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1、Nice to Meet You.盐亭县云溪小学 申海英一、 教材内容:新路径英语三年级起点第一册二、教学目标:1、认知目标:能听懂会说单词Sunny、Windy、Rainy、 Cloudy并知道它们和天气有关;能用新学的单词结合句型进行简单的对话交际。2、能力目标:鼓励孩子们把所学的知识运用到现实生活中来,培养他们灵活应用英语的能力。3、情感目标:通过让孩子们扮演课文中的各种角色,让他们亲身感受英语学习的乐趣,激发他们的学习兴趣;同时通过本课礼貌用语的学习,鼓励孩子们在现实生活中做个懂礼貌的好孩子。课目内容分解表知 识 点学习水平识 记理解应用1、生词:Sunny、Windy、Rainy、C

2、loudy2、句型:Im Nice/Glad to meet you.(too)三、教学重、难点:(1)教学重点:能听懂会说本课的生单词;能用本课的新句型进行简单的对话交际。(2)教学难点:Sunny Rainy的发音; Nice/Glad to meet you.(too)意思的准确理解。学习水平描述表知识点学习水平描述语句行为动词生词识记能听懂会说本课的四个新单词记住理解知道这些单词和天气有关领会句型识记能听懂本课的主要句型听懂理解领会其句义的意思领会应用会用该句型进行会话交际会用拓展会把该句型运用到现实生活中来会用四、教具准备:录音机、图片、胸卡(表不同天气的)五、教学流程板书句型开始师

3、生问候热身活动展示图片、复习旧知导入新单词图片展示并板书其中的生词,老师教读由老师佩戴喜欢的天气胸卡引出新句型学生跟读、练习老师示范学生操练句型拓展练习评 价跟读课文完成练习题欣赏、预习本课歌曲结束六、详细过程Step1 Warmer 1. Sing a song. 2. Greeting. 3. Revision: Show the pictures and ask the Ss whats this?to review these words: Baby Bear/ Mummy Bear /Daddy Bear/ Baby Lion Step2 Presentation 1. Show t

4、he other pictures and ask them the same question to lead out the new words: Sunny Cloudy Windy Rainy Teach the words with actions. Show the pictures and encourage them to say the words as quickly as possible, then encourage them to find out the likes in these four pictures. (Every picture is related

5、 with weather) Explain in Chinese that every word is a weather word. But the first letter of them should be miniscule.2、Say I like Sunny,help them understand it and ask them which one they like.3、Put up a small weather card Sunny on my Tshirt and say with gestures I like Sunny,now Im Sunny. Who are

6、you?Put up another weather card which he or she likes on his or her clothes and encourage him or her to say Im to give all of the pupils an example.Do some examples.4、Tell them Im Sunny, now I want to make some friends. Who will be my friends?to encourage them to make a dialogue with me like this:T:

7、Hello!Im Sunny.S1:Hello!Im Cloudy.T:Nice to meet you.(Help them to understand the meaning of this sentence with gestures and ask some pupils to interpret it into Chinese,then answer it ,at last teach them to read.)S1:Nice to meet you,too.Step3 PracticePractice the dialogue in different in different

8、ways,for example:T:S1,S2,S3T:Boys/Girls.T:G1,G2S1:S2,S3,S4Ask a few pairs to act it out.Step4 ExtensionTake off the card on my Tshirt and say Now Im not Sunny,Im Miss Shen.Then greet to a student like this:T:Hello!Im Miss Shen.S1:Hello!Im S1.T:Nice to meet you.S1:Nice to meet you,too.Do more example

9、s.Now practise in pairs or work in four,then ask a few pairs to act it out.Step5 RevisionTurn to Page8. Play the tape,pause it after each utterance and get the Ss to repeat the sentences. Tell them to point to each sentence as they listen and repeat.Step6 Check part.Do the exercises on Page9,Listeni

10、ng Test,to review the words and sentences learned in this lesson.Step7 Appreciation and previsionListen to the song in this text and preview it Writing blackboard:PPIm Sunny.Nice to meet you.(too)Sunny CloudyPP Windy Rainy P means different pictures.拓展练习Summary after class:Most of the pupils were ve

11、ry active and excited in this class,finally more than ninety percent of the pupils could read the words and use the language flexibly. Because before the class we sang a song they like best,then I used lovely pictures to review some words and lead out the new words naturally. After they were acquain

12、ted. With the pictures,I encouraged them to find out the likes among the pictures and told them they are related with weather to help them learn more. Then I used a small weather card to lead out the sentences and practice the dialogues in different interesting ways. This not only help them learn th

13、e words and sentences in this lesson,but also help them use them flexibly after class.But I think,I should encourage the pupils to read the words without pictures and tell me the meaning with actions after I taught the new words; And I should take much more time to help them understand and say the sentence Im before I taught the sentence Nice to meet you. Generally speaking,I think if I had done like that,the pupils could learn more and learn more easily. - 5 -


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