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1、Lesson 29 A Door to the WorldUnit 5 I Love Learning English!一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.Different people have different ways of _(communicate).【点拨】此句考查“交流方式”表达为ways of communication,此处用名词作介词of 的宾语。故填communication。communication2.If we have some special skills,we will have many more _(opportun

2、ity)to find a good job.【点拨】句意为“如果我们有一些特殊的技能,我们将会有更多的机会找到一份好工作”。opportunity 机会,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,根据 空前的many more 可知此处应用复数形式。opportunities3.He is a sports fan.He often reads a lot of _(article)about sports.【点拨】article 为可数名词,由空前的a lot of 可知,此处应用复数形式。articles4.We need to increase(增加)our _(knowledge)of th

3、e history of China.【点拨】knowledge 不可数名词,没有复数形式。knowledge5.Can you tell me how _(connect)them?【点拨】句意为“你能告诉我如何连接它们吗?”。分析句子可知,此处为“疑问词+to do”结构,故填to connect。to connect 二二、单项选择、单项选择6.2023石家庄四十二中月考改编Though Bill is very young,he has a lot of _ about Chinese history.A.chance B.knowledge C.mistake D.experienc

4、e【点拨】用词词义义辨辨析析法法。chance 机会;knowledge知识;mistake 错误;experience 经验。根据语境可知,尽管比尔很年轻,但是对于中国历史已经掌握了很多的知识,表示“知识”用knowledge。故选B。B7.Some _ only come once,catch them.A.sleep B.opportunitiesC.skills D.problems【点拨】考查名词辨析。句意:有些机会只来一次,抓住它们。sleep 睡眠;opportunity 机会;skill 技能;problem 问题。分析句意可知,此处指“机会”。故选B。B8.Its usefu

5、l for the deaf(聋的)to learn body language.Yes,its a main way of _ for them.A.communication B.helpC.opportunity D.project【点拨】考查名词辨析。communication 交流;help 帮助;opportunity 机会;project 项目。根据“Its useful for the deaf(聋的)to learn body language.”可知肢体语言是耳聋的人的一种主要的交流方式。故选A。A9.The Chinese language has become a br

6、idge to _ China _ the rest of the world.A.connect;to B.help;withC.wake;up D.communicate;with【点拨】用短短语语辨辨析析法法。句意:汉语已经成了一座联系中国和世界其他地方的桥梁。connect.to.把和联系起来;help.with.帮助某事;wake.up 叫醒;communicate.with.和交流。根据句意可知应选A。A10.Li Ming had no idea about this question.He went to Mrs.Li and _ help.A.looked for B.ask

7、ed forC.left for D.waited for【点拨】句意为“李明不知道怎么做这道题,他去李老师那寻求帮助”。look for 寻找;ask for 寻求;leave for 动身去;wait for 等待。分析句意,李明向李老师寻求帮助,故选B。B三三、根据汉语意思完成句子、根据汉语意思完成句子11.通过与同学交流你会找到更好的学习方法。You can find better learning methods by _ _ your municating with12.阅读可以开启通向知识的大门。Reading can _ _ _ _ the knowledge.open the

8、 door to13.我们可以用很多方式帮助他人。We can help others _ _ _.in many ways14.通晓一门新语言,你可以享受更好的生活。With _ _ _ _ a new language,you can enjoy a better life.a good knowledge of15.我们可以把需要学习的内容与感兴趣的东西联系起来。We can _ what we need to learn _ what we are interested in.connect with四四、连词成句、连词成句16.bright,can,future,we,have,a

9、_.We can have a bright future17.like,read,you,newspapers,to,would_?Would you like to read newspapers18.help,English,can,you,me,learn_?Can you help me learn English19.meet,we,challenges,will,many_.We will meet many challenges20.knowledge,he,a,of,has,maths,good_.He has a good knowledge of maths一一、(荣德原

10、创荣德原创)词语词语运用运用People use twenty-six letters to make different words and then make English sentences.Students in many places of the world are 1._(learn)English.It takes time,but the new language can give them new 2._(opportunity).【点拨】1.由空前的are 可知,本句应用现在进行时,结构为be doing。故填learning。【点拨】2.opportunity 机会,

11、可数名词,在这里用复数表示一类事物,故填opportunities。learningopportunitiesMany people from 3._(difference)countries speak English.English opens the door 4._ the world.It also helps you to 5._(communicate)with people from all over the world.【点拨】3.修饰名词countries,应用形容词形式,故填different。【点拨】4.短语the door to.通往的门,故填to。【点拨】5.hel

12、p sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事,故填communicate。differenttocommunicateYou can meet new people 6._ learn new things.Learning a new language can be a challenge.But it can help you understand cultural differences 7._(exact)around the world and connect you with the world.【点拨】6.空处前后属于并列关系,用and 连接。【点拨】7.句意为“但是它可以帮助

13、你确切地理解全世界的文化差异”。此处使用副词修饰动词understand。故填exactly。andexactlyFor me,English is hard to learn.Last year,I 8._(make)friends with a foreign girl to practice English on the Internet.She is a 9._(Canada)girl.We spoke English online twice 10._ week.I really improved a lot.【点拨】8.由时间状语Last year 可知,此处用make 的过去式made。【点拨】9.Canadian 加拿大的。故填Canadian。【点拨】10.句意为“我们每周两次在网上说英语”。twice a week 每周两次。故填a。madeCanadiana



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