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1、FANUC简要说明书FANUC简要说明书一、控制柜简介Errergency Stop Button Tixni qQyn 间中,询vi 牌 lo网3a网UwrArfinE buUmmCy侬 Siartpm 蝴,总 manual cytrflcwcyKeets tomrcHe rCan irollct门皿FauhLECMode Select SwricrCanirollerPaw rudtwiPCMCIA sirt (cz Mu in C PJRS-232Scnal FcrtOpWYk5l SIM上图是控制柜上的一些按钮,右上角是急停按钮,按下它机器人立即停止,将它旋转抬起,机器人改变急停状态,


3、指令设定的速度比250mm/s大,运行时机器人也无法达到设定速度,T2模式下最大程序速度是程序中运动指令所设定的速度。AUTO是自动模式,当钥匙开关打到这个模式时,还需要在示教盒上设置是本地自动还是远程自动,设置和如何执行程序将在执行程序那一部分介绍。二、示教盒简介1、示教盒主要开关/2Teach pendant enable switchTeachpendantenableswitch:示教盒使能开关,当手动运行机器人时,将这个开关打到ON的状态,当自动运行机器人时,将它打到OFF的状态。Emergencystopbutton:急停按钮,与控制柜上的急停按钮作用一致。Deadmanswitc

4、h:这个开关给机器人伺服上电,它有三档,不按或完全按住,伺服下电,按在中间位置,伺服上电。2、示教盒各键介绍Status Indkators: indicates alarm, running, busy status.Spot LEDs: Displays spot welding status Enable/DiMbto、 witch (Toach pendant ON.OFF witcti): Selects loach pGfxlant口 nUMMAiG ZU GUV g口 KE0(ladlMENUS key: Use this key to display the menu scre

5、en.smhiooi rm 70t CFT50 IOOOWmc CWT30 SOOui/mc riNB 100% nmEmergency Stop button: Use this button for EmergencystopCursor keys: Use these keys to move the cursorSTEP key: Use this key to switch between step execution cyde execution.FCTNkey:U59 ttis key to display the supplementary menuProgram keys:

6、Use these keys to select menuopoons.RESET key: Use this key io dear the alarm.HOLD key: Use this key to stop the robot.BACK SPACE key: Use this/ key to delelo the charaaof or number immediately before the cursor/AA/D (fofwurd) key: U&e this key to execute the next program staument.ITEM key: Use this

7、 key to select an item using its numberENTER key: Use this key to enter a numenc value or to select an item from the menuPOSNkty: Use this key to display the POSITION 卬 8nGUN Keys: Use ths key to apply pressure、 Jog keys: Use this key to move iho robot manualyCOORD (coordinate) key: Use this key to

8、selea the jog ooord*natc system or select another group.IO key: Use this koy to (ispaly the I/O sawn.STATUS Key: Use thit koy to display theBU keys; Use this key to select BACKUP kx each w4drK)(XXiJog Speed keys: Use these keys to adjust the speed ot the robot when it movs.STATUS screenLCDscrmn(16-4

9、0):Displaysprograms,data.dagnosticdtc.Fl、F2、F3、F4、F5:f键可以选择屏幕下方的功能菜单。PREV:使屏幕回到上一次的状态,有时候不能回到以前的状态。NEXT:使功能键菜单翻到下一页。MENUS:打开总菜单目录。下面是MENUS键打开的菜单。1 UTILITIES2 TESTCYCLK3 MAKUMLTCnS4 KULRM5 I/O6 SETUP7 FILE89 UH0-KKXT-1 SELKCT2 EDIT3 DJLTA4 STATUS5 POSITIOH6 SYSTEM7890 -MKXT-Page 1Page2JLBORT (ALL)Dis

10、able FND/BWDFCTN:打开功能菜单目录。下面是FCTN键打开的菜单。Page1Page2SELECT:用此键可以显示所有的程序名。EDIT:回到正在编辑的程序中。DATA:显示所打开程序中的寄存器内容。STEP:按此键,示教盒左侧的相应灯亮,运行程序时,程序每运行一步都需要按一次“向前运行”或者“向后运行”键。箭头键:用于移动光标RESET:报警复位键,按SHIFT+RESET使报警确认。BACKSPACE:删除光标前的一个字符。ITEM:当一屏不能显示所有条目时,可以按这个键,输入想要到达的条目号,回车后,屏幕跳到这个条目,这个可以避免上下翻屏查找。ENTER:回车键。HOLD:


12、ULT:表示机器人有报警没有消除。HOLD:机器人当前处于暂停状态。以上两个灯为红灯,其余灯都为绿灯。STEP:表示机器人程序运行是单步运行不是连续运行。BUSY:机器人系统正在工作,包括程序执行、备份程序、打印等。RUNNING:机器人正在执行程序。I/OENBL:I/O信号被使能。JOINT.XYZ、TOOL:表示机器人手动运行使用的坐标系。3、屏幕介绍Program which is being executedProgram which is being editedLine numberProgram end symbolCurrent line numberIndicates th

13、e number of the line in the program being executed.SAMPLE 1 SAMPLE1Lira 1Manuakfeed coordinate system (jog type) Indicates the current jog type.1: j2: J3: L 4: L5: J (BadlPAUSED ioo rnrx 70S CHT50 lOOOea/min CWT30 SOOsn/see FINK 1003 FXWZFBD PADSDOIHT 30%1/6、TP forwardbackward disableFBD is cisplayo

14、d vAion 惜。toach pondant is enabled and is set 8 that start from teach pendant is prohibited.Execution status、Indicates ABORTED, PAUSED, or RUNNING.Feedrate overrideThe override key specifies the percentage of the maximum feedrate.valueof press EFTKRCBOICE POSITIONCurrent line and total number of lin

15、esIndicates th number o1 the linePrompting messagePrompts the operator to enter data The message depends on the selected screen and the position of the the program being executed or edited and the total number Function key menu of lines in % currGnt肉田加 Indicates the function key labels. The menu depends on the selected screen and the position ol the cursor. Labels including f shows thal the selection menu is displayed when this lab



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