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1、8B Unit 5期末复习学案 主备人:张良戈 审核人:仲倍 审批人:一、重点短语和句型1.好的餐桌礼仪 good table manners 2.活到老,学到老。Youre never too old to learn.3.到处扔垃圾 drop litter everywhere 4.让水龙头一直开着leave the tap running5.在花园里摘花pick flowers in the garden 6.遵守交通规则obey traffic rules 7.排队等轮到你的时候queue for your turn 8.阅读后把它们放回put them back after read

2、ing 9.那儿跟人打招呼的正确的方式是什么? Whats the proper way to greet people there? 10.用亲吻的方式打招呼 greet people with a kiss11.在公众场合表现得有礼貌behave politely in public 12.在街上撞了人 bump into someone in the street 13.如果你挡了他们的道,他们不会触碰你或从你身边挤过去。If youre in their way, they wont touch you or push past you. 14.在公众场合保持低嗓门 keep your

3、 voice down in public 15.正如谚语所说的,“入乡随俗”Just as the saying goes,“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” 16.插队push(cut) in before others 17.打断别人的话cut in on others 18.避免谈论年龄avoid talking about age 19.清晰地表达自己express himself clearly 20.写下所有的要点 write down all the main points 21.公共标志public signs 22.保持安全避免危险ke

4、ep us safe from danger 23.警告我们不要做某事 warn us not to do something 24.禁止吸烟/拍照/停车/扔垃圾No smoking/ No photos/ No parking/ No littering 25.他们经常颜色鲜艳 Theyre often bright in colours 26.冒着一次就丢失一切的危险risk losing everything all at one time 27.蜡烛两头烧 burn the candle at both ends 28.数年的努力后使得他的梦想成真make his dream come

5、 true after years of hard work 29.教学生们吃的规则 teach students rules for eating 30.嘴里含着食物讲话 talk with food in your mouth 31.越过别人的盘子取东西 reach over someones plate for something 32.首要的是 above all二、知识点1. litter (1) Litter 作为不可数名词用,意为“垃圾,杂物”同义词rubbish . If you see in the corridor , . 如果你看到走廊里有垃圾,就把它捡起来 (2) li

6、tter也可作为动词用,意为“乱丢,乱扔”2. run (1)做不及物动词用,意为流动 from her eyes 泪水自她脸上流下(2)做不及物动词用 意为,运转,进行The machines _ and 机器日夜不停的转动3. avoid vt. 避免 后接名词或动词-ing形式They all that name 他们都避免说到那个名字4. public n, 民众;群体 (1)the public公众,民众 in public“公开地,当地”We should let know the truth 我们应该让公众了解事情的真相.Dont talk loudly _ _. 不要在公众场合

7、大声喧哗。(2)public 作为形容词用,意为“公共的,公用的”People who smoke in a _place may have to pay 500 yuan as a punishment .5. touch (1)touch 作动词用,意为“触摸,碰,触动,感动”He glasses with all the guests 他和所有的客人都碰了杯。(2)touch 作名词用,意为“接触,联系” How can we you ? 我们怎样才能和你取得联系呢?6. all the time 意为“一直,始终” at a/one time 每次,一次 at times有时 in t

8、ime 及时 On time 准时,按时 from time to time 有时 in a short time 不久I have been busy 我一直很忙。7. be +形容词+enough+动词不定式to do (某人或物)足够He is the problem 他足够聪明,能解决这个问题。The girl is the apple on the table 这个女孩不够高,够不着桌上的苹果。8. tooto 结构的用法(1)too (for sb) to的基本用法 意义上却是否定的,表示“太而不能”He is the army.他年龄太小,不能参军。 He is _ any fu

9、rther.他太累了,不能再往前走了。 She is such a nice dress. 她太穷,买不起那件漂亮的连衣裙。The maths problems is too _ to . 这道数学题太难我解不出来。(2) 若句子主语与其后不定式有动宾关系,且其中的动词为不及物动词,此时应注意在其后加适当的介词。The room is . 这房间太脏,不能住。(3)too.to.结构和so. that. 结构及not enough to结构的转换1) The box is too heavy for me to carry. The box is _ that I _ carry it. Th

10、e box is _ _ _ for me to carry. 2) The child is too young to dress himself. The child is dress himself. The child is dress himself.9. warm vt.vi 警告; 告诫warm sb. (not) to do sth 警告某人不要做某事 warm sb. of /about sth. 提醒、警告某人注意某事。We _them _ the _ _ that they would have to face.我们警告了他们要面对的严峻形势。10. notice作名词

11、“布告,公告,启事,是可数名词。如:办公室门口上贴着一张“禁止停车”的告示Thereisa_ontheofficegate_NoParking.notice sb .doing/do sth 注意到某人正在做/做过某事take notice of 注意11. successful adj成功的 more successful most successful successfully adv.The people who are more confident have more chances(机会) to make themselves _ be successful in sth/doing

12、 sth. succeed in sth/doing sth. have success in sth/doing sth. do sth.successfully三、检测题:一)选择题:( )1.Did you go to the party yesterday? Yes. It was _ fun evening. We all had _ great fun at the party. A. a; B. a; a C.; D.: the( )2. They had to operate _his arm because it was broken in two places. A. with B. / C. at D. on( )3. How about the pollution in the countryside? Lucki


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