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1、2022年沪教版六年级下册英语语法填空难点知识习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1He_(be) in hospital yesterday. But he is at school now.2Can I have_(any) fish for breakfast?3The boy_(fly)a kite in the park yesterday.4The film usually_(begin) at eight in the evening.5There are two_(mouse) in the hole.2. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Mr Smith is a

2、n English_. He_Grade Four last year. (teach)2It is often_(rain) in spring here. And it_(rain) last night.3Would you please give me_(some) juice? OK.4_(swim) is good for us. It makes people beautiful.5If you want to be stronger, you should do_(many) sport.3. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1I_(get)upearlyyesterday.2InE

3、nglishclass,IreadmanyEnglish_(story).3Billwillbe_(thin)thanheisnow.4Heoften_(go)fishing5Saturdaywasabusydayfor_(I).6Englishishis_(one)classonMonday.4. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1We_(see) tigersatthezoolastSunday.2Mymother_(have) acold yesterday.3I_(notdo) sleeplastnight.4Amyistwoyears_(young) thanSarah.5Whois_(ta

4、ll) TomorSarah?5. 根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1The girl_(伤心地哭)just now. What happened to her?2_(我和我的妈妈) went shopping yesterday.3Su Yang and I_(成为好朋友) last year.4I said to my mother q_.5I do my homework w_my hands.6David plays table tennis h_.7H_can you help me?8The ball in the tree is too high. I cant r_it.9D

5、ont be sad, I ll come back s_.10Look, the boy is h_the balloon too hard. Im afraid it will be broken(坏的).6. 根据动词过去式,编写句子。Came spent 7. 用所给词适当形式填空。1How was your weekend?It was good. I_(see) a film with my parents.2You are_(heavy) than me.3John often_(wash) the clothes on the weekend.4You didnt come t

6、o school. What_(happen)?5Your feet are bigger than_(I).8. 根据句子意思,完成下列单词拼写。1There are many_(令人兴奋的)things in the museum, we often go to see them.2Every year lots of_(游客)come to Changzhou for a visit.3Different_(国家)have different cultures.4My brother is a_(运动爱好者). He often plays sports after school.5Ch

7、ildren want to see_(袋鼠)in the zoo.9. 根据图片、首字母、情境或者中文提示写出相应的单词。1Where is the pen?Its u_the desk.2He_(经常) climbs hills.3Chen Jie_on the weekend.4This is an_(有趣的) play.5Its a c_autumn. Lets go c_on Sunday.6Do you_your grandparents? Yes. I do.7Do you_(经常) go running?8Look! Theyre h_.9This one h_got a pi

8、cture of the Great Wall on it.10. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1What_the boy_(do) now?The boy_(put) the rubbish into the bin.2What is our granddaughter doing? She_(listen) to music.3Its5 oclock now. We_(have)supper now4_Helen_(wash )clothes?Yes ,she is .5Its twelve oclock. The students_(eat) in the dining room.6Whe

9、re is Mr Wu?He_(look) after her father at home.11. 用be动词的适当形式填空。1. It_going to rain soon.2. I_having a picnic with my friend.3. Sam_ flying a kite in the park.4. They_sing an English song.5._ you cleaning your room?12. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1He can send_(I) some photos.2There_(be) some interesting cities in

10、the country.3He likes_(eat) sweets.4Ill learn about_(cook) on the Internet.5Will you_(buy) presents for me?13. 下图是Lingling五年前学校和现在学校的对比图,请根据图片提示写单词,完成下列句子。 BeforeNow1There_only one building on a hill before.2We_play pingpong in a gym five years ago.3There_a dining hall in my school now.4We_read a bo

11、ok in the library now.5There_a playground five years ago.14. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1My aunt is a_(write). She always_(write) stories at home last year.2Joe read a magazine and_(tell)_(we) about it. (根据read先判断时态).3Her sister_(shout) loudly now.4_(who) gloves_(be)_(this)?5Wang Bing sat_(quiet) just now.6Mike likes_(help) people.7_(do) you draw a boat last night?8Look! Liu Tao_(can) play basketball very well.9Please turn to page_(12) and look at the_(3) picture in this unit.10They_(go) to the Summer Palace next National Day holiday.15. 语法填空。1I can make a colour_(spin).2He always_(read) in



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