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1、英语 五年级下册上海教育出版社Module 4 Unit 10Great inventions大东区静美教育集团宋丽婷 设计理念: 随着新课程改革理念的深入,学生的学习能力逐渐成为发展的重点。教学设计及实践中突出学生是教学的主体,体现学生的独立学习能力和主观能动性。在这节课的教学设计中,我主要考虑课堂环境、学生、教材以及自身等因素,采用任务型教学法、小组合作交流等方法设计教学过程,提高学生学习的兴趣和积极性。 教材分析:本课内容选自上海教育出版社义务教育教科书英语(三年级起点)。教材设计五年级下册Module 4 Things we enjoy Unit 10 Great inventions

2、。本单元主要学习世界上的一些伟大发明,并能说出伟大发明的原因。本课的教学内容贴近学生生活和学习实际,有利于学生在比较接近于实际的情景中进行听说训练,从而激发学生的学习兴趣。 学情分析:五年级英语在小学英语教学中起着重要作用。五年级学生的英语学习已经有了一定的基础,掌握了基本的单词和句型。大部分学生养成了良好的英语学习习惯,但是也有一部分学生不是很喜欢上英语课,学习兴趣不是很高,同时,有些学生还是为学习而学习,谈不上兴趣问题;另一方面,学生有一定的分化,有些学生不敢举手回答问题,怕答错其他同学笑话,因此,课堂气氛较难调动起来。 教学目标:1 知识目标:1)学生能够准确掌握四会单词 invent,

3、invention,watch,myself。 2)学生能够准确掌握重点句型:I think _ is a great invention. People can _.3) 学生能掌握拓展句型:It makes life_.2能力目标: 1)能够简单介绍世界上的一些著名发明家。 2)能够询说出自己认为的伟大发明并给出原因。3情感目标:1)在课堂活动中,调动学生的学习热情,激发学生英语学习的兴趣。2)在小组活动体验中,培养学生互助、合作学习的意识,提高学生运用语言能力。3)通过学习世界上的伟大发明,培养学生热爱科学的精神,并且重视生活中的发明。 教学准备:1.PPT课件。2.磁贴句子。3.记分牌

4、。4.黑板贴图。 教学重点:学生们能够在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇和句型。 教学难点:学生们能用英语讨论自己喜欢的伟大发明。 教学过程: (一) 热身复习 文化感知设计意图: 通过介绍小组竞赛制,激发学生学习的积极性。通过语言描述纸营造出一种神秘感,使学生意识到纸虽然很普通但是却非常重要。学习invent,invention,inventor 三个词后引出本文课题Unit10 Great inventions。T: Class begins. Hello boys and girls. S : Hello, Miss Song.T: Well have a competition toda

5、y. There are five groups. If you answer well and do well. Youll get 1 point for your group. Then the winner group will get some gifts.T: Children, I want to show you something great. It is very important and wonderful. We cant live without it. It helps us everywhere. Do you want to see it? Look, it

6、is paper. How do you think of it?S: Its great. Its useful. T: Paper is important in our life. Lets read a passage to know about paper. And answer me 1.Who invents it? 2. What can we do with paper? Start.T: Stop, have you got the answers? Number1. Who invents it?S:Cai Lun. Cai Lun made paper with pla

7、nt the first time.T: Good! So we say Cai Lun invents paper. And he is an inventor. Number2. What can we do with paper?S: We can write and do many things with it. T: Yes, we can write and do many things with it. So paper is a great invention.And today lets learn unit 10 Great inventions.(二)话题推进 学习新知设

8、计意图: 首先通过帮助学生介绍伟大的发明家来巩固inventor, invention的用法。接下来通过引导学生完成黑板上的表格(Name-Great invention-Why) 循序渐进的学习本课的重要句型和拓展句型并攻克本文中剩下的重点单词。教学内容和设计符合学生思维和认知的发展。并通过师生互动,生生互动激发学生学习能力。提高语用能力。T: Look, these are some famous inventors. Do you know them? This is Bi Sheng, a Chinese inventor. This is Bell. This is Edison.

9、They are American inventors, Brother Wright. Do you know their inventions? I know Bi Sheng is an inventor. He invents printing. What about others? Can you say it like this?S: Edison is an inventor. He invents the light.Bell is an inventor. He invents the telephone.T: Do you like these inventions? S:

10、 Yes.T: So do I. And I also like paper. I think paper is a great invention. Do you think so? You can say “I think paper is a great invention.” There are many inventions in the world. What else do you think is a great invention?S: I think the telephone is a great invention.T:Everyone, Look, Miss Guo

11、and her students are also talking about great inventions. Do you know them?This is Kitty. This is Alice. This is Peter. He has yellow hair. This is Joe.T:They look happy. What great inventions are they talking about? Circle them on your paper.T:Stop. What inventions are they talking about?S: Paper,

12、watch, car, flying bike.T: Yes. Who can put them on the blackboard?1)T:Now lets see. What does kitty think? S:She thinks paper is a great invention. T:Why? Have you got the answer? S:People can write on it. T: Yes,we write on paper every day. And we use “people can” to give a reason. Ok, children, p

13、aper is very important in our life. It is a great invention. What else can we do with paper? Look, this is tissue, it is a kind of paper. What can we do with it? 引导学生说出I think paper is a great invention. People can clean hands with it. T: And we can do many things with paper.Talk about it in group.S

14、: I think paper is a great invention. People can make books with it2)T: Ok, Lets look, what dose Alice think? S: She thinks the watch is a great invention. T: Look, this is a watch. What can we do with it? S: we can know the time.T: Yes, it can tell us the time. Follow me “tell the time” T: What els

15、e can tell us the time?S: Telephone, clock.T: Look, long time ago, people knew the time with the shadow of sun. It is sundial. But, can people know the time at night? S: No. T: Then, people invent the sand clock. But its just a timer. People cant know the time point. And then, we have clock and watch Whats the difference between the watch and clock?S: The clock is big.T: Yes, it is big. So can we take it out?S: No. T: But we can wear the watch. We know the time at school, at home, even on the street. So, people can know the ti



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