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1、Lesson 13 How Is School Going?Unit 3 School Life一、根据一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词句意及汉语提示写单词1.After a long holiday,Chinese students began their new _(学期)in September.2.At the _(开始)of the class,the teacher played an English song.termstart/beginning3.My sister is looking forward to the new _(生活)in senior high school.

2、4.Now pupils dont need too much time to _(完成)their homework every day.5.We go to the park _(两次)a week.lifefinishtwice二、单项二、单项选择选择6.Where did you get this sky lantern(许愿灯)?I made it by _.A.herself B.itself C.myself D.himself【点拨】考查代词辨析。herself 她自己;itself 它自己;myself 我自己;himself 他自己。根据主语“I”可知是“我自己”做的,用m

3、yself。故选C。C7.Who do you think will _ the race,Bob or Tom?It must be Bob.I think he runs faster.A.finish B.win C.start D.realize【点拨】用词词义义辨辨析析法法。句意为“你认为谁会赢得比赛,鲍勃还是汤姆?一定是鲍勃。我认为他跑得更快”。finish 完成;win 赢得;start 开始;realize 认识到。根据“I think he runs faster.”可知是谁能赢得比赛,故选B。B8.2023 白银 _ do you exercise?Every day.A.

4、How many B.How oldC.How much D.How often【点拨】句意:你多久锻炼一次?每天。How many 多少,询问复数名词数量;How old 多大年纪,询问年龄;How much 多少,多少钱,询问不可数名词的量或价格;How often 多久一次,询问频率。根据答语“Every day.”可知,此处对频率进行提问,故选D。D9.2023 石家庄四十一中月考 Mr.Gu is good _ languages.He can speak eight languages.A.for B.at C.with D.to【点拨】be good for 对 有好处;be g

5、ood at 擅长;be good with 善于和相处;be good to 对友好。根据“He can speak eight languages.”可知,此处指“擅长”,故选B。B10.Uncle Li does _ inventing new things.He is interested in 5G technology now.A.good at B.well inC.good with D.well for【点拨】句意为“李叔叔擅长发明新东西。他现在对5G 技术感兴趣”。do well in 擅长,故选B。B三三、根据汉语意思完成句子、根据汉语意思完成句子11.我的宠物狗有点懒惰

6、。它总是睡觉。My pet dog is _ _ lazy.He always sleeps.a little12.迈克昨晚七点开始做作业,他九点做完。Mike _ _ _ his homework at 7:00,and he _ _ it at 9:00 last night.started/began to dofinished doing13.你工作怎么样?_ _ your work _?How is going14.2023滨州改编 中国擅长修建桥梁和铁路。China _ _ _ building bridges and railways.is good at/does well i

7、n15.我参加了运动会。在跳远比赛中,我获得了一等奖。I took part in the _ _.And I _ _ _ in the _ _ competition.sports meetingwon first place/prizelong jump四、连词四、连词成句成句16.also,six,have,classes,day,every,I_.I also have six classes every day17.have,you,what,do,subjects_?What subjects do you have18.I,all by myself,made,a,bird,ho

8、use_.I made a bird house all by myself19.is,social study,my,favourite,subject_.My favourite subject is social study/Social study is my favourite subject20.think of,what,you,the high jump,do_?What do you think of the high jump一、词语一、词语运用运用Dear Joe,Now let me tell you something about my school life.Thi

9、s term we have eight 1._(subject).【点拨】subject 是可数名词,被eight 修饰,应用复数,故填subjects。subjectsThey are Chinese,maths,English,history 2._ some others.I like Chinese 3._(well).And I am also good 4._ it.I like P.E.,too.Last week,we had 5._ sports meet.【点拨】2.根据“English,history.some others”可知是并列关系,应用and 连接,故填and

10、。【点拨】3.分析语境可知,在所有科目里,最喜欢语文,best 是well 的最高级,符合语境,故填best。andbestataI 6._(win)second place in the high jump.I felt so 7._(excite).【点拨】6.句意为“我在跳高比赛中获得第二名”。win 是动词,动作已发生,应用一般过去时,故填won。【点拨】7.句意为“我感到很兴奋”。主语是人,表示“感到兴奋的”,应用excited,故填excited。wonexcitedOur school life is busy,but its also very 8._(colour)and e

11、xciting.I can 9._(learn)a lot here and I also have many friends here.【点拨】8.句意为“我们的学校生活是忙碌的,但它也非常丰富多彩和令人兴奋”。colour 是名词,此处应用形容词作表语,故填colourful。【点拨】9.句意为“我可以在这里学到很多并且我也有很多朋友在这里”。can 是情态动词,后接动词原形,故填learn。colourfullearnOur teachers are all very kind to us.This is my school life.What about 10._(your)?I look forward to getting your reply soon.Your Chinese friend,Li Hua【点拨】分析语境可知此处是问“你的学校生活”,应用名词性物主代词yours。yours


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