教育教学案例将环境教育渗透到课堂时间中3B M1U1.doc

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1、3B M1U1 教学案例学 科:英语课 题:Seeing and hearing所用教材:上海牛津英语3B Module1 Unit1授课年级:三年级执教教师:Toni Tan授课时数:2课时教学目标:一、知识与技能: 1.学习感官动词词汇:see, hear; 学习交通工具类词汇:aeroplane, bus, ship, car;2.学习和掌握句型:I can see/hear with my _. What can you see/hear? 3.了解如何使用我们的五官感受周围的事物,并能用英文表达自己的感觉二、过程与方法:1. 通过课堂体验,如:看、摸、听、尝、闻周围的事物来初步了解五

2、官以及五官的作用,并学习相关词汇和句型;2. 通过儿歌、游戏、角色扮演、小组对话等方式,来熟练运用相关词汇与句型3. 通过开展收集、制作和准备想过学习资料、材料的活动, 初步体验信息技术手段在科学中的应用三、情感态度与价值观:1. 从了解五官、了解自身的角度感悟热爱生活、珍爱生命的重要意义;2. 通过小组合作交流体验来养成自主学习和合作学习的精神单元分析:Seeing and hearing在二年级时,学生已经有所了解,本专题在此基础上提出了更高的要求,要求学生能够用句型What (else) can you see/hear? I can see/hear来作问答对话,本专题计划两个课时,第

3、一课时是整合主题学习的准备阶段,先复习以往所学的感觉词汇、交通工具单词以及句型,然后通过小组问答、儿歌、游戏的形式学习新词汇与句型。第二课时重点巩固新学词汇与句型,并通过游戏、问答等形式来了解如何使用我们的听觉和视觉来更好的感受周围的事物,并能在实际生活中用简单的英语进行交际。环境教育、学生主体可持续发展教育渗透点:本单元引导学生用自己的感官来体验身边事物,让学生从任务出发,在实践和体验中去学习新词汇与新句型,以及充分利用视觉和听觉来感受事物;让学生从了解五官、了解自身的角度感悟热爱生活、珍爱生命的重要意义;教学过程:第一课时:Pre-task preparation1. Warming-up

4、: Ask pupils to sing a song创设英语学习氛围,检查学生对已学相关知识的掌握程度,使其集中注意力,并为新授作铺垫。2. Introduction: Hold up a puppet and introduce it.3. Ask and answer: Ask pupils: What do you see? What color is the prppets hair? Is his nose big? How many eyes do you see?While-task procedure1. Introduction: (1)Introduce the new

5、words “hair, ears, mouth, nose” the the pupils. (2)Ask pupils to read them.2. Ask and answer: (1)Show a mirror and as pupils to look in the mirror and say what they can see.(2)Give the mirror to pupils and ask what he/she can see in the mirror.(3)Ask pupils to ask and answer in pairs.(4)Show a pictu

6、re of the street, and ask pupils: What (else) can you see/ hear? (5)Learn the new words: aeroplane, bus, ship, car借助事物、图片等,一边看边听的形式引入本节课的新单词及新句型。使新课的导入显得直观、自然,并容易吸引学生。3. Practice: Show realia to pupils and ask them to practice: What (else) can you see/ hear? I can see/hear让学生根据教室的实物,初步尝试使用新学的举行进行表达。

7、4. Activity: Ask pupils to walk around the classroom and talk about what they can see/ hear.为学生提供自主学习的空间,使学生根据自己的选择,通过合作的方式,用所学的语言进行口头表达。Post-task activity1. A game: Stick pictures on pupils backs and ask pupils to play the game in groups of four. They should find what the picture on their partners

8、back is. The pupil who sees the picuture first is the winner.通过学生喜闻乐见得游戏以及儿歌进行巩固性操练,既调节了课堂气氛,有使语言的学习充满了乐趣,便于加深学生对所学知识的记忆。2. A poem: Ask pupils to read after the teacher.3. Practice: Workbook 3B Page 2.Assignment: Tell your friends what can you hear/ see in the park/zoo/classroom/school then fill in

9、the blanks.第二课时:Pre-task preparation1.Warming-up: Ask pupils to sing a song用歌曲来创造快乐的课堂气氛。Ask and answer: Ask pupils:What can you see? What colour is it? Draw the mind map with the words of the classroom.通过让学生说说教室里看到的事物,并结合教师的板书Ask and answer: Ask pupils: What do you see? What color is the prppets ha

10、ir? Is his nose big? How many eyes do you see?While-task procedure5. Introduction: (1)Introduce the new words “hair, ears, mouth, nose” the the pupils. (2)Ask pupils to read them.6. Ask and answer: (1)Show a mirror and as pupils to look in the mirror and say what they can see.(2)Give the mirror to p

11、upils and ask what he/she can see in the mirror.(3)Ask pupils to ask and answer in pairs.(4)Show a picture of the street, and ask pupils: What (else) can you see/ hear? (5)Learn the new words: aeroplane, bus, ship, car借助事物、图片等,一边看边听的形式引入本节课的新单词及新句型。使新课的导入显得直观、自然,并容易吸引学生。7. Practice: Show realia to p

12、upils and ask them to practice: What (else) can you see/ hear? I can see/hear让学生根据教室的实物,初步尝试使用新学的举行进行表达。8. Activity: Ask pupils to walk around the classroom and talk about what they can see/ hear.为学生提供自主学习的空间,使学生根据自己的选择,通过合作的方式,用所学的语言进行口头表达。Post-task activity4. A game: Stick pictures on pupils backs

13、 and ask pupils to play the game in groups of four. They should find what the picture on their partners back is. The pupil who sees the picuture first is the winner.通过学生喜闻乐见得游戏以及儿歌进行巩固性操练,既调节了课堂气氛,有使语言的学习充满了乐趣,便于加深学生对所学知识的记忆。5. A poem: Ask pupils to read after the teacher.6. Practice: Workbook 3B Pa

14、ge 2.Assignment: Tell your friends what can you hear/ see in the park/zoo/classroom/school then fill in the blanks.教学反思:本课的主题谈论的是我们周围能看到的事物,所以本课的教学就采取用身边的实物。无论在教人体器官单词,还是操练句型What can (else) can you hear/see? I can hear/see时,教师都可以轻松地利用自身的身体器官以及身边的事物,让学生来进行谈论和实践体验。例如,本课中的儿歌环节所安排的情境也不乏此意,旨在让学生通过镜子中所看到的真是情境来说一说,是课堂气氛充满了生活气息。使得语言的交流更具有现实的交流意义。在今后的教学工作中,教师也应当注重情境创设与实际相结合。同时,在让学生用自己五官体验周围事物的同时,教师应当引导学生正确的使用五官,更好的用五官来感受自然界的美好,亲近自然,并从另一角度思考生活的美、生命的珍贵,让学生养成热爱生活、热爱生命、热爱自然的美好情操。



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