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1、以胖为美观能引领新时尚吗?Will the concept that “Being plump is beauty” take lead in the vogue?以“瘦”为审美标准观,统治了整个20世纪。当时代的脚步迈入21世纪的第一个10年后,时尚的风向标却把女人的身材扭转成以胖为美的标准,几个大尺码的模特开始风行时尚圈。也许不到半年,满坑满谷的就会全是有些肉肉的女人开始横行,如果你还是一如既往的骨感下去,那么时尚人士就会对你说:“瘦”已经OUT了,“胖”才是潮流。这是推崇自然美的体现,但是以胖为美观能引领新时尚吗?The aesthetic standard of “slimness”

2、has dominated the entire 20th century. When it evolves into the last decade of the 21st century, the orientation of fashion has twisted the standard of “Being plump is beauty.” Several plump models have become in vogue. It may take less than half a year for the women with fat to become permeated. If

3、 you continue to keep on skinny, the fashion experts may comment that “Slimness has been out and being plump is the trend.” This is the promotion of natural beauty, but will it take lead in the vogue?No matter popular in todays society is fat or thin, I have no intention to pursue, because a healthy

4、 body is the most important!不管当今社会流行的是胖还是瘦,我都不会刻意去追求,因为健康的身体才是最重要的!Is the so-called turnip greens, all have love, each peson have different point of view for fat and thin. but at present, the vast majority of women are more biased in favor of thin, thin has advantages than fat for dancing and dressi

5、ng etc, and thus there are many women go to the store to buy diet pills, on diet and other methods.正所谓萝卜青菜,各有所爱,每个人对于胖瘦都有不同的观点.而在目前,绝大多数女性更偏向于瘦,瘦在跳舞及穿衣等方面,比胖更多了一些优势,也因此有不少女性去商店购买减肥药,节食等瘦身方法.I ever was a little fat, but after promotion to bring the work pressure in 2006, I became thin, Almost the pas

6、t few years, no more fat off. for me, I cant appreciate the kind of bone beauty, it seems that a gust of wind will be able to be blown down, but too much fat, I also find it is difficult to adapt.曾经我也微胖,但因06年升职后带来的工作压力,之后就瘦了很多.几乎这几年来,都没有再胖过.对于我,我欣赏不了那种骨感美,似乎一阵风就能将其吹倒,而身上太多的脂肪,我亦感到难以适应.From antiquity

7、, people talk about which is more beautiful ,fat or slimness? In han period, people take slimness girls as beauty, a most famous slimness beauty is Zhao feiyan, it is said that she can dance on the hand, I think her slimness is too exaggerate, however , in tang period, the sense of thinking fat as b

8、eauty strikes everybodys mind, especially, one of the four beauty, Yangyuhuan is a fat beauty worthy of the name.自古以来,人们就谈论时胖美还是瘦好看,在汉代的时候,那时候的人们就以瘦为美,最出名的一个瘦美人当数赵飞燕了,传说中,她可以作掌上舞,我认为她的那种瘦太夸张了。然而在唐代的时候,以胖为美的观念深入人心,最著名的四大美人之一,杨玉环,就是个名副其实的胖美人。Nowadays, people add more essence to how to treat fat or sli

9、mness., we often say you can not buy slimness with money , A famous wisdom from European :slimness means long life, which means peoples health may be affected by fat.当今,如何看待胖瘦为美这个问题,人们又增加了新的东西,中国就说有钱难买老来瘦,欧洲也有句名言,瘦可以使人长寿,这都意味着胖会影响人的健康。As far as I am concerned, health is most important, I will not pu

10、rsue fashion deliberately, I can not appreciate the skinny beauty, while I will feel uncomfortable if so much fat wrap around my body. 就我而言,健康是最重要的,我不会去刻意的追求时尚,我也欣赏不了那种骨感美,但是如果身上堆着一层厚厚的脂肪我也会感到非常的不舒服。Will the concept thatBeing plump is beautytake the lead in vogue?(o)/ I lilke todays topic very much!

11、 Because the stature as well as appearance is always the heated topic among our females. It is well-known that Yangyuhuan, a plump even fat woman, was regarded as the typical beauty in Tang dynasty.Then how about the other dynasties or the recent periods? The four typical beauties in the ancient tim

12、e,Wang Zhaojun,Xi Shi,DiaoChan were all in pretty stature except Yang Yuhuan.We suppose our ancestors might support our modern aesthetics too.(*_*)However,change is coming.Recently , more and more comments about the standard aesthetic.Fat models is gaining much more attention and applaud than before

13、.Even some think the traditional skinny models not beautiful at all. They are all out! 很喜欢今天的话题,因为身材和外貌毋庸置疑一直是女性朋友的热点话题。说到胖美人,大家都会想到唐代的杨玉环。而其他朝代乃至近代呢?古代四大美女:王昭君,西施,貂蝉,和杨玉环齐名,却都是窈窕身材。我想或许我们的祖先也和咱现代人一样的审美观吧。不过,最近这个以瘦为美的观点招到挑战啦。比如:胖模特们越来越受到人们的关注甚至掌声啦,有的人还说以往的苗条模特们丑死了,都过时啦!Can the aesthetic standard tak

14、e a historical change? Personally,Im not for it.审美大革命来了么?我可不这样认为。Just imagine what a fat peopole would encounters in their daily life : he/she will wear L or even XL,XXL garments,will not flexible at most of sports,(maybe just can play wrestling,boxing),will eat more food,will lose health.just to na

15、me a few.In the optical aspect, will you accept yourself wear larger and larger clothing? or do sports with lumpish body feeling the fat flesh wobbling?Or eating lots of greasy foods eternally? .Awesome! I would rather die than do that!想想胖人们平常生活会遭遇的吧: 穿大号,加大,加加大。的衣服,无法做大量运动(可能只能玩摔跤和拳击咯),吃很多很多的食物,身体状

16、态变差。从视觉效果来说,你能接受你一天到晚只能穿大得不得了的衣服?或是随便动一下就肥肉抖抖的?或不停口地吃大量油腻腻的食物?。恐怖!那我宁愿死掉咯!In the healthiy aspect,it was proved that fat people would suffer many disease even live a shorter lifethan the usual people.健康问题来看,科学研究证明肥胖人士往往比常人更容易生病甚至短命!In conclusion, I dont think Being plump is beautywould take lead in vogue.Our aesthetic standard has such a long history and will not be changed sudde



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