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1、高考常见的22个名句Take it easyTake it easy. 别着急,别紧张,慢慢来Take it easy. You will not fall behind. 别紧张,你不会掉队的。二、Take your time. Take your time从容进行。Take your time. There is still enough time. 别紧张,时间还够。三、A is x times as 形容词/副词原级 as B;A is x times 形容词/副词比较级 than BA is x times as 形容词/副词原级 as B,A 是B的x 倍A is x times

2、形容词/副词比较级 than B,A比Bx 倍。This bridge is four times as long as that one. 这座桥是那座桥的四倍长。四、It is ones hope thatIt is ones hope that,某人希望It is his hope that you can marry him. 他希望你能嫁给他。五、It/It all/That dependsIt/It all/That depends,要看情况而定。I may go there to see him, but it depends.我可能会去那里看他,但要看情况而定。六、spend+

3、时间+ (in) doing sth.spend+时间+ (in) doing sth.,花费时间做某事。Can you spend five minutes (in) talking with me? 你能花五分钟跟我谈一谈吗?七、as + adj. /adv. + asas + adj. /adv. + as,和一样,asas中间为原级形容词或副词,否定式为not as/so Is this problem as difficult as that one? 这道题和那道题一样难吗?This bridge is not as/so long as that one at all. 这座桥根

4、本没有那座桥长。八、notuntilnotuntil,直到才,表示某一动作一直到until 所表示的时间为止才开始发生,其谓语动词必须为终止性动词。例Last night he didnt go to bed until eleven oclock. 昨晚他直到十一点才上床睡觉。例She didnt turn back until the guest was out of sight. 直到客人消失了她才转过了身。注意: 此时可将“notuntil”句型以“not until +时间”的形式放置句首构成倒装句型,也可以“not until + 时间”的形式作为被强调部分用于强调句型。Not u

5、ntil midnight did it stop raining. 雨到半夜才停。It was not until last year that he found his lost child. 直到去年他才找到失踪的小孩。九、祈使句,and句中祈使句表示条件,and表示有特定条件就会有相应结果,而且连接肯定性结果。Study hard, and you can pass the exam smoothly. 认真学习,你就能顺利通过这次考试。One more word, and Ill knock you down. 再说一个字我就把你打倒。十、It was not long before

6、It was not long before(过去)没过多久就,常作下列变化:将not省去;将was改成will/may/must be,将long改成years, months, weeks等具体时间名词。解题时应随语境变化准确理解其含义。It was not long before he came back from abroad. 没过多久他就从国外回来了。Will it be some time before she gets married?要过一段时间她才结婚吗?十一、have a hard time (doing) sth.have a hard time (doing) sth

7、.,做某事很艰难。He had a hard time working out this problem. 解这道题时他费了很大的劲。十二、would rather thatwould rather that,宁愿,从句动词用过去式I would rather that you chose Wei Fang. 我宁愿你选择魏芳。I would rather that you drank milk. 我宁愿你喝牛奶。十三、Whats moreWhats more,更何况,再者。Dont worry about the exam, because you study very hard, what

8、s more, your are so clever. 别为考试担心,因为你学习很认真,更何况你又这么聪明。-Do you think I should get a good guidebook? 十四、As far as I knowAs far as I know,就我所知的而言。As far as I know, she is a beautiful girl. 就我所知的而言,她是一个漂亮女孩。十五、Thats OK.Thats OK. 没关系,道歉回答用语。Im sorry to have kept you waiting. -对不起,让您久等了。Thats OK. -没关系。十六、

9、cannot/can nevertoocannot/can nevertoo 怎么也不为过分I think I cannot praise you too much. 我认为我怎么表扬你也不为过分。In my opinion, you can never be too strict with yourself. 依我之见,你对自己怎么严格要求也不为过分。十七、the+比较级,the+比较级the+比较级,the+比较级,越越,前半句表示条件,后半句表示结果。The more we listen to our teacher, the more we can understand. 我们听老师讲

10、课越多,我们懂的就越多。The more you give, the more you get. 你给予的越多,得到的就越多。十八、带插入语的特殊疑问句特殊疑问句加上插入语后应以特殊疑问词开头,插入语使用疑问式倒装语序,其后的特殊疑问句应视为宾语从句,采用陈述语序。Where do you think she will go? 你认为她会去哪里?When do you think they will start? 你认为他们什么时候出发?十九、There is no need to do sth.There is no need to do sth.没有必要做某事。There is no ne

11、ed to go there so early. 没必要这么早就去那里。二十、As is known toAs is known to,正如所知。As is known to all, Taiwan is a part of China. 众所周知,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。二十一、with+名词+副词with+名词+副词,在情况下,为独立主格结构作状语。He likes to sleep with the light on.他喜欢开灯睡觉。With the school over, the children all went home. 放学了,孩子们都回家了。二十二、主语助动词 “主语助动词”句型表示的确如此、果真如此。He made up his mind to study hard他下定决心要认真学习。So he did他的确这么做了。值得注意的是,“助动词主语”句型用于肯定句表示一种情况也适合于另外的人或事。She has been to Beijing,so have I 她到过北京,我也到过。


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