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1、学而思教育学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网 专题 17 完形填空直击考纲1、考查学生综合运用英语知识的能力。既考查语言知识,又考查学生分析、推理、判断、归纳和概括的能力。2、所选文章具备内容逻辑性强、结构严谨、主题明确、中心突出的特点。3、所选文章语文水平难度等同于高三毕业水平,对词汇的要求符合教学大纲或适当略高于教学大纲。4、所选文章长度一般在250-300词左右,设空20格,难度系数相对稳定。热点综观1、知识图谱 考查类型 根据 根据 根据 根据 根据 语言 上下 情节 逻辑 背景 知识 文判 推理 推理 常识 判断 断选 判断 判断 判断 选择 择 选择 选择 选择 词的 语义搭配

2、辨析2、重点难点 考查以实词为主,比如动宾搭配、动词与介副词的搭配。 与情节推理和逻辑推理相结合的考查特定情景下的语义辨析题有一定难度。 根据常规、情节发展进行判断选择的试题是出现较多的考查形式之一。 既没有上下文提示,也没有故事情节常规发展依托的逻辑推理题,需要对文章有深层的理解,再透过表象看实质,是难度最大的试题形式。3、热点冷点 以记叙文为主,内容涉及史实背景、风土人情、生活常识、经历体验等。 连环题之间的连贯性、逻辑性强,应倍加注意经典与原创例1( NMET2003完形) I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last wee

3、k. It was one of the most 36 and tiring games Ive ever had. 36. A. encouraging B. hopelessC. surprising D. regular互动 本文为记叙文。全文以壁球比赛为主线,描写了作者对Ed的态度由不屑一顾吃惊尊敬的转变过程。内容贴近学生生活,语言通俗易懂。本题四个选项的形容词填入空白处都可以作定语修饰games, 但从下文叙述的在与表弟打壁球的比赛中,作者没有估计到情况的变化,险些输给对手的球赛经历可以判断出,这次球赛是出人意料的,故C项是最佳答案。答案 C小结遵循完形填空的解题步骤的第一步:通读

4、全文,力争了解整篇含义,抓住主题思想,切忌边读边做,肢解全文的整体结构,冲散了信息之间的逻辑联系,欲速则不达。例2 Each 38 at twelve oclock, he opened the bag and 39 a Tomorrow, just one, with its wings of 40 , and its shining feathers rose with hope.38. A. dawn B. morning C. night D. afternoon39. A. got B. fetched C. took D. flew40. A. blue B. pink C. bl

5、ack D. white互动 本文是小品文,用拟人的手法描述时间老人袋子里的“Tomorrows”。根据常识,午夜十二点以后是新的一天,即一个“Tomorrow”,故38题选night;本文把明天比作是有羽毛的小鸟,因此午夜十二点时间老人放飞一只“Tomorrow”,39题只有flew与题意相符,其他都表示相反的意思;40题根据下文的its blue wings可见“Tomorrow”的翅膀是蓝色的。答案 38. C 39. D 40. A小结 同一句子中挖空两个甚至更多,难度增大,根据常识,结合上下文线索,注意合理性和连贯性。高考面对面(A)If you think you sick, yo

6、u are 1 no matter what anyone else says .On the other hand. If you believe in your 2 ,and if he tells that you are going to feel better, you probably will. The effect of the mind upon the body 3 and sometimes can be powerful. It exits 4 one is aware of it or not.Take the case of Mrs. Green, for exam

7、ple. She 5 get to sleep at night and was too tired during the day to do some 6 things that she used to enjoy doing. She had headaches more often which prevented her from reading or watching TV. The more she thought about conditions , 7 she felt , At last she went to see her doctor, whom she had know

8、n 8 .The doctor listened to her and gave her a very 9 .Then he said to her. “There is 10 wrong with you physically. 11 I accept the fact that you dont feel well. Im going to give you some 12 that should help. I want you to 13 one after dinner and one half an hour 14 going to bed tonight .Call me tom

9、orrow and tell me 15 you feel.The next day Mrs. Green 16, “Doctor, I had the first 17 nights sleep in two months night. 18 is in this pills?” The doctor said, “Its an old formula I have 19 for years, Just keep on taking them for a week.” Turning to the nurse, he said. Its 20 what a little baking sod

10、a can do!”1. A. healthy B. well C. sick D. pleasant 2. A. doctor B. physician C. surgeon D. nurse3. A. exit B. doesnt exist C. never exist D. does exist4. A. whether B. neither C. no matter D. either5. A. was uncapable B. was able to C. was unable to D. could6. A. uneasy B. unsuccessful C. simple D.

11、 trouble7. A. the worse B. the more C. the better D. the less8. A. before long B. since years C. for years D. years ago 9. A. thorough study B. careful examination C. general examination D. clear check10. A. nothing serious B. serious nothing C. nothing seriously D. seriously nothing11. A. or B. ins

12、tead C. but D. and12. A. pills B. advice C. drinks D. suggestions13. A. eat B . take C. drink D. use 14. A. when B. since C. after D. before15. A. what B. whether C. how D. why16. A. telephoned B. wrote C. complained D. said17. A. bad B. terrible C. good D. right18. A. whoever B. whichever C. howeve

13、r D. Whatever19. A. sold B. written C. read D. used20. A. curious B. terrible C. wonderful D. serious(B) As we walked out of the office and into the lift, no words were spoken. We couldnt even look at each other. We were both just stunned(愣住)and did not 1 what to say to one another. We got into the

14、sky 2 car, and left the parking lot. Mum wasnt paying much attention to her 3 , but all of a sudden she 4 hard on the brakes(刹车)and we both went 5 . Outside of the car we saw a 6 , half on and half off his bike. “Where did you get your license, woman?” he shouted, “You almost 7 me!” The biker got back on his bike and rode off, 8 shaking his head. It was then that mum and I looked at each other. We cried, 9 we came to realize that I had a(n) 10 . We talked about it



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