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1、 Period 6 ( selfcheck )一学习目标: 1. 理清本单元单词,短语 。要求能读和默写。 2. 理清本单元知识点,尤其是固定短语。 3掌握本单元的写作要点。二学习导航: 1.预习检测: 1)英译汉: have a cold / fever / cough _ have a headache / toothache / backache / stomachache _ have a sore throat / back _ have a good rest _ lie down and rest _ hot tea with honey / milk _ green tea w

2、ith nothing _ see a dentist / doctor = go to the dentist / doctor _ fell better soon _ be not felling well _ be / feel / get stressed out _ get angry / tired / excited _ keep a balance of _ stay / keep healthy _ give sb some advice _ at the moment _ Its important for sb to do sth _ host family _ 2)

3、预习课本第12 页,part 2 的文章,并回答下列问题: (1) Who writes the letter , a Chinese girl or an American girl ? _ (2) Is the writer feeling well now ? How many problems does she have ? And what are they ? _ _ _ _ (3) Is there anything that she is satisfied (满意的)with ? _ (4) Can you give her some advice to help her ?

4、 _ _ 2. 课内交流合作: 1) Well, I hope youre enjoying my school in enjoy doing like doing / to do enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun eg: Did you enjoy yourself at the party ? =Did you _ _ _ _ at the party ? =Did you _ _ at the party ? 2) I study late every night , sometimes until 2 am , but I dont

5、 think Im proving . (1) 翻译 _ (2) late - early (3) until = till prep. conj 直到之时,在之前 表示动作的持续,一般与延续性动词连用。其否定形式notuntil 直到才 从句的动词一般为瞬间动词。 eg: I waited for him until 9: 00 , but he didnt come . 其中wait 为延续性动词 。 我等他直到九点,但是他没来。 He didnt go to bed until his mother came . 其中come为瞬间动词。 试翻译上句:_ 请思考: ( ) We didn

6、t leave _ the rain stopped . A. at B. until C. after 3) Im sorry to hear that youre not feeling well . (1) 句型 be sorry to hear that _(翻译) 什么时候使用该句型? _ (2) 类似的句型结构还有 be glad / nice / happy to meet / see / do三拓展训练 1.单项选择。 ( ) 1. Its difficult _ to the top of Qumomangma . A. climbing B. to climb C. cli

7、mb D. climbs ( ) 2. -Will it still be rainy tomorrow ? -_ . We have to stay at home for another day . A. I hope so B. Im afraid so C. I dont think so D. I hope not ( ) 3. -I lost my moterbike last night . -_ . Have you called the police ? A. You are unlucky B. Im happy to hear that C. Im sorry to he

8、ar that D. Whats up ? ( ) 4. The radio says it will _ rainy for another week . A. last B. stay C. start D. have ( ) 5. _ more fruits _ also good for your health . A. Eat , is B. Eating , are C. Eating , is D. Eat , are 2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1) You need to eat a _ ( balance ) diet . 2) You need to take _ (

9、 much ) exercise . 3) Eating too many candies is bad for your _ ( tooth ) . 4) Its necessary for us _ ( protect ) the environment . 5) He often feels _ ( stress ) out because of the hard work . 6) She has a lot of _ ( headache ) today . 7) Hes not feeling _ ( good ) . 8) We need a balance of yin and yang _ ( keep ) healthy . 9) He has a bad _ ( ill ) and has to be in hospital . 10) You must follow / obey some _ ( advice ) on Chinese medicine ,


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