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1、6B期末模拟卷 班级 姓名 听力部分(3)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词、时间、词组或句子(读一遍)% ( ) .walet B. wter .atc . orld( ) 2. twefth B.wntet C. omorro D.tnight( ) . A. conest B. conertC.ntinu D cosme( ) . A righ B. night C kite. fiht( ) 5. . pnt Bprsent C.poliema Dples( ) 6. A 1:5 B 11:15 C. 12:15 D12:45( ) 7. apng B.go skiing C ojogg

2、D. go rwing( ) 8 A. midlehool. sopig center C priary schol D. a post ofice( )9 A. pnit fome. B. pen them fme. C.Open thebox f m.D. Open he bok forme. ( ) 10. . Histelephone number is 85176 B. er telhonenumber s 885175. C Hsuts telhoneumb s 8851765. . er ucles telehoe numr is89515.二、听录音,根据听到的对话内容,选择正

3、确答案(读两遍)5%( ). In th plagound. .n th sho C. Inthe park. D Inheoo.( )2. . A CDWlkma. B. apnesartons. A VCDof Chinse carto. . caron.( ) 3. A. entto see s pats. B. Wn oee hs grapaets C. Wnt oa far D. Went t arm ana sml tow.( ) 4. A.Sunnyan hot. B. Cold nd wndy.CFogyand col. D. Wrm ndriny.( ) 5.A. Th bo

4、yingrn. BTh y n bue. The by irown. The boy n gay.三、听录音,判断,与短文意思相符的写“T”, 不相符的写“F”(读三遍)% ( ) 1 Ptr thepir chol abut threeyers. ( ) 2.Peter oten teor schlbusehe doesnt ike goin schoo( ) 3.The firscassbegis a fivepaseight.( ) 4 Thsiis ordents.( ) 5. TodaPetes aunt wa gld t sehim ttescholgae.四、听短文, 填写所缺的

5、单词(读三遍)1%Ter ae four in a yar. ping,ummr, utnand witr. In sprin eeather s .Th ree en. Popeli to ly the kiten goowing.n ummer heeater hot.Peope liketo andeat ice-cre. In amn is coolan te tee turn .Peolelit go a have n In winte the weath is co and peopleusy katg and me .笔试部分 (70)一、找出下列单词划线部分的发音与所给音标相同

6、的单词 3( ) ./A. wer .aln C caera( ) . /u:/ A.cooB.col od( )3./u Aknow B soC c( ) 4. /i:/. ery B. coert peple( )5./e/ A eeyhig Bpln C nmer( ) 6 /z/ A. slo B. enveope C orangs二、词型转换4%. county (复数) _ 2. fr (比较级)_3. pe (现在分词)_ . uik(副词)_5. no (同音词)_ 6 wern (原形)_7 ftr (反义词) _ 8. No.(完全形式)_三、词组英汉互译 10%1. 举行

7、生日聚会 6. bgod at Mahsand nglish 2. 有个相同的爱好 7 about two iloet awa 3. 一些其他的科目 8.oholiay n heUK 4. 看上去很像 . the ma nex to me 5. 想做得更好 10. eat lt o dlicusfood 四、选择填空 1( ) 1.There _ a ca and two birds in the teejunow.A. ereB.as is D. as( ) 2.Why_y bu som fruitA. not B. ntto dnt D. dn to ( )3.Would yulike _

8、foyorbrafasA any gs .an srawbrrisC. somerad D.sm aps juice( ) 4 D you knwhanse _t quein A . C. D. i( ) 5.Thak ou _ m.A. for hep . fr helng C. atheling D.toelp( ) 6. m oingt school _Mony morg. A at Bin C of. on( ) _ would yor brothelike a irhdyprent A How B. Wat C.Hw mny D.Where( ) 8.Helen _bautiully

9、 nd he likes _ very much. A. dn, dncing . dancng,aces C.dace, ace . dance, o danc( ) 9 Ilk Art. _ you A. H are B.What about C. What are D. How do( ) 10. Whose ulr sngr, _ A. ourso hr B yus orhi C. m oris D. eir o hr( ) 11 I Szho it doesnt ofte_ winter, but it is _ umr. .snowy, rainy Bsnow, ra C snow, rny D. snw, rans( ) 12.Iwtc intersing cartns o CCV _. A.twayB. two very das C. vertwo ys D eertwoy( ) 13. Go _ te streetu lef _ te son rossig A ong,t awa,to C. along, t. alon, t( ) 14. _eat do you wnt Two kilo,please



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