己经结束了他们在东京的培训。下次该机器再有故障时,我们就不需要邀请日本专家了。【答案】1.trouble2.from3.broken4.had5.repair6.already7.breakdown【解析】1.固定搭配。Have trouble with 有故障。2.固定搭配。imported

3、from从进口。3.固定搭配。break down损坏,分解,发生故障,分词为broken down。4.固定搭配。Have to 不得不。have后加动词过去分词表完成时态,故这里应填had。5.语义题。修理用repair。6.语义题。Have already 已经。7.语义题。have a breakdown 损坏,出故障。2. 填空题The company that I work (1)has just (2)that it is opening new stores in the five (3)cities in India.【答案】1.for;2.announced;3.bigge

4、st【解析】1.固定搭配。that I work 为定语从句修饰先行词The company, 因此填介词for合适,work for为效力。2.语义题。第二空应填入一个谓语动词,而且由空前的has just推测应填谓语动词的过去分词,宾语是that引导的从句。故announced “宣布”合适。3.语义题。第三空应为形容词修饰cities,故填biggest。the five biggest cities in India印度最大的五个城市。3. 填空题I wish that John would write more ( ). I can never read his notes and

5、letters【答案】clearly【解析】语义题。句意: 我希望John写字更清楚些, 我看不懂他的笔记和信件。这里需要填一个副词,修饰wirte(写)。4. 单选题His schedule is jammed with meetings and other sorts of events; I very much doubt that he will have time to attend the annual drama festival on our campus.问题1选项A.jammed with meetingsB.very much doubtC.have time to at

6、tendD.on our campusE.没有问题【答案】E【解析】5. 单选题Comparing with other Asian countries, China suffers from the greatest gap between its development needs and its actual water resources.问题1选项A.Comparing with otherB.fromC.gap between itsD.its actual water resourcesE.没有问题【答案】A【解析】语法错误。考查非谓语动词。Comparing with othe

7、r改为Compared with other,当表示被动时,非谓语动词需用过去分词的形式。6. 单选题A large number of people from my hometown had moved to Qingdao in search of work,with the result that I already feel quite at home there.问题1选项A.had moved toB.in search of workC.with the result thatD.quite at homeE.没有问题【答案】A【解析】时态错误。had moved to 改为ha

8、ve moved to。“I already feel我已经感觉”是一般现在时态,因此,前一个表示原因的分句应该用现在完成时态。7. 填空题I (1)to speak Russian fluently, but thats not true now. In fact, I can no (2)carry on even a simple conversation in the language. I (3)be able to get back my former fluency if I stayed in Russia for a (4)months.句意: 过去我能很流利地讲俄语,但是现

9、在不能了。实际上,我现在甚至连简单的俄语对话都进行不了。如果能在俄国待几个月,我想自己应该可以再次流利地说俄语。【答案】1.used2.longer3.should4.few【解析】1.固定搭配。Used to 过去常常。2.固定搭配。No longer 再也不能。3.语法题。考查虚拟语气。这里用情态动词should。4.固定搭配。A few months 几个月。8. 填空题Mr Ames cant come to the phone. Hes talking to a client at the(1) .Could you call(2) (3)twenty minutes?【答案】1.m

10、oment2.back3.in【解析】1.固定搭配。At the moment 现在。2.固定搭配。Call back 回电话。3.语义题。此处表示二十分钟后。9. 填空题These days people get their news from many different(1) . Some people still read an old-style printed daily newspaper, while(2) read newspapers on(3). Many people no (4)read a newspaper at all, instead relying(5) t

11、he internet for short news articles, or visiting favorite websites that circulate pieces from other websites. Another group of people get most of their news from TV or radio broadcasts. Many Western intellectuals regard the decline of the greatdaily newspapers as a negative (6)that will lead to a (7

12、)understanding of world affairs. They are alarmed by the growing number of people who largely(8) the outside world, focusing on their own society or small personal sphere.句意:现在人们可以通过多种出处获取新闻。一些人仍然阅读老式的纸质日报,而另一 些人则在网上看报纸。许多人不再在网上看报纸,相反只是依赖网络去关注短消息, 或浏览自己喜欢的网站。还有一群人是通过电视或收音机获取大部分消息。许多西方 知识分子把伟大的日报的衰落视

13、为一种负面的现象,它将导致人们对世界事务了解的 匮乏。他们惊讶地发现,越来越多的人只会把注意力放在自我世界之中,关心自己的 事,而忽视外面的世界。【答案】1.sources2.others3.internet4.longer5.on6.phenomenon7.poor8.ignore【解析】1.逻辑衔接。由关键词“news新闻”知这里指代“从不同的出处或消息来源获取新闻”,故这里填sources “出处;消息来源”。2.固定搭配。some.others 些 ,另一些 。3.逻辑衔接。文中提到一些人读纸质报纸,那另一些人很自然就读网上的报纸。4.固定搭配。No longer.at all不再5.

14、固定搭配。rely on 依靠6.语义题。句意: 许多知识分子把伟大的日报的衰落视为一种负面的现象。7.语义题。句意: 阅读报纸的人数下降,人们对世界事务的了解变得匮乏。8.语义题。句意: 人们把注意力放在个人世界里,也就会无视外面的世界。10. 填空题A: Ive printed out the report but I dont have (1)to put it in. Do you (2)any chance have a clear plastic folder that I could (3)?B: How(4) this one? Its the kind that I always put reports in.A: Thanks! This will (5)very well.【答案】1.folder2.by3.use4.about5.be【解析】1.语义题。folder表示用来装报告的“文件夹”。2.固定搭配。by chance 碰巧,偶然。3.语义题。句意: 你有我能用的透明塑料文件夹吗?4.常用语。How about你认为怎么样。5.语法题。空格位于助动词will和形容词well之间,因此空格应填be动词be。11. 填空题Weve (1)in determining the nature of the soil pollution in this are



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