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1、教师面试英文自我介绍五篇 当来到一个新环境中,我们不得不需要向他人介绍自己,自我介绍是一种认识自我的手段。写自我介绍可不能随随便便哦,以下是为大家整理的教师面试英文自我介绍篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 oo moning ! Itisealy my or to hvethisoportunity f an nteiw, hope I an ake gooerfrce today.Im condet taIan cceed. Nw will ntoduc myl rieflyI a yearold,bon nshanong provice. (Gnral Itduction) I as gr

2、aduat rm Qnao uneiy.my maoiselecroniaI gt my bahelordere afer m gadaion inthe yer of 20.Duringuierity, ntmost of my time on tu hat Ive assd C46 n cquired bsi nowlegof majo.(Eduation bckround)In July 202X, I bega worf a malrivate oay s a ehnicl supot eger in QingDao.Because mcapbleo moe ronsibiiti, s

3、oI dde o hange my jb And uus 202X,I lf QigDao to eiJing and wrke fo a oreign etrprise as an autaion softae ts engneer.Becaue I want to hang my working eniroment, Id ike tond job which s orchalleging Moreover Motorola is alobalcmpany, o felI can gainth mos f orkig in this knd f cmpan ennvironmet. Tha

4、t is t reason wy coehe o compet fo ti posio.(Rsearhexperiene andacadic aiiy) Ithink I agodtem playe ad a pero o gea honest oers Als am ableo work nergrea presr.Thatsallank ou or vingme the cnc 教师面试英文自我介绍篇2 英文版: Membesexamier god! Pleasealow e to intoduc mysel n a mnt My name is Han Memi,graduat fro

5、NomalUnivesity Department o nlis mjo, as noben spekingLevel six leel. I am sted, practcawork hard,ave atg tam sir, dilget, hr-woring, obeience o supeir odr tliten to ro the cnd. Duingtheshoolactivy paricipatenvariousactivties, fr three consecutive years asmmberf the study, bsinsEglhwriing abilty,h b

6、if Elish tacingexpeienc.In cls, I enoa tudenso vocetheir opinion ad to pproc to thea o learning Enlih, becauI thnk tha learnin is kd o persalized rocess eryone shoul bcme criicalthine i y clas, I ant tobeagod techer inte true sensef the.Iam no trditional each. thinin my assomEnlih eachirfom. IhopeI

7、an do someting to cha thepeentsituatin ofEnglih tching. Finlly, I ope thtteir ealexprtis n Engish teheros, contiu o e asof eduction.中文翻译:各位考官好! 请允许我用一分钟的时间做自我介绍。我叫韩梅梅,毕业于师范大学英语系专业,现在已过口语等级六级水平。 本人稳重,工作踏实勤奋,具有较强的团队合作精神,好学,能吃苦耐劳,能够服从上级的命令听从指挥。在校期间积极参加各项活动,连续三年当任学习委员,商务英语写作能力强,有过短暂的英语教学经验。 在课堂上,我鼓励学生表达

8、自己的意见和方法以其英语学习方式,因为我认为学习是一种个性化的过程。每个人都应该成为重要的思想家班上,我想成为一个好老师在其真正意义上的。我不是传统的教师。我想在我的课堂英语教学改革。希望我能做点什么来改变现状的英语教学。 最后我希望在英语教师的岗位上发挥个人的专业特长,为教育事业贡献力量。 教师面试英文自我介绍 篇3 Hel vyoe. wuld ie tointrdumsel oyou y m sjs,d it a my23th bithday yetedyIgrduted fro* unirst jut now.y major isnglish.I cn seak Elis ith fl

9、ueny aaccuracy.Youknow , Engis plays animpotant role in he wol,so hat thchidren in kidergten shu ea tospk Eglis n advance.I addition,swmmingand playn basketball is myfaorit pors.And Ian als god t playing guitar an panoI anouti personI beieve thatI ill get alongwell wit hildrn,Iwille ptint withthem.A

10、 try my betto lve hm.oldbe ur bes hiceTHANKYOU 教师面试英文自我介绍 篇4 gd to ntroduce mysl o you. My Chinee nme s MaLn, butyu canal me Rock, m Eglihm. I heocktobe my Enish nme beue I wantto be as tough asa ro, heh.I as r nd riseiGungdng, o Ipeakboh Caonese n MandariI soo graduate rm hongsha Univsiy,majorng io

11、unng. I thinkyou mayhveintervewed ite a ltf students omour schoo, syoukow is mjr prearesus fo CAand most coursesaretughtinglsh. MyGA is .6, i ranks numer e15 students in y radAd Ive psse1 xams n CGA, nticipa wil gt he CG ulictonin 02Xeside ving god cmic erformane, Iwasactivey invlvd udentactivties w

12、a in crge o tudt Welfare in my ass,and in th Studnt Unonof r chool I enjoye ti positobecaus ht I did w vrymporant t evrybod, althog t was mostlsmalldetls. 教师面试英文自我介绍篇5 od morning evrone! I icole. Im 24.I grduated rm Hnn Nomal Uneraty n Shuda Cmus. My majo is Englih Eucn. fter gradution, I hae woredforone yearin Li Yang听Kid Engish.My studtsaeetween 5 and 12 ersold. mogong and oemidd I m sare tie,I hv boad inerests Suchasreding, ufinthe ineret, listnin to mic ad evenchating ih forign fiends nline if



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