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1、毕业论文电除尘器高频电源采集系统的设计Design of High Frequency Power Supply Acquisition System for Electrostatic Precipitator 目 录摘要IABSTRACTII第一章 绪论11.1选题背景及研究意义11.2相关技术国内外发展现状21.3本文的研究内容3第二章 系统设计结构52.1系统设计原则52.2系统采集方式的研究52.3系统总体结构72.4本章小结8第三章 电除尘器高频电源介绍93.1电除尘器高频电源工作原理93.2控制电路功能的分配设计113.2.1 DSP+FPGA控制平台113.2.2 驱动保护单元

2、123.2.3高压采样电路123.2.4 数字信号调理电路123.2.5 模拟信号采集电路133.3数据采集分析133.3.1 采样数据研究133.4 本章小结18第四章 系统硬件设计194.1采集控制单元194.1.1 FPGA的配置电路204.2 典型电路设计214.2.1基于AD7356的模数转换电路214.2.2模拟信号隔离244.2.3 RC滤波电路274.3高频电源模拟信号采集电路设计294.3.1母线电压采集电路294.3.2相电流采集电路304.3.3一次电流采集电路324.3.4二次电压采集电路334.3.5二次电流调理电路344.4温度采集电路354.4.1温度采集元件PT

3、100354.4.2 模数转换芯片AD7711364.4.3温度采集电路设计374.5模拟信号采集电路仿真及实验结果分析394.6高频电源数字信号采集电路设计414.6.1低频数字信号采集电路设计424.6.2高频数字信号采集电路设计434.7本章小结44第五章 系统软件采集实现455.1 高速采集模块465.2 温度采集模块475.3数字量采集模块495.3.1开关状态数字量495.3.2高速故障反馈数字信号515.4数据缓存515.4.1缓存方式的确定515.4.2双口RAM的存储模块实现545.5 DSP与FPGA通信方式研究555.6本章小结56第六章 基于FPGA数字滤波器研究576

4、.1 FIR数字滤波器576.1.1 FIR滤波器的基本结构576.2基于分布式算法的FIR滤波器586.2.1分布式算法研究586.2.2串行滤波器606.2.3并行滤波器606.2.4改进型串行滤波器616.3 FIR滤波器的设计616.3.1系数的生成626.3.2 FIR滤波器实现636.4本章小结66第七章 总结和期望67参考文献69附录72致谢74作者简介75i摘 要随着科技的日益更新,现在的产品对信息的实时性、系统的可扩展性、电路的集成度等要求也越来越高。在数据采集方面,传统的AD采样方法单片机、DSP等因为端口资源的有限和其顺序执行的工作模式已经不能够满足人们的要求。而FPGA


6、使用的数据采集芯片进行了详细的时序分析,在FPGA中实现了软件采集编程和时序仿真,并对数据缓存和数据传输做了详细的分析、探讨。第三,为提升DSP和系统效率,在模拟信号的数字化完成后,对在FPGA中实现基于DA算法的FIR滤波器做了进一步研究,并给出了详细的实现步骤和结果。伴随着物联网技术和信息技术的发展,FPGA由于其不可替代的优势,也越来越广泛的被应用到各领域。本文设计的基于FPGA的采集系统,不仅在实时性方面有进一步的提升,而且系统的可扩展性非常强,有利于设备的进一步升级。关键词:FPGA,模数转换器,FIR滤波器,分布式算法,抗干扰AbstractWith the increasingl

7、y updated technology, the requirements for products on real-time of information, extendibility of system and the integration of the circuit are higher and higher. In the aspect of data acquisition, as the implementation of port resources are limited and its sequence of work mode ,the traditional AD

8、sampling method - SCM, DSP have could not met peoples requirements. While FPGA has fast speed, good compatibility and strong real-time, it is increasingly used for data collection and simple calculation.The overall structure of the design is based on the control platform of DSP and FPGA. This design

9、 makes full use of the flexibility of FPGA and parallel characteristic, matchs with specific ADs and serial memory chips, multi-channel acquisition analog、digital signals, and the performance of the system is also improved.First, this paper makes a detailed introduction to the high frequency power s

10、upply for ESP and the principle of work, and datas collected in the high frequency power supply are analyzed and studied in details, including the requirements of acquisition and characteristics of the signal.Second, according to the design object, conditioning circuits of each path of signals is de

11、signed, and the circuit design principle and function are also analyzed in details, and the experimental waveform simulation waveform and the final physical design are presented at last After the design of hardware is finished, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the timing of data acquisition c

12、hip used in hardware circuit, implemented in FPGA software acquisition program and timing simulation, especially the data cache and data transmission are analyzed and discussed.Third, to enhance the efficiency of DSP and the system, after analog signals chanage to digital signals, a research of an i

13、mplementation of FIR filter based on DA algorithm in FPGA is presented, and the implementation steps and detailed results is given.With the development of network and information technology, since its irreplaceable advantages, FPGA is more and more widely applied to various fields. The acquisition s

14、ystem based on FPGA designed in this paper, not only has the further promotion in real-time, and the system scalability is very strong; It is conducive to upgrade equipment.Key Words: FPGA,AD,FIR filter,Distributed Arithmetic,Anti-interferencI第六章 基于FPGA数字滤波器研究第一章 绪论1.1选题背景及研究意义随着国民经济的发展和社会的进步,在牺牲环境而

15、发展经济的影响下,中国的环境保护变的越来越迫切,而粉尘污染更是一个非常严重的环境污染问题,特别是2013年北京等地的严重雾霾现象,更是把环境保护提到了一个新的高度。人们越来越关注对环境的保护。我国是一个燃煤大国,在我国的发电主要还是以火力发电为主,在2011年,全国火电电量为38137亿千瓦时,占全部发电量的82.54%。而不仅是火电厂,煤炭加工、采矿、电力、冶金、炼油、化工、造纸等工业都是粉尘污染的排放源。为减少这些工业粉尘的排放,保护环境,采用各种除尘装置是一种最为有效的手段。但是,这十多年来我国环保形势已发生了巨大的变化,作为大气污染治理的主战场火力发电厂装机容量至少增加了三倍,单机机组更由300、600发展到1000MW或更高;粉尘排放浓度则由200mg/m3降到50m g/m3;而电站脱硫技术迅速发展,特别是干法脱硫后需要处理的粉尘浓度则高达800mg/m32000mg/m3;这就要求除尘器的除尘效率达到在99.99%以上,这些都给电除尘器及其供电电源等提出了新的课题。根据工作原理的不同,可将除尘器分为以下几种:洗涤除尘、机械除



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