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1、玉树州第二民族高级中学20132014学年第二学期高二英语班英语期末试卷 学科: 英语 总分: 120 得分: 出题人:陈春花 审题人:第一节 单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)1. Im terribly sorry I forgot your name just now! _it happens to all of us!A. You bet B. Think nothing of it C. Bingo D. Certainly not 2. -Mom, I m going to the graduation dance tonight but I don t think I

2、 look attractive enough.-Oh, darling, don t worry. _.A. They dont know what beauty is B. Nobody will care about itC. You look perfect the way you are D. Impossible is nothing3. On hearing the news, the girl rushed out without hesitation, _ the luggage _ on the floor, and _ in the dark. A. left, lied

3、, disappeared B. leaving, lying, disappearedC. leaving, lie, disappeared D. left, lay, disappear4. -I did really well in the examination, Li Ke.-I did _. I got full mark.A. no less B. not less C. not worse D. no worse5. Considering his health, I advise him to _ an hour or two each day to work out. A

4、. set about B. set off C. set up D. set aside6. Whatever you say, _ he has composed is not a good work.A. what B. which C. that D. whom7. I _ the poor rabbit, but I didnt have the right drugs with me at that moment.A. saved B. had saved C. could save D.could have saved8. _, a small advertisement hel

5、d my attention, which read “Easy job. Good wages. No experience necessary.” A. Looking through the newspaper B.While I was looking through the newspaper C. To look through the newspaper D. I was looking through the newspaper 9. _ has recently been done to provide more buses for the people, a shortag

6、e of public vehicles remains a serious problem. A. WhatB. Though whatC. In spite of whatD.However what10. -Where did you first meet your boyfriend?-It was in the department store _ he worked.A. which B. that C. where D. what 11. The soldier raised his gun and calmly _ it at the enemy commander, fire

7、d. A. aiming B. aimed C. to aim D. aim12. His answer was so confusing that I could hardly make any _ of it at all.A. meaningB. senseC. ideaD. significance13. The first decade in the 21st century _ the rapid rise of China as a world economic power.A. witness B. has witnessed C. will witness D. have w

8、itnessed14. With more than 17000 islands, _ only 6000 are inhabited, Indonesia is the worlds largest archipelago(岛国).A. on whichB. for whichC. of whichD. along which15. -What do you think of Peter?-He _ be really difficult to get along with even though hes a nice person in general.A. shall B. should

9、 C. must D. can16. I think you should go back to your _ plan, which is much more practical than the present one.A. random B. original C. abstract D. ridiculous17. Student loan is supposed to provide financial support for people who would _ not be able to go to college. A. thereforeB. meanwhileC. oth

10、erwiseD. nevertheless18. Exciting as its special effects are _, there is too much violence in the film.A. to watch B. to be watched C. watching D. being watched19. The boss was accused of having a _ against his female employees. A. prejudice B. reputation C. symptom D. profession20. -Havent seen you

11、 for ages! Do you still work in Guangzhou?-_. Its two years since I worked there.A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I do C. No, I havent D. No, I dont第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。In American parents usually think that their child should not have more pocket money than the chi

12、ldren with whom he regularly connects even if they are wealthier.But 21 are children expected to compare with the richer 22 a large family, heavy responsibilities, or other conditions make it 23 to give a child less spending money than is customary(惯例的)in the neighborhood. 24 the pocket money is, it

13、s entire use is not controlled by the 25 , because a child learns to use money correctly only through 26 it himself. If a seven-year-old child gets a quarter as a week pocket money and is made to put it all in his piggy bank to 27 it up, he gets no idea what the 28 use for the money is. He gets the

14、shinny coins and they soon 29 .The idea of a bank account is too early for so 30 a child, although he can be made to understand and 31 saving his coins-not all of them, only a part of what he receives-to buy something he especially wants. 32 he is eight, he is old enough to take part in the 33 of his own saving account, parents may take him to the bank, open a saving account for him, and 34 him to put a certain quantity of any checks that he receives as 35 into the bank and watch his ban



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