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1、阅读理解训练题(五十)AClassified AdsLOST AND FOUNDROOMMATESFOUND:Cat, 6 months old, black and white marking. Found near Linden and South U. Steve,800-4661.FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTEDOwn room near campus. Available December 1. Rent $80 per month until March 1st. $129 thereafter. Call Jill for details, 800-7839.LOST

2、:Gold wire rim glasses in brown case. Campus area. Reward. Call Gregg 800-2896.NEED PERSON to assume lease for own bedroom in apt. near campus, $92/mo. Starting Jan. 1. Call 800-6157 after 5:00FOR SALEHELP WANTEDMOVING:Must sell. TV b/w 12,$50; AE/FM transistor radio A/C or battery, $15; cassette ta

3、pe recorder, $10;music records. Call John or Pat, 800-0739 after 5 or weekends.BABYSITTERMY HOMEIf you are available a few hours during the day, some evenings and occasional weekends to care for 2 school-age children, please call Gayle Moore days 800-1111, evenings and weekends 800-4964.USED FUR COA

4、TS and JACKETS. GOOD condition. $50-$125. Call 800-0436 after 12 noon.WAITRESS WANTED:10 a.m.2p.m.or 10:30 a.m.5 p.m. Apply in person, 207S. Main. Curtis Restaurant.56If you want a job of taking care of children, which ad will you answer?ALOST AND FOUNDBROOMMATESCFOR SALEDHELP WANTED57You will calli

5、f you want to buy a radio.A800-0436B800-0739C800-4661D800-4964BIt seems that the Englishmen just cannot live without sports of some kind. A famous French humourist once said that this is because the English insist on behaving like children all their lives. Wherever you go in this country, you will s

6、ee both children and grown-ups knocking a ball about with a stick or something, as if in Britain men shall always remain boys and women girls! Still, it can never be bad to get exercise, can it?Taking all amateur(业余)and professional sports in Britain into consideration, there can be no doubt that fo

7、otball is at the top of the list. It is called soccer in the United States. The game originated(起源于)in Britain and was played in the Middle Ages or even earlier, though as an organized game, or“association football”, it dates only from the beginning of the 19th century.The next is rugby, which is ca

8、lled“football”in the United States. It is a kind of football played by two teams of fifteen players than eleven. In rugby, an oval-shaped ball is used which can be handled as well as kicked. It is a pretty rough game.In summer, cricket is the most popular sport. In fact, it has sometimes been called

9、 the English national game. Most foreigners find the game rather slow or even boring, but it enjoys great popularity among the British.Tennis rates high on the list, too. It was introduced into England from France in the 15th century, but it was from England that it spread to practically every count

10、ry in the world.Table tennis, or“ping-pong”,surely is not played on a great scale as it is in China or Japan. Basketball and volleyball were introduced into Britain during the late 19th century from America and are gaining popularity. Horse-back riding, swimming, rowing and golf all attract a lot of

11、 people.58The main purpose of Paragraph l is to tell us that the English .Aare all sports loversBbehave like childrenClike to kick a ball aroundDcan remain young all their lives59According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about football and rugby?AThey differ in the shape of the ba

12、ll. BThey are played by different numbers of players. CThey both can be handled. DThey both can be kicked.60The game that was never played in Britain until the late 19th century is .AbasketballBtennisCrugbyDfootball61What would be the best title for this passage?AThe Most Popular SportsBThe English

13、SportsCHistory of SportsDSports in BritainCHave you ever suddenly felt that someone you knew was in troubleand was he? Have you ever dreamed something that came true later? Maybe you have ESP (超感觉知觉).ESP stands for Extrasensory Perception. It may be called a sixth sense. It seems to let people know

14、about events before they happen, or events that are happening some distance away.Heres an example. A woman was ironing clothes. Suddenly she screamed, “My father is dead! I saw him sitting in the chair!” Just then, a telegram came. The womans father died of a heart attack. He died sitting in a chair

15、.There are thousands of stories like this one on record. Scientists are studying them to find out whats behind these strange mental messages. Heres another exampleone of hundreds of dreams that have come true. A man dreamed he was walking along a road when a horse and carriage came by. The driver sa

16、id, “Theres room for one more.” The man felt the driver seemed dead, so he ran away. The next day, when the man was getting on a crowded bus, the bus driver said,“Theres room for one more.”Then the man saw that the drivers face was the same face he had seen in the dream. He wouldnt get on the bus. As the b


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