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1、笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I选择填空(Multiple-choice test)(共20小题,计20分) A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1The three brothers _ at looking after their sick mother Atook turns Bcleared up Ccared for Dcame off 2Those black clouds are a sure _ of rain Abite Bchance Cview Dsign 3Let me help you carry the big parcel No,I

2、 can manage,but _ Anot at all Bthe same to you Cit doesnt matter Dthank you just the same 4_ of the composition _ corrected ATwo third;has been BTwo thirds;has been CTwo thirds;have been DTwo third;have been 5Can I smoke? _ all these offices are non-smoking ones AI wonder BI suggest CI hope DIm afra

3、id 6Mr Coxs daughter said _ eraser I had bought was _ help to her Athe;Ban;a Cthe;a Dthe;the 7Being a baby,_ Aand he had to support his family Bhis mind works fast Ches better taken care of Dso he is easy to hide 8The _ look on her face suggested that she _ that Asurprising;hadnt expected Bsurprised

4、;hadnt expected Csurprising;would expect Dsurprised;shouldnt expect 9I really dont know _ that I had my money stolen Awhere it was Bwhere was Cit was where Dwas it where 10The scientist came to the conclusion _ the heavy objects always fell faster than the light ones Awhich Band Cwhile Dthat 11Bob c

5、ame _ Adrunk home last night Bhome drunk last night Clast night home drunk Dhome last night drunk 12The boy student is _ cleverer than anyone else in the class Amuch Bquite Ca lot of Dvery much 13My friend,Tom,told me a story which _ sound very moving Acould Bwould Cdid Dhad 14My boss complained abo

6、ut the mistakes his employees made,but I knocked him off his perch yesterday by showing him one of his own The underlined phrase means“_ ” Aasked him to walk out of his office Bmade him realize he was not as clever as he thought he was Cknocked him down in return Dtaught the employees a lesson for t

7、he boss 15Although the Turners put up quite a front,they really are not very well-off The underlined phrase means“_ ” Amade an impressive appearance Bbought a big house Cwere in good health Dran a huge market B)下列5题中的句子可以组成一篇小短文,请从所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 16Centuries ago,people didnt have much free t

8、ime ,_ everybody was working too hard Alike Bbecause Cso Dtherefore 17In Britain in the nineteenth century,people had more spare time ,but because the Victorians hated relaxing and _ nothing,they invented football,rugby and cricket Adoing Bdid CDeven 18People took up more gentle _ too,like gardening

9、 and bird-watching,and it was even possible simply to watch a sport and give the impression that you were actually doing something Ahabits Blikings Cactivities Dmoments 19_ ,leisure activities have become less and less demanding ,and most people have a variety of more or less energetic interests and

10、 hobbies AStrictly BComparatively CGenerally DGradually 20But now there is a new type of person who thinks that lying on the sofa watching television on Sunday afternoon or reading the newspaper _ cover to cover is the most exciting activity they can manageThis is the twentieth century couch potatoF

11、or them,every activity is too much trouble,and laziness is an art form!So how do you spend your free time? Ainto Bfor Cfrom Dbetween II阅读理解(Reading comprehension) (共30小题,计30分) (A) Sandeep Mukerji was on his first visit to Thailand but would leave the“Land of Smiles”with a frown(皱眉头)and an empty pock

12、et A stones throw from the Grand Palace in Bangkok(曼谷),the 26-year-old Canadian ran into a monk in a robe(穿长袍的和尚)The monk told him that the attraction he was hoping to visit had been closed The monk then introduced Mukerji to a jewellery store insteadOn the way there, three different people told him

13、 that it was the last day of a once-a-year,tax-free jewellery promotion to encourage tourism They said that tourists could make a lot ofmoney by buying gems(宝石)in Thailand and selling them once at home Two hours later,Mukerji had spent US1,250 on a set of almost worthless jewellery “The whole proces

14、s took me by surpriseThey take advantage of your greed(贪心),”he said In fact,Mukerji is just one of a huge number of tourists who are cheated by the promise of making a fortuneThe scam(诡计)brings Thailand more than US10 million each year Although tourist police stations have displayed posters(海报)to wa

15、rn of the scam,many fresh-faced tourists stillfallprey to the trick The police say they receive 5 to 10 complaints a dayMany more may notrealize they have been cheated until they go back home Thai authorities say that the jewellery scam is harmful to Thailands image(形象), but getting rid of the cheats is hard Sanit Miphan,head of the police,said the scam has been running for about 15


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