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1、2022-2023高三上英语期末模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1I have been decorating the apartment recently, so can you lend me some money?Sorry, all my money has gone to the s

2、tock market. _.AId rather not.BI am in the black.CI wouldnt bet on it.DI am a little shy.2During each NBA season, basketball fans cheer on their favorite teams to make _ through.Ait BthemCthat Dthose3The differences the childrens achievements can not be completely explained _ their social background

3、s.Ain front ofBin case ofCin need ofDin charge of4The general secretary stressed that what he had just said was only his _view, not official intentions.AprivateBseparateCpersonalDsingle5Jane cant attend the meeting at 3 oclock this afternoon because she _ a class at that time.Awill teachBwould teach

4、Chas taughtDwill be teaching6-Jenny is becoming slimmer and slimmer.- It is said that she hired a fitness instructor last year and _ since.Ais working outBworked outChas been working outDhad worked out7When you are dressed in the latest style, dancing to the most fashionable music after watching the

5、 latest film, you feel great,_?Aarent you Bdont you Cdo you Dare you8_ flag-raising ceremony was held at the Golden Bauhinia Square on July 1 to celebrate _ 17th anniversary of Hong Kongs return to China.AA; /BA; theCThe; theD/; the9Jane went to her teacher just now. She _ about the solution to the

6、problem.Awondered Bwas wondering Chad wondered Dwould wonder10Amazingly, Ive managed to start my own shop online!_ I told you it was easy.AThere you are!BBelieve it or not.CHow come?DYou got me there!11. Im really angry at my naughty son. He never listens to me and often is against me. _, Ellen. Thi

7、ngs will go out.AIt doesnt matter BTake your timeCDont mention it DTake it easy12I know he feels upset about his failure, and I can _ that.Arelate toBlive withCanswer forDpull through13What an unforgettable experience! Ill write it down_it is still fresh in my memory.AsinceBwhileCafterDuntil14Her do

8、ctor indicated that even adding a(n) _ amount of daily exercise would dramatically improve her health.AmodestBequalCexactDconsiderable15He let me write down his instructions sure that I would know what was after he went away.Amaking; doing Bmaking; to doCto make; to do Dto make; to be done16Accordin

9、g to a recent study, the high school graduation rate for black men has fallen by 43 percent, while _ of black women has risen by 56 percent.AthatBwhatConeDwhich17When I got to his house, I found that the walls _ .Aare being painted Bare paintingCwere being painted Dwere painting18Father made a promi

10、se_ I did well in the entrance exam, he would take me to Hong Kong in the summer vacation.Aif thatBifCthat ifDthat19The first decade in the 21st century _ the rapid rise of China as a world economic power.AwitnessBhas witnessedCwill witnessDhave witnessed20Last summer we saw a very good film, _ was

11、about the Anti-Japanese war.A which B when C that D where第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) As the international demand for narrative(叙事的) film/TV content continues to increase with popular streaming services like Netflix and others the two questions then come: will the coming g

12、enerations receive most of their entertainment through visual means rather than through the written word and will such an increase of narrative film/ TV reduce the importance of reading?Growing examples of this trend include the diminishment(减少) of fiction in the common core (核心的)curriculum, the eve

13、rrising culture of computer games, the wave of streaming services of wide international reach, and movies filled with special effects made for children and teenagers. Nor must we ignore the economic dangers that lie ahead for the written word. The narrative film industry is a moneymaker that dwarfs(

14、使相形见绌) the publishing industry.The other underlying question, of course, is “does it really matter if the written word bows to the world of film/TV?” From my point of view, any diminishment of fiction delivered by words is a loss for mankind.There is no greater human feature than the imagination. It lies at the very soul of the human species. It is the brains most powerful engine. It is the essential muscle of life and like all muscles it must be exercised and strengthened.Writing and reading are the principal tools that inspire, create and empower our imagination. Anything that


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