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1、Janes lucky life教材分析1、教材简析本单元的主要话题是谈论健康,此课为本单元的第五节课,主要讲述一位名字叫做Jane 的残疾人对待生活的态度,是一篇阅读课文,通过阅读,使学生明白谁是真正的残疾人。2、教学目标知识目标:be unable to do something (be not able to do something), get married / be married , enjoy doing, dare to do, watch sb. do/ doing, play the piano能力目标:发展学生的听、说、识记及阅读能力,培养学生语言综合运用能力。情感、态

2、度和价值观:通过本节课的学习,使学生对生活充满积极向上的态度,培养学生要用健康的心理对待生活和学习,使学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维,大胆表述,提高语言的实际运用能力。3、重点和难点(1)重点:学生在学习课文之后,能够流利地复述课文并能用英语熟练表达自己对人生的态度。难点:口语表达原因是学生词汇量有限,口语表达能力欠缺,设置为小作文的形式让学生自由表达,以降低难度。4、 教学辅助工具:录音机,图片。二、学情分析枯燥的话题很难提高学生的学习兴趣。在这节课,通过一个有趣的假想的话题假如你是一位残疾人,你会怎么做,来激起学生的兴趣,让学生主动谈自己的想法和看法,学有所得。三、教学方法本课采用任务型

3、阅读教学法,用If you are a disabled person, what do you do ?这个问句,引出谈论假想情况的话题。 采用提问、启发、讨论和归纳的教法,让学生易于接受教材内容,理解阅读内容,培养学生的语言运用能力。四、教学过程设计Step 1. Greet the whole class as usual.Step 2. Warming-up questions:Free talk:T: When you have a problem, what do you do first?Today lets know about some some special people

4、 ,please look at the pictures.The student look at the pictures of “qianshouguanyin”.T: Do you think their dance is wonderful?S: Yes.T: Do you know about the dancers?S: Yes, I do.T: Can you say something about them?Ask some students to answer.Then teacher shows the pictures of Helen Keller and Hawkin

5、g, say something about them , then lead out the discussing questions:What is your attitude towards life?Suppose: If you dont have arms or legs, what do you do? If you cant hear anything , what do you do? If you cant see anything, what do you do?(此环节让学生感受作为残疾人的痛苦和不便,引出本课的中心话题)Step 3.Listening1. Play

6、the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. And try to answer the following questions: When did Jane become ill? Has Jane gotten married? Step 4. Reading1. Skim reading: True or False Jane become disabled when she was forty. Jane controls her wheelchair with her mou

7、th. Jane has three children.2. Read and find out the important language points. (work in groups)3. Language points. be unable to do sth. (be not able to do sth)be able to do sth.enjoy doing encourage somebody to do sth.dare to do4. Intensive reading: What is Jane unable to do? How does Jane writer l

8、etters What does she like to watch her son play? Does she live a happy life? Why or why not? Who is really disabled?Step 5 Retell the text.Step6 Conclusion: What have you learned from Jane?Step7 Discuss in groupsWhich of these things do you think is the most important: money , family, jobs, health,

9、good looks or friends? Why? Talk about your choice with your partner. Try using this expression: I think that_is the most important because_.Step8. Talk show: What is your attitude towards life?Step8. Homework:Write a short passage about your attitude towards life.You must use the following expressi

10、ons:1. I think _ is the most important in my life because_.2. full of3. focus on五、 板书设计Lesson 30 Janes Lucky LifeLanguage points:She is unable to do many things.lbe unable to do sth. (be not able to do sth)be able to do sth.dare to doenjoy doing sth /finish, dislike, hate, feel like doingencourage somebody to do sth.六、教学反思1用假设的条件句引导学生循序渐进,顺利进入阅读课文。2学生对阅读课的理解能力有所提高,表现在能迅速找到文章的中心句和课后反思的问题。3学生讨论后,做口头报告时,表达不够顺利,原因是学生词汇量有限,口语表达能力欠缺。4阅读与思考的时间较多,使得口语练习的机会相对较少。



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