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1、英语教学案设计课题:Unit 8 Topic 1 Whats the weather like in spring?学段及年级:七年级下册教材、学科:仁爱版英语教师/单位:王红英 下津中学时间: 45分钟(用1课时)一、学情分析本校的学生对英语学习有较浓厚的兴趣和热情。他们活泼、好动、好奇心强,模仿和记忆力强,以意义为先(go for meaning first),表现欲和自尊心强,希望得到老师和同学们的认可和赞扬。且他们喜欢追随新鲜事物,对谈论自己和他人的兴趣与爱好很感兴趣,关心同学的日常生活情况,本话题符合他们的心理特点。然而,本校的学生相对其他城市如珠三角的学生来说,英语基础较为薄弱,且

2、学习压力大,所以我在教学当中一定要注意基础的巩固,也就是语言的输入一定要充分,并且需要尽量将学生们的兴趣与英语学习以及解题能力相结合,争取达到最大的课堂效率。二、目标设置(一)教学目标知识目标1、学习询问和描述天气和一些关于描述天气的形容词。2、了解各个季节适合做的活动。3、让学生谈论自己最喜欢的季节及原因。能力目标能用形容词简单描述一年四季中各个季节的气候特征。情感目标通过对一年四季气候特征的了解,使学生在对比理论上和实际上四季的差别时,更进一步了解环境对气候变化的影响,从小树立尊重自然规律、保护环境、爱护地球的意识以及进行一些户外活动的安全意识。(二)教学重点1. -Hows the we

3、ather in./Whats the weather like in .-Hot/warm.2. -Which season do you like best spring,summer,autumn or winter?-Summer.-Why?- Because.词汇:weather, spring, warm, season, summer, hot, winter, cold,rain, snow (三)教学难点运用新学语言点谈论自己喜欢某个季节的原因。(四)教学策略1. 教学方法:Task-based Language Teaching. 2. 途径:Guessing, pair

4、work, group work,interview ,survey.3、教学辅助手段:采用多媒体电脑投影图片,充分利用英文歌曲导入,培养学生的艺术素养,扩大学生的知识面,激发学生的兴趣和求知欲。由于天气和学生们的实际生活关系十分密切,让学生谈论真实的感受,这样学生就很容易接受相关的知识。(五)媒体说明多媒体教学平台,投影仪,图片,1A和3A的课件,The Four Seasons.视频。(六)板书设计Unit 8 Topic 1 Whats the weather like in spring?Section A-Whats the weather like in spring/summer

5、/fall/winter?-Warm./Hot./Cool./Cold. Its good for flying a kite/ .或Its a good time to go swimming/.三、教学过程(Teaching Process)ProceduresTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesAimsMedium时间分配Step1Leading- in and warm- up1.Enjoy the English song The Four Seasons.(激趣引入法)3. After listened the song.T: How man

6、y months are in a year?Ss: 12/Twelve.T: How many seasons are there in a year?Ss: 4/Four. Show four pictures of each season .Talk with the students and revise the Present Continuous.(交流法)教师与学生进行日常对话,可拉近师生的距离,复习了与本课相关的已学的活动,从而激活学生的计划,为学生的新语言学习做好了准备。同时,The Four Seasons这首歌的视频引起了学生极大的兴趣,并为教学活动起到良好引入作用。课堂

7、气氛更加活跃。多媒体电脑, The Four Seasons这首歌的视频,The pictures with some activives.约5分钟Step 2:Presentation1.Show pictures of the new words and teach the new words.2.Let Ss look at each picture which appears only for a second and say out the words. 3.Work on 1a. Show pitctures one by one, and ask Ss to guess what

8、 season it is and what activities they can do or they like to do. 1. Learn the new words2. Say the words after looking at the pictures which appear for only one second (愉快学习法)3. Look, listen and say.1、通过图片中的景色与活动引出新单词学习,并通过有趣的瞬间图片进行记忆巩固,效果良好。2、通过对图中的活动,学生对新词的掌握更进一步,由输入,内化到输出。多媒体电脑,图片。约14分钟Step 2List

9、ening exercise Play the recorder. Ask the students to listen to 1a twice and finish the exercise in 1b. Check their answers. Write down the new sentences on the blackboard.Listen and match.通过此听力练习,将本课要掌握的句型引出并板书出来,学生能在听的过程中,感知学习内容,结合语境理解其意义和用法。听力材料约5分钟Step 3Look, listen and readPlay the recorder. As

10、k the students to listen to 3a and read follow the tape.Look, listen and read.通过听跟读,为等下的小组活动做准备。听力材料,约5分钟Pair workAsk the students to make conversations in pairs after 3a, talk about Which season do you like best.Pair work.通过对话练习,熟悉及了解对方最喜欢哪个季节并说出其原因。达到了语言输出的目的,而且还运用了一般过去时和一般现在时,有利于两者的区分。小组合作约5分钟Ste

11、p 5:Group work have disscuss in groups of 8 and then have one student to give reports in class. Interview, survey.Group work.通过调查采访本组同学最喜欢哪个季节并说明理由,同时,每一小组派一名学生要在全班范围内进行交流才可能完成任务,增加了任务的趣味性,还使学生和平时较少交流的同学进行英语交谈,更有利于口语和听力的提高。多媒体电脑,图片,task paper, 竞赛,小组合作学习。约8分钟Step 7: HomeworkFinish the exercises on th

12、e task paper.(单项选择和完成句子) Mark down the homework通过笔头及口头的练习,学生对新学语言的掌握以及运用能力进一步加强。多媒体电脑,task paper约3分钟四、学习效果评价(一)评价方式课堂的task paper收集进行批阅,在课堂中的学生回答问题、对话的情况,并进行等级评定。(二)评价量规(学生自评表格)学习目标达成:A 学习内容掌握情况:A 学习重点掌握:A 学习难点掌握:A目标语言输入情况: A 目标语言输出情况:A 交际能力:A五、学案设计(Students Task paper)任务纸一 ItemNamefavorite seasonwea

13、therfavorite activityAB任务纸二I. 单项选择: 1. Its _ in spring. A.coolB. coldC. hotD. warm 2. -How was the weather yesterday?-It was _ . And I was went swimming with my friends A. hotB. wellC. coolD. cold 3. -Which season is the best time _ Beijing. A. to go toB. go toC. goes toD. going to 4. Spring is a go

14、od season for _. A. fly a kiteB. flying a kiteC. flies a kiteD. fly a kites 5. What s the weather like _ summer? A. inB. on C. forD. at II. 根据句意完成句子: 1.- 一年有多少个季节?。 -有四个季节,它们是春、夏、秋、冬。 _ _ seasons are there in a year? -There are four seasons. They are _., _ , _ , _. 2. -冬天天气怎样?-天气很冷,有时下雪。- _ the weather _ in winter?.-Its very _ ,sometimes it _ .七、本科教学设计特点本课本着发展学生的听说能力的目标,联系实际生活,并通过大家的日常活动需要



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