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1、大 学 英 语 作 文 题 型 分 析博思环球论文网讯:大学英语四、六级考试大纲规定,写作考试时间30分钟。要求考生写出一篇100120词的短文,写作的题型可分为如下几类:试卷上可能给出题目,或规定情景,或要求看图作文,或给出段首句要求续写,或给出关键词要求写出短文,要求能正确表达思想,意义连贯,无重大语法错误。写作内容包括日常生活和一般常识。”写作时间规定为30min,这30rain可做如下安排:17min,审题、构思;827min,组织词句和写作;2830min,修改、定稿。7min审题和构思是非常重要的。这里包括对题目的理解,确定主题思想,在心中或书面拟订一个提纲等。20min的写作时间


3、专业,影响考试结果的客观性,又可让学生在一定程度上重视日常英语。日常英语往往最能反映语言共性。此外,我们的学生也需要具备与外国人进行日常生活交流的能力。我们对于写作的要求就是要“意义连贯,无重大语法错误”,是让考生重视交流、重视表达,并适当地注意语法结构。所以,最值得我们注意的是命题方式。我们务必要熟悉这些命题方式,并根据这些方式作一定的练习,这样我们才能练出并且能更好地发挥我们的水平。根据大学英语四、六级考试大纲,写作题型可分以下几种类型: 第一节 段首句作文 所谓段首句作文,又称主题句作文。命题者一般在试卷上给出题目,同时给出每段的段首句,令考生根据每段第一句的思路写文章。这种作文,其段首

4、句多数表达该段的中心思想,即为主题句那么准确地理解段首句的含义就成了写好文章的 因为主题句概括了全段的主题思想,段落必须以该段首句为中心去写,即重点突出、紧扣主题。而要领会段首句的含义,其关键是反复推敲,找出句中的关键词。然后,按照段首句所限定的主题思想围绕着关键词这个核心去扩展、深化主题句的内容+而各段的中心思想都分别从不同角度、不同层面去展开全篇的主题思想。同时,各段落之间或保持平列的横向关系,或保持纵向的平属关系。但有些作文,尤其是记叙文,段首句不一定是主题句,而可能只是文章或段落的提示句或开场白。因而审这种题型的第一步是看段首句究竟是不是主题句。还有些作文题给出段首句及结尾句,有的则给

5、出了段首句及段首词,要求我们的考生根据所给作文题目、句子或词语续写文章。因为从题目和段首句上可以很容易地判断出文章的体裁和写作目的,所以它也是一种控制性作文。在写作时,要分清各段之间的逻辑关系,做好结构安排,避免各段在内容和语句上的重复。例1Dirctions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition abou Happiness in three paragraphs. You are given the first sentence of each paragraph are required to d

6、evelop the idea in completing the paragraph. Your part of the composition should be about 100 words, not including the words given. Remember to write clearly.Happiness What is happiness? Happiness is of great importance in everyones life. Happiness is related to health. 【范文】 HappinessWhat is happine

7、ss? To this question different people give different answers. Chil-dren usually think it happy to eat something delicious or play with interesting toys, whileparents consider it joyful to see their sons and daughters succeed. For a stamp collector, a rare stamp brings more delight than delicacies. F

8、or an inventor, a successful design more than anything else gives him greatest satisfaction. Although happiness varies fromperson to person in its meaning, it is the goal all people are pursuing.Happiness is of great importance in everyones life. This chief attracticharms people to work hard, making

9、 success still more successfui and helping the disap-pointed cheer up. It always promises hope by which some people go on living. Whenone has suffered a great deal and comes to the edge of despair, it is often happiness thathe imagines will come that gives him the courage and desire to struggle agai

10、n.Happiness is related to health. A happy mind often makes a strong body. A gooddoctor who knows it notices whether his patient is happy or not. If his patient is not hap-py he tries to make the patient in good mood. In this way he can cure the disease soon-er. On the other hand, unhappiness itself

11、is a kind of disease that hurts health and shortens life. It is well known that anxiety makes young people turn gray - haired and is appointment deprives the victim of ambition. Shakespeare said, One who is unhappy can never get a beneficial result. Lets remember his warning and keep a smile on ourf

12、ace. 例2Dirctions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition abou Pollution in three paragraphs. You are given the first sentence of each paragraph are required to develop the idea in completing the paragraph. Your part of the composition should be about 100 words, not including

13、 the words given. Remember to write clearly.Pollution is become more and more serious all over the world. People are showing a growing concern over the problem. Fortunately, measures have been taken to cope with the situation. 【范文】 PollutionPollution is becoming more and more serious all over the wo

14、rld.For example, the poisonous gas sent off by factories and automobiles has made the air unhealthy for people to breath. For another example, waste water keeps pouring into rivers and lakes; as a result, many water lives are dying out. Furthermore, everywhere we go today, we can find rubbish carele

15、ssly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.People are showing a growing concern over the problem.For example, there is an increasingly loud voice from the public calling for firm action against pollution. Scientists have warned that unless effective solutions are worked out, the problem of pollution


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