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1、Hello ! How are you ?My good friends !王庄小学 窦淑英English book 8 Unit1 Sports Unit2 Good Health to You! Unit3 What Will You Do This Summer? Unit 4 Li Ming Goes HomeUNIT 1 any heavy light bought taught thought basketball game ping-pong player team runners shorts T-shirt catch throw hit need lose win orLe

2、sson 1 Ping-pong and Basketball1.讨论:你认为学生应该掌握哪些知识? 单词:sport badminton ping-pong soccer basketball T-shirt shorts runners either any 短语:like best play basketball / ping-pong 句子:what sports do you play? whats your favourite sport ? I like _ best .否定转移句I dont think so.would you like to do sth ? Yes , I

3、 would . 辨析:some anytoo eitherwear put on in play basketball play the piano play with the ball检测:1. I like basketball b_.2. Can you teach me _ (play) basketball?3. I always wear a T-shirt s_ and r_ to play basketball .4. The boy _ the red T-shirt is my brother . (wear in put on)5. Would you like _ s

4、oup ?(some any)6. I dont have _ books .(some, any)7. I dont have a pen .He doesnt have one _ .(too ,either)Lesson 2 At the sports store 1.读课文2.讨论:你认为学生应该掌握哪些知识? 单词:these those dollars or 短语:ask sb for sth / ask sb to do sth 句子:选择疑问句:例:Do you like this t-shirt or that t-shirt ?I like these t-shirt .注

5、意:选择疑问句的特点以及回答的特点。 辨析:this - these that - those 补充 :What does your mother do ?职业词:Lesson 3 At the Gym 讨论:你认为学生应该掌握哪些知识? 单词: learn teach catch throw heavy light hard easy hard easily hit- hitting net paddle 短语:be ready to do sth (be ready for sth ) hit _ with _ hit _ to sb throw the basketball at the

6、 net throw the ball catch the ball 句子:The ball is too heavy. Im throwing /catching the basketball. 辨析:hard( adj adv ) easy (adj)- easily (adv)Lesson 4 Where Did You Go ?讨论: 讲这一课最应该注意什麽?1、对已学过的过去式单词做一小结2、一般现在时和过去时的区别(重点时间词方面)3、对过去时句型的转换练习及回答的特点重点的单词:bought taught thought重点的句子:This morning /afternoon

7、_ (ed) to_.Lesson5 A Basketball Game .讨论:你认为学生应该掌握哪些知识? 单词:player team game score win lose 短语:watch sb do sth one the other arrive at jump up and down run down the floor put the ball in the net throw the ball at the net 1. 句子:Whats a team ? A team has many players .2. Whats the score ? Its seventy e

8、ight to seventy- eight 3. Who is Bob ? Bob is Jennys brother .4. 4.He is a police officer . 辨析:arrive at arrive in Lesson 6 who won ? (复习课)单词:win won lose lost yell yelled 短语:yell for句子: 1. What did you do this evening ? 2. Did bobs team play a game ? 3. Who won ? Who lost ? 4. What snacks did you b

9、uy ? 5. Did you have fun watching the game ? 6. We yelled for bobs team . 补充:食物类单词小结。Unit 2 Good Health to You !本单元的重要单词有:形容词: healthy strong weak sick high low 食物名词:cabbage onions peas时间副词: after before 身体部位名词: bones muscles skin teeth face有关活动的名词: homework exercise 有关时间的名词: minutes hours day weeks

10、 months 动词: brush comb 短语: be good for sb / be bad for sb句型:How often do you _ (动词) _ (名词)? _ times a _(时间名词)Lesson 9 Always Eat Breakfast !1、讨论(教这一课的方法)2、学生应该掌握哪些知识: 单词:strong healthy weak sick oncestrong (反) weak healthy (反) sick good (反) bad 短语: be good for / how often /last week / six times 句子:1

11、. Everyone wants to be strong and healthy .2. How often did Danny eat breakfast last week ? _ times a _ 3. What do you usually eat for breakfast ? I usually eat porridge . 补充:once twice three times four times .Lesson 10 always brush your teeth !1、这一课通过一般现在时来介绍课文内容。在一般现在时态中动词的单三形式、时间词、句形转换时需要的助动词和动词的

12、变化形式,都是我们讲课和设计练习题时要注意的内容。2、本课还要注意固定的固定短语及其运用。模仿课文第二部分, 写一段关于自己或他人的一周的活动,用上本课的固定短语。 before after brush _ teeth comb _ hair wash _ face and hands five times a week go to school from Monday to Friday wake up put on clothes work hard at school on those days different 3、句形 1.What do you do before / after

13、 breakfast ? 2. Why ? Because _ . 3.How often do you play basketball ? _ times a _ LESSON 11 THIS IS GOOD FOR YOU !本课的重要词 :body bones muscles skin exercise clean skin take showers or baths本课的重要部分:课文第一部分,要求会背,会默写。本课的重点句形:Whats your favourite food / vegetables /fruit ?易错点:分清可数名词和不可数名词 strawberry (复数) strawberries 本课的语法句子:Good food makes your body healthy .


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