Unit8 How are you?[2].doc

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1、 Unit8 How are you? 一、教学内容:译林版小学英语四下Unit8 How are you?Story time二、教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇hear、take care、may. 2、能听懂、会说、会读词汇fever、tomorrow. 3、能听懂、会说、会读问候语How are you?Im fine, thank you.电话用语与Hello,this is . speaking. May I speak to .?句型:Im sorry to hear that. See you tomorrow. 4、能初步学会用电话进行相互问候。三、 教学重难点:

2、 1、掌握问候语,电话用语。 2、注意speak的发音。 四、教学过程:Step1.Warming up1、 Free talkT:Im your new English teacher Summer. Hello,boys and girls.Ss: Hello,Summer.T: Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you too!2、 Enjoy an English song: How are you?(设计意图:渗透How are you?)Step2.Presentation1. Teach: How are you? Im fine, thank y

3、ou.Chant: How, how, how are you? Fine, fine, Im fine.(带动作)(设计意图:欢快的节奏,活跃课堂气氛)T: Today well learn Unit 8 How are you?(结题)2. Free talk:T: How are you?S1: Im fine, thank you.(选2-3对)T: How are you today?(问全体学生)Ss: Im fine, thank you.T: Oh, were all fine. So we come to school today. (教come to school toda

4、y)We can greet face to face . But if we cant greet face to face,how can we greet?S1:电话S2:QQT:We can use telephone, QQ.and so on.(设计意图:为杨玲用电话与李老师交流作铺垫)3、 How about Yang Ling?How does she communicate with Miss Li? Lets watch and choose.(设计意图:整体感知文本)S:AT:Yes. She uses a telephone.There are some sentenc

5、es for the call.课件出示教:Hello,this is Yang Ling speaking.出示tipsT:How to say this word“eat”引导学生说“speak”“speaking”(设计意图:从已学单词的发音,帮助学习新单词)教:Hello,this is Yang Ling speaking.(快慢操练)教:May I speak to Miss Li?T:How to say this word “day”?引导学生说“may”教:May I speak to Miss Li? (男女生练)T:Lets read after it.Hello,thi

6、s is Yang Ling speaking.May I speak to Miss Li?Hello,this is Miss Li speaking.Hello,Miss Li.This is Yang Ling . 4、 T:They have two calls. Lets seeP1 the first call.Listen and answer. Whats the matter with Yang Ling ?Whats the matter?(教)match winter导matter(课件出示选择)S:选C .She has a cold and a fever .“co

7、ld” we have learnt,冷的,but here it means 感冒。教:feverT:Lets read after it?两幅图的4句电话用语。生生操练T:When Miss Li hears Yang Ling is ill,she says“Im sorry to hear that.”(教)T:How to say this word“ear”“hear”?引出here(设计意图:由已学的同音词引出新单词。)T:Lets read after it?(从Hello,Miss Li.到Thank you,Miss Li.)生生操练情感教育(设计意图:教育学生帮助他人,关

8、爱他人)5、T:Miss Li cares Yang Ling ,so the second call:Miss Li greets Yang Ling on the phone.Open your books,turn to page51.Read and answer:How is Yang Ling now?S:Fine.T:How do you know that?S:How are you now? Im fine.T:Can Yang Ling come to school tomorrow(教明天)?S:Yes.T:How do you know that?S:Can you c

9、ome to school tomorrow?Yes.T:Lets read after it?(从How are you now?到See you!)生生操练(设计意图:文本局部朗读,帮助学生理解)T:Yang Ling is fine.Are you happy?S:Yes.Step3 Consolidation1、T:Lets do happy reading.1)Read after it 2)Read together 3)Read in roles 4) Lets dub(设计意图:让学生通过对文本的多次朗读模仿,掌握新知识)2、T:We know Yang Ling is fin

10、e.Lets invite her to play on the phone?Ok? S:Ok.(设计意图:杨玲生病好了,请同学们通过电话的方式邀请杨玲出去玩,进一步巩固问候语电话用语并进行了有效的拓展)3、 根据板书retell T:From the text,we know that Yang Ling calls Miss Li and tells her she has a cold and a fever she cant come to school today.Miss Li cares her on the phone.So we know Yang Ling is fine

11、now,she can come to school tomorrow.(设计意图:通过板书对课文进行提炼总结,让学生回顾课文,达到进一步巩固的作用。) Step 4 Homework1、Listen 、read and act the story.2. Make a telephone call with your friends.板书设计: Unit8 How are you? Hello,this is . speaking. May I speak to .? a cold and a fever fine cant come to school today can come to school tomorrow



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