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1、四、单项选择。 从下面各题所给的四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 22. Send_ a postcard from Canada when you are there. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 23. -What did you do_ March 31? -We turned off the lights for Earth Hour. A. in B. at C. on D. for 24. Hurry up,_ you cant finish the work on time. A. and B. so C. but D. or 25. -_ do

2、they go to the village school? -Once a month. A. How often B. How long C. How far D . How many 26. E-mails are_ than letter, so they are popular among us. A. fast B. faster C. the fastest D. fastest 27. -Can you translate the article into Chinese? -Yes, I_ A. need B. must C. may D. can 28. The probl

3、em is so hard that almost_ can work it out. A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody D. anybody 29. Parents always tell me not_ any chance because it can help me grow up. A. to miss B. miss C. missing D. missed 30. Ms Lee_ a good rest last night and she felt better this morning. A. has B. had C. is having

4、 D. will have 31. She_ when I saw her yesterday morning. A. run B. ran C. was running D. has run 32. Jeremy Shu-How Lin_ in NBA since 2010. A. play B. played C. will play D. has played 33. Green products_ by many people in their daily life now. A. use B. used C. are used D. were used 34. Could you t

5、ell me_ next summer vacation? A. what are you going to do B. what you are going to do C. what did you do D. what you did Joseph sat on a hill in the middle of nowhere, writing his name into the dirt with a stick. .“Joseph!” his mother called. Joseph looked at the farmhouse that was now supposed to b

6、e his home. As he finished the last 35 , he noticed something metal shining in the rosy late-afternoon sunlight. He picked it up: a rusty old 36 . He put it in his pocket and walked down the hill. .Grandpa passed away last year, leaving the house and farm to his mother. Joseph had hoped that she wou

7、ld just 37 it and buy a house in the city. However, she chose to move to the farm. Joseph had been very 38 about leaving his friends and his school.In the city, dinnertime had always been an opportunity for conversation between Joseph and his mother. Here, though, he had 39 to say. He knew his silen

8、ce hurt his mother, but surely it was better than the angry words waiting behind it. It was best to keep 40 . He quickly finished his food on the plate and went to his room upstairs.Later, he went down the stairs to look for something to read. In the deep silence, his mother sat alone on the living-

9、room sofa. On her lap lay a photograph album. Looking up, she smiled 41 and said, “See what I found? Heres your gre at-grandfather. Hes about your age in this picture. Do you think you look like him?” Joseph stuffed his hand into his pockets and shrugged(耸肩). He 42 the old key. As he moved closer to

10、 look at the photograph, something else 43 his eye. “Whats that?” he asked, pointing to a painted wooden box on the coffee table.“Its a silent music box, “ his mother said softly. “Years ago, when I was a little girl, 44 brother, 2 years older than me, took the key away. He didnt mean to lose it. Bu

11、t he dropped it out somewhere, we searched and searched but 45 found it.”Joseph sat down beside her and handed the rusty key to her. Suddenly his mothers eyes sparkled. With trembling hands, she wound up(转动) the music box. As its sweet melody played, mother and son listened together. “it has been si

12、lent for a long, long time,” she said.“Its so clear!” said Joseph. “It sounds as good as new.” The silence had been 46 . 35. A. name B. number C. letter D. p icture 36. A. box B. key C. photo D. stick 37. A. sell B. fix C. buy D. paint 38. A. worried B. excited C. pl eased D. unhappy 39. A. somethin

13、g B. anything C. nothing D. everything 40. A. brave B. quiet C. calm D. strict 41. A. surprisin gly B. seriously C. hopefully D. thoughtfully 42. A. felt B. found C. took D. carried 43. A. hurt B. caught C. moved D. had 44. A. her B. his C. my D. your 45. A. still B. never C. almost D. every 46. A.

14、kept B. beaten C. improved D. broken AWhere do you want to study abroad?London, UK Imperial College London(帝国理工学院) and University College London are very famous. London is also going through big changes with the coming Olympic Games. You need to pay about $20,600 a year. Boston, USAYou probably know of Harvard University and MIT. They are in Boston. Studying at these two universities is expensive: about $50,000 a year. With the help of scholarship(奖学金), the fee is about $39,600 a year. Vienna, Austria The city is home to Austrias two h


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