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1、Lesson 23 A Weekend with GrandmaUnit 4 After-School Activities一、根据一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词句意及汉语提示写单词1.David is a _(书迷).2.I bought some gifts for my parents.They were not _(昂贵的)but useful.bookwormexpensive3.Is there a supermarket near here?I want to buy some _(杂货).4.Tom talked to his grandma on the _(电话)last n

2、ight.5.The young woman is very brave(勇敢的),and she is not afraid of _(任何东西).groceriesphoneanything二、单项选择二、单项选择6.2023 沧州十四期中 Maybe you should call him up.But I dont want to talk with him _ the phone.A.on B.at C.in D.withA7.I have no money with me.I cant buy _.A.anything B.nothingC.something D.everythi

3、ng【点拨】anything 任何东西(常用于否定句和疑问句中);nothing 没有东西;something 某事物(常用于肯定句中);everything 每件东西。根据“I have no money with me.”可推断,“我”不能买“任何东西”。故选A。A8.The computer desk in the store is so _ that I cant buy it.Why not buy a second-hand one on the Internet?A.large B.heavy C.expensive D.cheap【点拨】large 大的;heavy 沉重的;e

4、xpensive 昂贵的;cheap 便宜的。根据“I cant buy it”可知,太贵了所以买不起,故选C。C9.What kind of house would you like?Id like _ with a garden in front of _.A.it;one B.one;one C.one;it D.it;it【点拨】it 代指上文出现过的同一个事物;one 代指上文出现过的一类事物中的一个,不限于同一个,且表示单数。第一空指房子中的一个,用one;第二空指上文出现的房子,用it。故选C。C10.Lily,where are you?I _.Just let me put

5、on my shoes.A.come B.cameC.am coming D.comes【点拨】句意为“莉莉,你在哪里?我这就来。让我穿上鞋”。根据语境可知,应用将来时态。此处用现在进行时表将来,故选C。C三、根据汉语意思完成句子三、根据汉语意思完成句子11.刘杰正在电话里和他的姑姑交谈。Liu Jie is talking with his aunt _ _ _.onthe phone12.你在学校怎么样?_ is your school _?How going13.市博物馆离我家很近。The City Museum _ very _ _ my home.isclose to14.你能给我端

6、杯茶吗?Can you _ a cup of tea _ me?get for15.花园里房子的屋顶是由玻璃砖做成的。The top of the house in the garden _ _ _ glass blocks.ismade of四四、连词成句、连词成句16.doing,Bob,days,well,is,these _?Is Bob doing well these days17.grandmother,come over,to,she,will,her,visit_.She will come over to visit her grandmother18.favourite,my,dumplings,food,is_.My favourite food is dumplings19.is,to,your,how,school,far,it_?How far is it to your school20.weekend,my,this,mother,visit,me,will_.My mother will visit me this weekend


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