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1、Unit 2 A new student第1课时Teaching content 教学内容Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 通过师生、生生交流以及指导学生阅读对话内容,能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型How many s are there ?及答语 There are is/are on the floor. Is there a / Are there any s?及答语Yes, there is/are. /No, there isnt/arent. 2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词和短语classroom, com

2、puter room, library, music room, student, first, second, third, floor, show around。 3. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试模仿。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论学校。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。教学难点:学生能理解序数词first、second、third的意思和用法(序数词前面要加单词the)Teaching

3、procedure 教学过程Step 1 Warm up and free talk1. Sing a song “In the classroom”T: There is a TV in their classroom. What is in our classroom?S: There is a teachers desk. There are some chairs and desks.T: You are so familiar with your classroom. What about our school? Can you show me around? (新授词组“show

4、me around”)2. Game “Boys PK Girls” Rules: 分别用1分钟时间男女生分组用There is/are 结构说说学校里的设施,看看哪一组说得多。(在此期间)【设计意图:让学生从自己的生活出发,通过自己的观察和体会来运用所学的句型结构。】Step 2 New teaching1. T: There are so many rooms in our school. You are so great! And you know them all. Yang Ling also knows her school well. She is showing a new s

5、tudent around the school. Today we will learn Unit 2 A new student.(揭示课题 “A new student”教授student)2. T: Who is the new student? Look, here she comes. Computer: Hi, Im Nancy Black. Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.T: Yang Ling shows her around. Whats in their school? Which rooms do they talk

6、 about?Lets watch the video and tick.(看Story time卡通)【设计意图: 让学生从已有的接近生活的情境过渡到文本的学习,让一切都在潜移默化中进行。通过第一次观看卡通,整体了解文本信息】3. T: Which rooms do they talk about?S1: ClassroomS2: Computer room.S3: Library and music room.S4: Table tennis roomT: There are a lot of rooms in their school. 领读: classroom, computer r

7、oom, library , music room.4. 学生自读课文两人合作完成表格:T: How many rooms are there? (出示主句型) 并教说S1: 24 classroomsS2:There are two computer rooms. S3: There is a music room.S4: There is a table tennis room.S5: There is a library.roomsHow manyWhere computer rooms2music rooms1table tennis rooms1libraries1T: These

8、rooms are on different floors. (指表格)Where are they? Please read in group and try to paste the correct pictures on the blackboard.(学生分小组自己朗读文本,找出每种教室分别在什么地方,以贴图的形式完成P18的内容)【设计意图:让学生通过文本的阅读,根据老师提出的任务迅速的找到相应的信息从而完成任务】5. T: There are three floors in the building. Look, here is the first floor. first, th

9、e first floor. (同法教授second 和third)Look, the music room is on the first floor. (板书呈现 The table tennis room is on the first floor)What about other rooms? Please discuss in group Group 1: The music room is on the first floor. Group 2: The computer rooms are on the third floor.Group3: The library is on

10、the third floor too.Group4: Nancys classroom is on the second floor.(完成P18贴图) (在谈论过程中教说主句型)【设计意图:通过小组的合作寻找信息,完成贴图,同样在任务的驱使下让学生在做做读读的过程中理解文本。】Step 3 Consolidation1. T: You know their school well. Lets read the dialogue after the computer.S read the dialogue.T: Its your turn to read.Different ways: a.

11、 read by yourself b. read together c. read in roles. 2. Try to retell. (学生能够根据图片和理解完成填空式的复述)3. Lets talkT: Nancy knows her new school. What about you? Can you talk about your school? Lets try.Hello, Im Nancy. Im a new student. Look at my school. There are.Oh, I like my school .【设计意图:学生在文本学习的基础上,通过寻找

12、信息,朗读文本,复述文本已经打下了一定的基础,再通过介绍自己的学校,让学生能够在一个恰当的情境当中运用自己所学的内容。】Step 4 Homework1. Listen to the tape and follow the tape.2. Try to act the story with friends.Teaching aids:1. 多媒体, 图片2. 板书 Unit 2 A new studentThere is/are .in our school.How many rooms are there?The is on the first second floor third roomsHow manyWhere computer rooms2music rooms1table tennis rooms1libraries1


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