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1、 Module 3 Unit 1attend vt.出席,参加 attend a class上课 vi. 1. 出席,参加 attend at a meeting(attend和attend at均表示“出席于”的意思,不过习惯上更偏向于使用attend) 2. 照料,处理,注意,倾听;致力(于) attend to e.g. Ill attend to the matter. She didnt attend to what I was saying 3.护理;侍候 attend on/upon e.g. Mary always attends on her grandpa at weeke

2、nds. at weekends 在周末camping trip野营 camping n. 野营, 露营变形: camp n.营地 e.g. The travellers set up a camp near the river. v.扎营;宿营;露营 e.g. Where shall we camp tonight?cost vt. 价值为,(使)花费(金钱、时间) It cost sb. some time/money to do sth. Dangerous driving could cost you your life. n.价钱,费用 at the cost of表示“以为代价”,

3、后一般接表示损失或花费的东西的词,如life,health,time和money。famous adj. 著名的,有名的 be famous for名词性物主代词(用法相当于名词):hers pron.(she的物主代词绝对形式)她的(所有物);属于她的(东西)his pron. (he的物主代词绝对形式)他的(所有物);属于他的(东西)its pron. (it的物主代词绝对形式)它的(所有物);属于它的(东西)mine pron. (I的物主代词绝对形式)我的(所有物);属于我的(东西)ours pron. (we的物主代词绝对形式)我们的(所有物);属于我们的(东西)yours pron

4、. (you的物主代词绝对形式)你,你们的(所有物);属于你,你们的(东西)theirs pron. (they的物主代词绝对形式)他们的(所有物);属于他们的(东西)注意与形容词性物主代词区别:形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,后面加名词。名词性物主代词用法相当于名词。形容词性物主代词可以与名词性物主代词替换使用: eg. This is my schoolbag. = The schoolbag is mine.historical adj.历史的,历史上的 place of historical interest名胜古迹 变形:history n.历史package n.包裹,小包 变形:p

5、ack n. 包裹 v.包装, 收拾行李package tour (由旅行社等安排一切的)包价旅游,一揽子旅游Japan n.日本 变形:Japanese n.日本人 adj.日本人的leave for 出发去某地,前往sightseeing tour bus旅游车(=tour bus)study trip 学习旅游summer holiday 暑假(= summer vacation)tour n. vi.vt. 旅游,观光 变形:tourist n.游客 tourism n.旅游业weekday n.(指星期日或星期日和星期六以外的)工作日on weekdays 在工作日go on 继续做

6、,进行,过去,消逝 go on with sth, 继续做某事 Whats going on? 发生什么事了?Unit 2admission n.准许进入 admission ticket入场券,门票 变形:admit v. 承认, 允许进入 a four-day trip 四日游agency n.代理处 travel agency旅行社agent n.代理人,代理商ancient adj. 古老的,古代的arrive v .到达 arrive at/ in 变形:arrival n.到达book vt. 预订(票、座位等)departure n.出发 departure date 出发日期

7、变形:depart v. 离开,出发 depart from 背离,违反exactly adv.精确地,正是如此 变形:exact adj. 精确的,确切的far adj.远的 far (away) fromhistory n.历史 变形:historical adj.历史的hotel n.旅馆,宾馆,饭店 three-star hotel三星级宾馆include vt.包含,包括 变形:including prep. 包括; 包含lake n.湖,湖泊palace n.宫,宫殿 Palace Museum(北京)故宫博物院tourist n.游客,旅行者 adj.旅行的,观光的call ab

8、out 打电话咨询、询问have sb. to do sth. 邀请或叫某人做某事be glad to do sth,非常高兴做某事Unit 3airport n.机场attraction n.有吸引力的食物或人attractive adj.有吸引力的变形:attract v.吸引,引起的注意besides adv. 而且 prep. 除.之外还有附:表示“除了”的词:besides, but, except, except for 区别如下:besides表示除了.还有.即在什么范围内,除了A还有B,eg. He has another car besides this. 除了这辆车外,他还

9、有一辆。(表示两辆车都有)expect则指在范围之外,即除了A其他东西都有。eg. Everyone has seen the movie expect Lily. 除了Lily其他人都看过这部电影。but与expect同义,但多跟every,any,no等和由这些词构成的复合词,如everything,anywhere,nobody等词以后及all,none之后。 eg: The children go to school everyday but Sunday. except for也和except同义,但except前后两部分是同类,except前后是不同类的。eg. All the s

10、tudents took at rip except Tom yesterday. (students和Tom是同类)Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes. 除了几处语法错误外,你的作文写得很好。(Your writing 和mistakes不是同类) everything pron.每样东西,每件事forest n.林区,森林friendly adj.友好的,朋友般的 adv. 友好地,朋友般地 变形:friend n.朋友 friendship n.友谊,友情guide n.导游,指南,旅游手册 tourists gu

11、ide导游图,旅游指南 vt.导游,领路;指导 guiding star指明灯hope n.vt希望 hope +that从句 hope to do sth. hope for 变形:hopeful adj. 有希望的island n. 岛,岛屿maglev adj. n. 磁悬浮列车(的) maglev train postcard n.明信片railway n.铁路,铁道 railway station 火车站safe adj.安全的,平安的 safe and sound安然无恙,一切平安 变形:safety n.平安southeast n.adj. 东南,(向)东南方的,(在)东南方的s

12、outhwest n.adj. 西南,(向)西南方的,(在)西南方的station n. 车站,站,(电,电视)台 stone n.石头,石块style n.式样,款式,类型 变形 stylish adj. 时髦的, 流行的, 潇洒的tourist attraction旅游胜地习题:一、 单项选择1. ( )Could you tell me_ about your study trip to London? A. in B. at C. on D. during 2. ( )Alice called a friend of _ about her visit to the Science a

13、nd Technology Museum tomorrow. A. her B. hers C.she D. mine3. ( )With the help of the _guide, Dick can take a trip to the city easily. A. tourists B. tourists C. tourists D. tour4. ( )Mr Smith will _ an important meeting this afternoon. A. join B. take part in C. attend D. go5. ( )Whats your plan _weekends? A. on B. for C. in D. at6. ( )_ the pair of stockings cost? A. How much is B. How many does C. How many is D. How much does7. ( )Some students spent some free time_bottles of water from Nanhu Lake. A. take B. takes C. took D. taking8. ( )If you can help us find



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