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1、Unit 3 Period 2 Vocabulary一 学习目标1. 熟读并识记单元单词和词组2. 理解并会运用单元重点词汇二 学法指导1. 利用早读时间有计划的完成单词的识记任务,积累考试所需词汇2. 翻开课本91页,结合导学提纲研读单词并通过自测试题掌握考试考查较多的一词多义、词义辨析和词组搭配三知识链接Key words 1. abuse n.&vt. 滥用;虐待The middle-aged man was accused of abusing his wife. 这名中年男子被指控虐待妻子。He abused his power to give jobs to his relativ

2、es. 他滥用权力给自己的亲戚安排工作。【拓展】alcohol abuse 酗酒 drug abuse 毒品滥用 child abuse 虐待儿童abuse ones power 滥用权力【即学即练】The office was arrested because of _.这个官员因为滥用权力而被捕。According to the new law, parents are also not allowed _ in the family. 根据新的法律,家长也不允许在家中虐待儿童。2. stress n.压力;重音 vt. 加压力于; 使紧张Jane has been under stres

3、s since her mothers illness. 珍自从母亲病倒后,一直受到巨大压力。He stressed the importance of a good education.他强调了接受良好教育的重要性。【拓展】be under stress 出于压力之下 under the stress of 为.所迫stress the importance of 强调.的重要性 put/place/lay stress on 强调【即学即练】The head teacher_learning English well.班主任强调学好英语的重要性。He _because his family

4、 is poor. 他因家庭贫穷而受到巨大的压力。3.ban (banned, banned) vt. 禁止, 取缔 n. 禁止; 禁令Do you think smoking should be banned?你认为吸烟应该被禁止吗?A ban against taking mobile phones to school has been issued in our school.禁止带手机到学校的禁令在我们学校已发布。【拓展】ban (doing) sth 禁止(做)某事 ban sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事a ban on/against sth 对.的禁令【即学即

5、练】Our school _ using mobile phones.我们学校禁止学生使用手机。You will _driving for a year if you are caught drunk-driving. 如果你被抓到酒后开车,你将被禁止开车一年。4. tough adj. 困难的;强硬的Before they succeeded, they had a really tough time. (=hard) 他们成功以前,确实度过了一段艰难的时期。Youmaynotagree withsometoughdecisionsIhavemade.你可能不同意我曾经做出的一些强硬的决定。

6、【即学即练】She is tough and ambitious. 她坚韧顽强,满怀抱负Thisrequiredtoughdecisions,buthedidnothesitateto make them.这需要作出强硬决定,但他毫不迟疑地做到了。5. mental adj.精神的,智力的 mentally adv. 精神上,智力上,心理上When you study for a long time without rest, you will become mentally tired. 当你学习了很长一段时间没有休息,你就会变得精神疲惫。Lastly, you can become men

7、tally addicted. 最后,你会变得精神上瘾。【即学即练】We should study hard and meanwhile do more sports to keep ourselves healthy both _and physically.我们应该努力学习,同时多做运动来保持自己的身心健康。Howtheyaffectour_is alluptousandhowweuse them.它们如何影响我们的心理健康只是取决于我们如何使用。6. quit(quit/quitted; quit/quitted)vt. 停止(做某事);离开I was addicted in all t

8、hree ways, so it was difficult to quit. 我之所以上瘾共有三个方面的原因,因此要戒烟就很难。I knew it was time to quit smoking.我知道是时候该戒烟了。【拓展】quit doing 放弃做某事 quit school 退学 quit office 离职【即学即练】When I_ sports I become very fat and unhealthy. 当我放弃体育运动,我变得既胖又不健康。If I dont get a pay rise, I will _. 如果我不获得加薪,我将离职。7. effect n. 结果,

9、效力When I was young, I didnt know much about the harmful effect of smoking. 年轻时,我不太了解吸烟的危害性。This has a great effect on the future of both mother and son.这件事对母子俩的将来影响很大。【拓展】have an effect/influence/impact on 对.有影响 In effect 事实上;实际上come into effect 开始实施,开始生效【即学即练】_, the two systems are identical. 事实上,这

10、两种系统完全一样。Any change in lifestyle _your health. 生活方式的任何改变都将影响你的健康。8. unfit adj.不健康的,不合适的,不合格的Many children are so unfit they are unable to do even basic exercises. 许多孩子很不强健,他们甚至不能做基本的运动。He had a third examination and was declared unfit for duty.他做了第3次检查,被宣布不适合上班。【拓展】 反义词 fit 【即学即练】Its reportedthatfas

11、t food_childrenwhoneedmorenutrition for theirgrowth.据报道,快餐不适合正处于成长发育期、需要更多营养的孩子们,They were completely _run the company. 他们完全不胜任经营这家公司。9. strengthen vt. 将强;巩固;使加强 vi. 变强It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve. 也许对你戒烟和鉴定决心会有所帮助。The wind strengthen during the night. 夜里风力增强了。【拓展】strength n

12、.力气;体力 ;强项【即学即练】Everyone has his _. 每个人都有优缺点。Its my duty to _the fence.加固围栏是我的职责。10. desperate adj. 绝望的;拼命的If you feel desperate,you might like talk to a doctor or a chemist about something to help you.如果你感到很绝望,你可以找一个医生或者药剂师来谈谈,帮你想点办法。He was desperate for work to provide for a large family .他渴望有工作,挣

13、钱供养子女众多的家。【拓展】desperately adv.绝望地;拼命地;非常地 desperation n.绝望;拼命;不顾死活be desperate for sth 极想要某物 be desperate to do sth. 渴望做某事【即学即练】The man lost in the desert _.在沙漠中,迷路的人极度渴望水。He is _. 他急于找一份工作。11. disappointed adj. 失望的,沮丧的 The disappointed children went home. 失望的孩子们回家了。She was disappointed not to be ch

14、osen. 她没有被选中而感到沮丧。【拓展】disappointing adj.令人失望的 disappointment n. 失望,灰心 to ones disappointment令某人失望的是 be/feel disappointed at.对.感到失望 be disappointed to do sth 对做.感到失望【即学即练】All the people were _ at the _ result.所有人对那个令人失望的结果很失望。_, the concert was canceled. 使我们大所失望的是音乐会被取消了。12. ashamed adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的(常作表语)If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. 如果你因意志衰



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