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1、模块主题写作模块主题写作Module 4 Rules and suggestions一、话题一、话题分析分析本模块的话题是“规则和建议”,生活中有很多的规则需要遵守,尤其是在旅途中,更需要注意这些规则和建议,确保安全。二、写作二、写作方法方法“三步”法写建议和规则类作文1.提出问题。开门见山反映出现的问题。2.描述建议和规则。对建议和规则进行详细的描述。3.表达观点。针对建议和规则表达自己的观点。三、素材三、素材积累积累1.描述建议和规则类话题的常用词汇:rule/obey/allow/must/mustnt/should/remember/instead of/make sure/prote

2、ct oneself/be good for/duty2.描述建议和规则类话题的常用句型:开头句1.Here are some rules we must obey.2.Rules play an important part in.中间句1.Whenever we.,we should always.2.You mustnt go off.because you might.3.Dont drink all your water in one go.结尾句1.I think these rules are good for us.2.In a word,we must try our bes

3、t to protect.名言警句1.No any orders without laws and rules.没有规矩不成方圆。2.A country has its laws and a family also has its rules.国有国法,家有家规。四、写作四、写作任务任务假设你是刘军,在上周末的乡村旅游中,你发现了一些游客的不文明行为。请根据下表信息给某英文报VOICE 栏目的编辑写一封邮件,反映这些问题并提出建议。Uncivilized behaviorsSuggestions threw rubbish everywhere picked flowers climbed t

4、rees put rubbish into bins 注意:1.邮件内容必须包括上表所有信息,可适当增加细节;2.你的建议至少两条;3.词数:80 100;4.邮件开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:不文明行为uncivilized behavior;编辑editor【写作模板写作模板】提出问题Some visitors threw.Some picked flowers.And some climbed trees.描述建议和规则I think it wrong to.Visitors are supposed to.And they should be careful not to.

5、表达观点In this way,.village will be there for us all to enjoy.【高分作文高分作文】Dear editor,I was shocked to see some uncivilized behaviors when I took a trip to a village last weekend._Yours sincerely,Liu Jun_Dear editor,I was shocked to see some uncivilized behaviors when I took a trip to a village last week

6、end.Some visitors threw rubbish everywhere and left plastic bags flying around.Some picked flowers without permission to take photos so that they could show off online.And some climbed trees for fun,which might result in serious accidents._I think it wrong to enjoy oneself at the cost of others.Visitors are supposed to protect the environment,like putting rubbish into proper bins.And they should be careful not to cause trouble to the locals and keep away from danger.In this way,a greener,cleaner and more civilized new village will be there for us all to enjoy.Yours sincerely,Liu Jun


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