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1、有趣的英文短信(1) Not every flower symbolize for love, but rose can do it; not every tree can stand thirst, but alamo can do it, not every pig can read short message, but you can do it. Congratulations!不是每一朵花都能代表爱情,但是玫瑰做到了;不是每一种树都能耐住干渴,但是白杨 做到了;不是每一头猪都能看短消息,但是你做到了。恭喜你!(2) Hello I am a virus and I am enteri

2、ng your brain right now.Sorry I will leave, I cant find a brain.你好,我是病毒!并且现在正逐渐进入你的大脑对不起,我要走了,因为我根本找 不到你的大脑!(3) This msg. will refresh your brain in 5 seconds. Error: No Brain Detected这条消息将会让你的头脑清醒5秒。 错误提示:未侦测到大脑! !(4) Good looks catch the eyes but Good Personality catches the heart. You

3、are blessed with both! FLATTERED? Dont Be! It was sent to me. I just wanted you to read it.漂亮的脸蛋能吸引眼球但是好的人品能吸引人心。你很幸运的同时拥有这两方面!被恭 维了?少来了!这个短消息是送给我的。我只不过想让你看看罢了。(5) Good morning.Have u done two of the most important things when you wake up today? 1) Pray-so that u may live.2)Take a bath-so that other

4、s may live too!早上好你今早醒来的时候有没有做这两件最重要的事呢? 1)祈祷-好让你可以活 下去2)洗澡-好让别人也可以活下去!(6) Dont be mad, dont be blue, Einstein was ugly too! 不要激动,不要忧郁,爱因 斯坦长相也难看!(7) You may fall from mountain, you may fall from tree, but the best way to fall, is fall to my love.你可能会从山上掉下来,也可能会从树上掉下来,但是,最好的方式,是你会爱上我。(8) 1 day ull B

5、 surprised 2C ME beside U. U & Me laughing, U&Me crying, U & Me dreaming, U & Me holding on, U & Me.just U & Me sitting in a MENTAL & ME CHECKING U.一天你会很惊讶的发现我出现在你身边。你我一起欢笑,一起哭泣,一起梦想,依偎在 一起,一起只不过是你我一起坐在精神病院里并且我(医生)给你(精神病人)做检查。(9) Once god came up 2 me & granted me a wish. I asked 4 world peace. That

6、s impossible, he said.有一次上帝来到我面前答应了我一个愿望。我说我要世界和平。“那是不可能的”他说。Then I asked him 2 give u brains. He said, Let me try world peace. 然后我请让你变 聪明。他说:“你还是让我试试让世界和平吧。”(10) Every morning I pray 2 God that everybody should get a friend like u,.每天早晨我都向上帝祷告:希望每个人都能够拥有像你这样的朋友Why should I be the only to suffer.? 为

7、什么只有我要忍受有你这样的朋友?(11) If u hide, Ill seek 4 u. If u r lost, Ill search 4 you. If ull leave, Ill wait 4 u. If days take u away 4m me, Ill fight 4 u.如果你躲起来,我会去找你。如果你不见了,我会寻觅你。如果你离开了,我会等你。 如果日子会把你带走,我会为你战斗。 But, if u stop sending msgs, Ill kill you. 但是, 如果你停止发短信息,我会宰了你。(12) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O

8、 P Q R S T V W X Y Z oops! i miss UA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z 哎呀!我居然丢了 “U” 注: U代表“You”你。miss除有“遗漏”的意思,还有“思念”之意。这里i miss U,实 为I miss you.我想你。(13) Can u pronounce good English? Read along: woof, roof, loof, shoof, shoof, woof, loof, poof, woof, woof, hoof, loof, roof, shoof, Tes

9、t results: U r a good dog. Now stop barking.你的英语发音很标准?读下去:woof, roof, loof, shoof, shoof, woof, loof, poof, woof, woof, hoof, loof, roof, shoof, 测试结果:你是一条好狗。现在可以停下别叫了。(14) If you are alone, Ill be your shadow. If you want to cry, Ill be your shoulder. If you want a hug, Ill be your pillow. If you need to be happy, Ill be your smile. If you need money. wait for your salary.如果你感到孤独,我做你的影子。如果你想哭泣,我做你的肩膀。如果你想要拥抱,我 做你的枕头。如果你想要快乐,我做你的微笑。如果你想要钱等着发工资吧!本文地址:http:/ (http:/)



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