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1、Unit ReviewUnit 3 School Life练语法练语法一一、用用 always,usually,often,sometimes 或或never 填空填空(每每词限用一词限用一次次)1.The sun _ rises(升起)in the east.2.The boy cant swim at all.So he _ goes to the river to swim.alwaysnever3._ I look for information on the Internet.4.The workers _ do some washing on Sundays.They have t

2、he habit(习惯)of doing it.5.How _ do you go to the library?Three times a week.Sometimesusuallyoften二、单项选择二、单项选择6.Andy doesnt like junk food at all,so she _ eats it.A.often B.never C.usually D.sometimes【点拨】用语语境境法法。often 经常;never 从不;usually 通常;sometimes 有时。根据“Andy doesnt like junk food at all”可知,她不喜欢垃圾食

3、品,应该是从来不吃。故选B。B7.2023 保定一模 Ms Lin is an excellent teacher.Her classes are _ lively and interesting.A.always B.sometimes C.seldom D.never【点拨】考查频度副词。句意为“林女士是一位优秀的老师。她的课总是很生动有趣”。always 总是;sometimes 有时候;seldom 很少;never 从不。根据“Ms Lin is an excellent teacher.”可知林老师的课总是很生动有趣。故选A。A8.The coffee in this shop i

4、s pretty good.Ms.Zhang comes here at times.(同义替换)A.in time B.never C.on time D.sometimes【点拨】用替替换换法法。句意为“这家商店的咖啡很棒。张女士有时会来这里”。in time 及时;never 绝不;on time 按时;sometimes 有时。根据句意可知,题中画线短语at times 意为“有时候”,与D 选项同义。D9.The little boy is _ angry with(对发脾气)his parents because he thinks they love his sister mor

5、e.A.never B.seldom C.often D.hardly【点拨】考查副词辨析。never 从不;seldom 很少;often 经常;hardly 几乎不。根据“because he thinks they love his sister more”可知,因为他认为他们更爱他的妹妹,所以他经常生父母的气,故选C。C10.2023 石家庄四十三中期末 _ do you have a sports meeting?Once a year.A.How long B.How oftenC.How many D.How much【点拨】考查特殊疑问句。句意为“你们多久开一次运动会?一年一次

6、。”根据答语“Once a year.”可知,对频率进行提问,用how often 引导特殊疑问句,故选B。B练单元重难点练单元重难点一、用一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.I think the dictionary is _(help)to us students.I can learn a lot from it.【点拨】句意为“我认为这本字典对我们学生来说很实用,我可以从中学到很多东西”。helpful形容词,“有用的”,故填helpful。helpful2.Im not a child now.I can do everything all by _(

7、I).【点拨】by oneself“独自,单独”,固定短语,由主语I 和提示可知,myself“我自己”符合题意。故填myself。myself3.He is too weak(虚弱的).Its _(possible)for him to move the heavy box.【点拨】句意:他太虚弱了。他搬动那个重箱子是不可能的。分析句意可知,此处表示“不可能的”,用impossible。impossible4.After she finished _(read)the story,Alice wrote a review for her school newspaper.【点拨】finish

8、 doing sth.“完成做某事”,动名词作宾语,是固定表达。故填reading。reading二、单项选择二、单项选择5.2023 福建改编 To tell the truth,I am now feeling very _.Take it easy.Youll make it.A.peaceful B.nervousC.confident D.bored【点拨】考查形容词辨析。peaceful 平静的;nervous 紧张的;confident 自信的;bored 烦躁的。根据“Take it easy.Youll make it.”可知,此处表示感到紧张。故选B。B6.When we

9、heard the bad news,we _ many ways to help him.A.came up with B.lived withC.came out D.put on【点拨】用短短语语辨辨析析法法。came up with 想出;lived with 和住在一起;came out 出现;put on 穿上,表演(节目)。根据“many ways”可知,是想出很多办法。故选A。A7.Can you come to my birthday party tonight?Yes,Id love to.But I have to _ my English homework first.

10、A.miss B.show C.plan D.finish【点拨】考查动词辨析。miss 错过;show 展示;plan计划;finish 完成。根据“my English homework first”可知,要先完成英语作业。故选D。D8.Although you may meet some difficulties,you should never _.A.turn up B.get upC.give upD.grow up【点拨】用短短语语辨辨析析法法。turn up 调高;get up 起床;give up 放弃;grow up 成长。根据“Although you may meet

11、some difficulties,you should never.”可知,此处指永远不要“放弃”,故选C。C9.Which should we start with,Water World or Space World?Either is OK.It makes no _ to me.A.advice B.hope C.difference D.luck【点拨】用词词义义辨辨析析法法。advice 建议;hope 希望;difference 差别;luck 运气。根据答语“Either is OK.”可知,任何一个都行。也就是说,水世界和太空世界对我而言没有区别。故选C。C一、词语一、词语

12、运用运用Jack and Bob are brothers.They are in different 1._(grade).But they are learning at 2._ same school.【点拨】1.句意为“他们在不同的年级”。根据“They are in different”可知,在不同的年级,此处应该用复数,故填grades。【点拨】2.句意为“但是他们在同一所学校学习”。at the same school“在同一所学校”,此处用定冠词the。故填the。gradestheJack likes science very much.His teacher often 3

13、._(tell)him and his classmates some stories about science.【点拨】句意为“他的老师经常给他和他的同学讲一些关于科学的故事”。根据“often”可知,此句应该用一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填tells。tellsHe wants to be a doctor.He is 4._(go)to study medicine.Bob is 5._(difference)from Jack.【点拨】4.句意为“他打算去学习医学”。be going to do“打算去做”。故填going。【点拨】5.句意为“Bob

14、 和Jack 不同”。be different from“和不同”,此处应该用形容词作表语。故填different。goingdifferentBob is 6._(interest)in maths and English.He likes children very much.So he hopes to be a 7._(teach).【点拨】6.句意为“Bob 对数学和英语感兴趣”。be interested in“对感兴趣”,固定短语。故填interested。【点拨】7.句意为“因此他希望成为一名老师”。根据“So he hopes to be a.”可知,此处应该用名词单数。故填

15、teacher。interestedteacherJacks classmate Kate is good 8._ music.She wants to be an erhu 9._(play).【点拨】8.句意为“Jack 的同学Kate 擅长音乐”。be good at“擅长”,固定短语。故填at。【点拨】9.句意为“她想要成为一名二胡演奏者”。根据“She wants to be an erhu.”可知,此处应该用名词单数。故填player。atplayerAll of them are doing their 10._(well)to study at school.I am sure they will do something for our country in the future.【点拨】句意为“他们都在尽最大努力在学校学习”。do ones best to do sth.“尽某人最大的努力做某事”,固定短语。故填best。best



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