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1、 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room【学习目标】掌握并灵活运用本课的重点词汇depend,develop,since,neighbor,ill,drop,independence,fairness;读懂“做家务活动”话题的议论类文章,练习使用“略读策略”。【学习重点与考点】读懂“做家务活动”话题的议论类文章,练习使用“略读策略”【课前自学指导】(一)汉译英使某人做某事_2.浪费时间_3.目的是;为了_4.取得好成绩_5.介意做某事_6.依赖;依靠_6.发展孩子的独立性_8.照顾_9.做某人分内的事_10.浏览_11.一段文章_12.中心思想_13.公

2、平理念_14.进入大学_(二)知识链接1.It is the parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.给孩子们在家里提供一个干净而舒适的环境是父母的事情。【观察】The store provides the children with free balloons.商店给孩子供应免费的气球。The school provided new uniforms for the band.学校为乐队提供新的制服=The school _ the band _ new uni

3、forms.【小结】为某人提供某物Provide something for somebody=_somebody_something宾馆为客人提供擦鞋的服务。The hotel_a shoe-cleaning service_guests.2.And anyway,I think doing chores is not so difficult.反正我觉得干点家务也不太难。?anyway adv.而且;加之;反正Its too expensive and anyway the color doesnt suit you.这个太贵,而且颜色也不适合你。_Im free now.Let me g

4、o with you.我左右闲着没事,就陪你走一趟吧。anyway adv.(转换话题、结束谈话或回到原话题时说)无论如何,反正I dont care what you say,Im going to do it anyway.我不管你说什么,不管怎样我将去完成它。Since someone has to go_,let me go.反正得去一个人,就让我去吧!3.Doingchoreshelpstodevelopchildrensindependenceandteachesthemhowtolookafterthemselves.做家务有助于培养孩子们的独立性并且教会他们怎样照顾自己。The

5、 doctor says that the child is developing normally.医生说这孩子发育正常。A developed country发达国家A developing country发展中国家In a short time,the town_into a city.在短时间内,这座镇发展成了城市。This helps kids_goods tudy_.这有助于孩子们养成良好的学习习惯。4.As a result,he often fell ill and his grades dropped.结果,他经常生病,成绩也下降了Be careful not to drop

6、 that plate.小心别把盘子摔了。I dropped my glasses and broke them.我不小心把眼镜掉下来摔碎了。The temperature dropped (to50degrees).温度下降了(到了50度)。She dropped her voice .她压低了声音。Be careful not_the chair on your foot.小心别让椅子落到你脚上。But why did Jacobs_that spring?但是为什么雅各布的成绩在那年春天下降了呢?The book_from my hand.书从我手里掉下去了。ill adj.有病;不舒服

7、Her father is seriously ill in Peoples Hospital.她父亲住在人民医院,病情很重。We both started to feel ill shortly after the meal.我们俩饭后不久就都开始感到不适。His grandfather fell_ and died soon after.他祖父病倒不久便去世了。ill和sick意义非常相似,但是用法略有不同。ill通常不用于名词前,如He fell ill shortly before Christmas(他圣诞节前不久突然病倒了。sick常用在名词之前,如sick children(生病

8、的孩子)。5.Children these days depend on their parents too much.如今的孩子过于依赖父母。depend on 依赖 ;依靠All living things depend on the sun for their growth.万物靠太阳生长。depend on 视乎;决定于Your grade will depends on your homework.你的成绩取决于你的家庭作业。I dont want to_too much on my parents.我不想过度依靠父母。6.The earlier kids learn to be i

9、ndependent,the better it is for their future.孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的将来就越好。【观察】The more exercise you take,the stronger you are.锻炼得越多,身体越强壮。The more I read the book,the more I liked it这本书我越看越喜欢。_you work,_grades you will get.你越努力,你取得的成绩就越好。The more you know,the more you know you dont know.你知道的越多,你会发现你不知道的也就越多。

10、【小结】the+比较级,the+比较级”意为“越越”,表示一方的程度随着另一方的变化而变化。【学习过程】(一)预习情况检查在组内讨论交流预习中遇到的困难或存在的问题。(老师点拨,师生互探讨)(二)合作探究:小组合作我最棒1、2b中的疑难问题小组交流解决。2、完成2c,2d,2e。(三)学习成果展示:1、读2b短文。看谁读得又准确又有语感。2、小组互展:选出2d写的最好的。(四)总结:我们今天学习了_(五)课堂检测单项选择()1.Its dangerous for children_the dog.A.play B.to play C.play with D.to play with()2.Mo

11、m,could I go shopping with you?Yes,you_.But you must finish your homework first.A.could B.can C.cant D.couldnt()3.Could I_your bike?Sorry,I_it to Jim yesterday.A.borrow;lent B.lend;borrowedC.lend;lent D.borrow;borrowed()4.Could I please_your watch?Sorry.It doesnt work.A.use B.to use C.using D.used()

12、5.Could you please take out the trash?_A.No ta tall B.Youre welcome C.No way D .No problem()6.He didnt finish_the room.A.clean B.cleaned C .cleaning D.cleans()7.“Dont make a noise,”he said to me_.A.angrily B.happily C.easily D.sad()8.His father want shim_in Beijing.A.to work B.works C.work D.working()9.Students have_homework to do everyday.A.so many B.such many C .so much D.much so()10.I never go to school late,_.A.so does Tom B.neither does TomC.neither Tom does D.so Tom does【课后作业】预习并总结第二单元的重点短语及句型;完成节节练。



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