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1、心理词汇对外语词汇教学的意义mental lexicon and L2 vocabulary learning 1. Introduction2. The definitions of mental lexicon3. The difference between L1 mental lexicon and L2 mental lexicon4. Implications of mental lexicon on the vocabulary teachingDefinitions of mental lexiconMental lexicon is something like a pape

2、r dictionary, but not as visible as a paper dictionary with a series of entries. J.C. Richards (2000) defines mental lexicon as a mental system that contains all the information a person knows about words. According to psychologist, peoples knowledge of a word includes (a) knowing how a word is pron

3、ounced; (b) the grammatical patterns with which a word is used; (c) the meaning or meanings of the word. Gui Shichun thinks (2000) the study of mental lexicon mainly concerns how words are stored in ones memory and how words are connected when they are needed in speech or writing. Gui cites Aitchiso

4、n to illustrate the difference between mental lexicon and traditional book dictionary. First, mental lexicon is not organized in the same alphabetical order as traditional book dictionary. Second, book dictionary contains a definite number of words and is often leg behind the constant development of

5、 language while mental lexicon is not fixed with constant appearance or disappearance of new or old words, new meanings for words and even new pronunciations. Third, a most important one, mental lexicon contains much more information than book dictionary. The domains of mental lexiconForms and word

6、meanings Both form and meaning play a part in the development of L2 mental lexicon with one of them as the dominant factor at different phases of such a development.It is no doubt that lexical choice and meaning are intimately linked.Grammar and lexiconCollocation Difference between L1 mental lexico

7、n and L2 mental lexiconMental lexicon develops in a similar way as L1 mental lexicon does, but with its own particularities.The two major differences between the L1 and L2 learners are that L2 learner is at a more advanced stage of development in both physical and cognitive terms and has already bee

8、n through the process of acquiring a language. They thus leave out many periods that a L1 learner has to experience. This involves many other differences between L1 and L2 learners such as in the phonetic domain and in conceptual/ semantic domain.In the phonetic domain, just as pre-verbal L1 learner

9、s have to struggle to replicate the sound shapes of the language of their environment from a starting point -babbling -which is not necessarily very helpful phonetically, so L2 learners have to come to grips with sounds of the L2 that may bear little resemblance to those of their L1. While L2 learne

10、rs have internalized the principle of phonetic distinctions and its role in keeping lexical items distinct, they, like L1 learners, still have to work out which phonetic differences are phonetic and which are not; indeed, the fact of having one phonological system already in place can be a source of

11、 hindrance as much as of help in this matter.In the conceptual/ semantic domain, there are too parallels between L1 and L2 lexical development. Of course, L2 learners start from further down the road of concept development than infants confronting the task of L1 acquisition. Indeed, many of the mean

12、ings and meaning hierarchies that are lexicalized in a given L1 and have already been internalized by the L2 learner will be recyclable with only minimal adjustment in L2. And, however close the cultural overlap between two language communities; there will always be areas and items of meaning which

13、do not correspond. In some instances ( like Chinese learners studying English ), the L2 learners are faced with totally new concepts. More often - and perhaps more problematically - the meanings of the L2, reflecting the cultural specialties of its particular language community, are differently stru

14、ctured and distributed as compared with those of the L1. The existence of L1 knowledge can admittedly be seen as setting the L2 versions of these phenomena apart in some sense but in both cases of the L1 and the L2 the process of apprehending the semantic range of newly encountered words is constrai

15、ned and shaped by the particularities of the experience the learner has had of the world itself, of related words and of the relevant concept(s).To summarize, it was recognized that L2 lexical development differs markedly from L1 lexical development insofar as it lacks a pre-speech dimension and ins

16、ofar as it takes place in the presence, as it were, of an already acquired lexicon ( Singleton, 1999). However, L2 learners have a number of difficulties in common with L1 learners in their struggle to isolate meaningful units and connect them with aspects of realities, to internalize the replicate the formal characteristics of these units, and to puzzle out and store their precise meanings.Integration and separation between the L1 and L2



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