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1、摘 要在全球范围内,煤炭资源要比石油资源丰富很多。因此,煤化工的发展必将成为石油化工的重要补充和替代领域。萘是最基本的稠环芳烃,是重要的有机化工原料。182023从煤焦油中发现萘,182023从煤焦油中分离出纯萘。直到现在,煤焦油仍然是萘化合物的重要来源。萘在煤焦油中的含量为815,它的含量与炼焦温度及热解产物在炭化室顶部空间的停留时间有关。生产工业萘的方法很多,有单炉单塔、单炉双塔、双炉双塔、四炉四塔、Brodie连续结晶法及间歇蒸馏工艺。考虑到本设计年解决煤焦油为30万吨,因此本设计采用的是双炉双塔连续精馏工艺流程,所选原料馏分为已洗两混馏分。在设计过程中对工艺系统所使用的主体设备初馏塔、

2、圆筒立管式管式炉、原料与工业萘换热器及工业萘汽化冷凝冷却器进行选型,同时进行校核计算。关键词 萘 煤焦油 初馏塔 圆筒立管式管式炉 原料与工业萘换热器 AbstractCoal resources than the rich oil resources in the world. Therefore, the development of coal chemical industry will certainly become an important complementary and alternative areas of the petrochemical industry.Napht

3、halene is the most basic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, but also an important organic chemical raw materials. Naphthalene from coal tar in 1821, 1821 isolated pure naphthalene from coal tar. Until now, the coal tar is still the main source of naphthalene compounds. Naphthalene in coal tar content

4、 of 8% to 15% of its content and coking temperature and pyrolysis products related to space in the top of the coking chamber residence time.Production of industrial naphthalene, a single tower with a single furnace, a single furnace Twin Towers, Twin Towers double oven, four furnaces and four towers

5、, Brodie, continuous crystallization and batch distillation process. This design taking into account the processing of coal tar to 30 million tons, this design uses a dual furnace continuous distillation towers process fraction of raw materials to wash the two mixed fractions. Distillation column in

6、 the design process - the beginning of the main equipment used in process systems, cylindrical riser tube furnace, raw materials and industrial naphthalene, heat exchangers and industrial naphthalene vaporized condensate cooler selection, while checking calculation .Key words naphthalene Coal tar Pr

7、imary tower Cylinder stand tube tube furnace Raw materials and industrial naphthalene heat exchanger目 录摘 要IAbstractII第1章 概述11.1 本设计的目的和意义11.2 产品质量指标、市场需求、价位21.2.1 产品质量指标21.2.2 市场需求、价位31.3 产品组成、产率及物性参数3第2章 工艺论证42.1 国内外工艺论证52.1.1 双炉双塔工业萘连续精馏流程52.1.2 四炉四塔连续蒸馏流程72.1.3 间歇蒸馏工艺92.1.4 Brodie连续结晶法102.2 重要设备1

8、12.2.1 塔的选型112.2.2 工业萘汽化冷凝冷却器122.2.3 工业萘转鼓结晶机132.2.4 管式加热炉132.2.5 酚油冷凝冷却器142.3 本章小节14第3章 工艺详述153.1 工艺流程的选择153.2 本设计工艺参数列表183.3 双炉双塔工艺的操作制度183.4 工艺存在问题及解决方法19第4章 工艺计算204.1 初馏塔的物料衡算204.1.1 原料解决量204.1.2 原料组成及各组分的含量204.1.3 初馏塔物料衡算214.2 初馏塔操作条件的拟定234.2.1 初馏塔的进料状态234.2.2 初馏塔的加热方式234.2.3 初馏塔操作压力234.2.4 初馏塔

9、操作温度的拟定244.3 初馏塔所需要的理论板的层数及回流比284.3.1 最小理论塔板数284.3.2 最小回流比294.3.3 实际塔板数294.3.4 加料板位置的拟定304.4 初馏塔的热平衡计算314.4.1 输入热量314.4.2 输出热量324.5 初馏塔浮阀塔主体工艺的计算334.5.1 精馏段、提馏段工艺条件的计算334.5.2 塔板工艺尺寸的计算354.5.3 塔板流体学验算414.5.4 塔板负荷性能图444.5.5 浮阀塔工艺设计计算结果52第5章 其他设备选型及计算545.1 管式炉的计算数据545.1.1 初馏塔管式炉的计算数据545.1.2 精馏塔管式炉的计算数据

10、565.2 原料换热器585.2.1 计算条件585.2.2 热量衡算585.2.3 换热面积595.3 工业萘汽化冷凝冷却器605.4 设备一览表61第6章 非工艺部分636.1 设计条件的拟定636.1.1 自然环境636.1.2 气象等条件636.2 平面布置原则646.2.1 布置原则646.2.2 厂区布置656.3 公用工程666.3.1 蒸气666.3.2 供电666.3.3 供水666.3.4 煤气676.3.5 排水排废676.4 人员定位676.5 安全环保、消防及绿化68第7章 经济效益评估697.1 经济概算697.1.1 征地费697.1.2 建筑费697.1.3 设

11、备费697.2 成本核算717.3 经济效益评估72结束语73致 谢74参考文献75ContentsSummaryIAbstractIIChapter 1 Overview11.1 The purpose and significance of this design11.2 Product quality indicators, demand, price21.3 Products. Yield physical parameters3Chapter 2 Technology argumentation42.1 Domestic and international technology de

12、monstration52.2 Major equipment112.3 This chapter summarizes14Chapter 3 Processes detailed in153.1 Technological Process153.2 List of process parameters183.3 Operating system183.4 Processes problems and solutions19Chapter 4 Process calculation204.1 The beginning of distillation tower material balanc

13、e204.2 Operating conditions of the primary tower234.3 The of theoretical plates of storeys and the reflux ratio284.4 Thermal balance calculation314.5 The calculation of the valve tower theme process33Chapter 5 Equipment selection and calculation545.1 Calculations of the tube furnace545.2 Raw materia

14、l heat exchanger585.3 Industrial naphthalene vaporized condensate cooler605.4 Equipment list61Chapter 6 Non-processes part636.1 The design conditions636.2 Layout principles646.3 The public works666.4 Personnel positioning676.5 Safety and environmental protection, fire and green68Chapter 7 Economic e

15、valuation697.1 The economic estimates697.2 Costing717.3 Economic evaluation72Conclusion73Acknowledgements74References75第1章 概述1.1 本设计的目的和意义 现代经济的高速发展,促使了能源消耗量的不断增长。特别是近些年石油价位的连续上涨,更是促使煤化工工业的迅速发展,煤化工产品的生产量亦是大幅提高。同时,各行业对煤化工产品质量规定也更加严格,从而满足各行业对煤化工产品日益增长的需求。在焦油蒸馏操作过程中,原料焦油经一段脱水、脱盐后在二段通过管式炉一次汽化,在二段蒸发器内闪蒸,切出沥青和二蒽油等重质组分。



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