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1、人教版六年级英语上册期末测试卷1六年级英语题号一二三四五六七卷面分总分得分一、写出下列单词(10分)1. 生气的_ 2.令人惊奇的 _ 3.邮递员_4. 商人_ 5.飞行员_ 6. 俱乐部_ 7.大学_8. 科学家_ 9. 教练_ 10.每人_二、按要求完成下列各题(10分)1. mouse(复数)_ 2. sea(同音词)_3. happy(反义词)_ 4. work(名词)_5. study(单三形式)_ 6. chase(现在分词)_7. worried(动词形式)_ 8. wear(同音词)_9. country(复数)_ 10.good(反义词) _三、写出下列短语(10分)1. 数

2、到十_ 2. police officer_3. 看病_ 4. head teacher_ 5. 去工作_6. take a deep breath_7. 做字谜_ 8. pen pal_ 9.去远足_10.factory worker_四、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空(10分)1. Lets_(watch) TV together .2. I want _ (be) a scientist.3. My sister _ (live) in a big city.4. _(do) he _(go) to school by bus?5. I like _(play) the piano.6.

3、 We should _(study) hard and _(stay) healthy.7. Peter _(like) _(read) stories.五、单项选择(20分)( )1. I_have a Tv. A. am not B.dont C. doesnt( )2. My mother is a teacher;She _ English. A.teach B. like C. teaches( )3.Does he_ ? A. living in China B.lives in China C. live in China( )4.My father is a doctor;h

4、e works in a _ .A. bookstore B. post office C. hospital( )5. Does Bill live in Australia? Yes;he _Ais Bdoesnt Cdoes( )6. My father likes hiking with his friends.Agoes Bgo Cgoing( )7. .-Wheredoeshework? A.Hishobbyispainting.B.Heworksinagym.C.Heisaheadteacher. ( )8. ( )4. -What is Johns hobby?-_.A. I

5、like drawing. B. He likes drawing. C. He like drawing. ( )9. Marys uncle is _ doctor; her aunt is _ artist.A. a ; an; B. a; a C an; a( )10. Liming want football player. A. to B.to be C.be( )11.-Thank you . - AMe too BGoodbye CYou( )12.My father works in university.Aa Ban Cthe( )13.What your hobbies?

6、Aam Bare Cis( )14. He_ a very healthy life. A. has B. is C. have( )15. -How does he _ to work? -He _ to work by car. A. go;go B. goes; go C. go;goes( )16. _ do you go to school? A. What B.How C. Where( )17.- _ ? -I like listening to music. A.What are your hobbies? B.Whats you like? C. Whats Amys hob

7、by?( )18. _ he like playing football? A. Do B.Does C. is( )19. My mother is a_ . She _ the street every morning. A. cleaner;cleans B.clean;cleaner C. cleans; cleaner( )20. He is good_ sports A. in B. on C. at六、改错;找出错误的地方并改正(5分)( ) 1. She live in Beijing. _ A B C ( ) 2.Mike likes read books. _ A B C

8、( ) 3.I goes home at 6 oclock . _ A B C ( ) 4.Im write an email . _ A B C ( ) 5.Does he goes to work by bike ? _ A B C 七、找答语( 5分 )( )1. What does your mother do? A. Yes; she does.( )2. Whats your hobby? B. By car.( )3. Is your father a postman? C. I like listening to music.( )4. Does Amy like singin

9、g? D. She is a businesswoman.( )5. How does your father go home? E. No;he isnt.八、连词成句(请注意大小写和标点)(10分)1.work; your; does;where;uncle(?)_2. your; do; what ; does; mother(?)_3. likes; stories; Peter; reading (.)_4.uncle; goes; work; to; by; my;bike(.)_ 5. in; he ;live does;Sydney(?)_九、句型变换(10分)1.What a

10、re your hobbies? ( 根据实际情况回答)_2. My father is a businessman.( 对划线部分提问)_3. Sarah likes dancing.(变为一般疑问句)_4.Does LiMing like going hiking? (肯定回答)_5. He works at sea. (对划线部分提问)_十、阅读理解;判断正误(对的写T;错的写F. 10分)At school;I have a good friend . He is an English boy. His name is Tom. He is twelve.We are in the same class. His hobby is playing foot ; and that is my hobby;too. He goes to school by bus Toms sister is


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