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1、UNIT 7Sports and Good HealthUNIT 7易错考点专练易错考点专练 truth,true与与truly辨析辨析易易错错点点津津:truth n.事事实实;真真相相,常常用用搭搭配配:to tell you the truth老老实实说说,老老实实讲讲。truly adv.真真正正地地,确确实实地地,用用来来修饰形容词或者动词。修饰形容词或者动词。true adj.真的,真的,用来修饰名词。用来修饰名词。1.To tell you the truth,she knows nothing about it.2.Mrs.Green is always kind to her

2、 students.Yes.And she cares about them truly like their mother.3.Is it true?Yes,it is.4.Work hard,and your dream will come true.truthtrulytruetrue用用truth,true或或truly填空填空 decide的用法的用法易易错错点点津津:decide v.决决定定,decide to do sth.决决定定做做某某事事。其其 名名 词词 形形 式式 为为 decision决决 定定,常常 用用 短短 语语:make a decision 作决定。作决定

3、。.用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空1.I made a decision(decide)to change the plan.2.Molly decides to have(have)a long talk with her cousin.decisionto have.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子3.琳达决定改变她的生活方式。Linda decides to change her lifestyle.4.他们决定明天不去野餐了。They decide not to have a picnic tomorrow.tochangenottohave informat

4、ion与与message辨析辨析易易错错点点津津:information是是不不可可数数名名词词,没没有有复复数数形形式式。“一一则则信信息息”可可以以说说a piece of information,许许多多条条信信息息many pieces of information。message信信息息,口口信信,可可指指人人通通过过观观察察、阅阅读读或或与与人人交交往往所所获获得得的的任任何何信信息息,但但不不一一定定都都准准确确。也也可可指指报报纸纸、电电台台或或电电视视等等传传播播媒媒体体所所发发布布的的信息。信息。I.用用information或或message填空填空1.Can you t

5、ake a(n)message for me,Mike?2.Is there any information about your son?messageinformation.单项选择单项选择(A)3.I know little about your school.Surf the Internet,and you can get much about it.AA.informationB.suggestionC.differenceD.message too many,too much与与much too辨析辨析易易错错点点津津:too many 太太多多,后后接接可可数数名名词词复复数数

6、;too much太太多多,后后接接不不可可数数名名词词;much too太太,后后接接形容词或副词。形容词或副词。I.单项选择单项选择(A)1.Jim eats meat,so he is heavy.A.too much;much tooB.too much;too manyC.much too;too muchD.too many;much tooA(A)2.He has questions to ask you.A.too manyB.too muchC.much tooD.many tooA.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子3.妈妈每天有太多的家务要做,她太累了。Mum ha

7、s too much housework to do every day.She is much too tired.toomuchmuchtoo used to do与与be used to doing辨析辨析易易错错点点津津:两两个个结结构构相相似似,但但意意义义不不同同。be used to doing sth.习习惯惯于于做做某某事事;used to do sth.过过去去常常常常做做某某事事,做做题题时一般根据句意来判断。时一般根据句意来判断。.单项选择单项选择(B)1.中考岳阳 My grandfather used to TV at home after dinner,but n

8、ow he is used to out for a walk.A.watch;goB.watch;goingC.watching;goB(C)2.My grandma is used to in the countryside.Oh.So is my grandma.A.liveB.livesC.livingD.livedC.按要求完成句子按要求完成句子3.He used to go to school by bike.(改为否定句)He didnt use to go to school by bike.4.I used to be a teacher.(改为一般疑问句)Did you use to be a teacher?didnt use toDid you use.用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空5.中考常德We used to have(have)a party to welcome our new friend on weekends.to have



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