语 法 与 翻 译.doc

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《语 法 与 翻 译.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《语 法 与 翻 译.doc(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第五章 语 法 与 翻 译一 从 句 翻译部分涉及从句的部分占到总题量的三分之二。主语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,宾语从句,定语从句,状语从句。(一) 主语从句 1. (谁去) makes no difference. It makes no difference (谁去). 2. (他是如何逃脱的) still puzzles us. 3. (谁为这次事故负责) is not yet clear. (二) 同位语从句:news, fact, idea, hope, belief, truth, promise, thought, fear, doubt, possibility, order

2、, suggestion, proposal. 同位语从句与其前面的名词时同等关系,用that引导,that在从句中不充当任何成分,只起连接的作用,但一般不能省略。 1. We are surprised at the fact _ (孩子们是自己完成这件事情的。) 2. They expressed the hope _ _(他们会再次去德国参观的。) 3.An idea occurred to him_ _(他可以乘飞机去那儿) 4. I have no idea_ _(他们多快会赶到) 5. The problem, _ _(你为何要放弃这次计划), has not been answe

3、red yet.(三)表语从句:常见于be动词之后,有时见于look之后;引导表语从句的连接词还有because和as if/though. 1. One advantage of living in the country is (可以贴近大自然). 2. It looks (好像要下雨了) 3. The reason (why) I came to school late today was _ _(我没有按时起床).(四)宾语从句:通常由that, what, who, whom, whose, which, when, where, why, how, whether, if 等词引导

4、。宾语从句的引导词为that时,可以省略。 1. I doubt (他是否反对这个想法) 2. I know nothing about him (除了他住在隔壁) 3. Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life (是用他们能够借到多少来衡量) , not how much they can earn.(2007-12) 4. He said (他是对的,我们应该接受他的建议) 5. He thought it a pity (他错过了电影) 如果主句的谓语是make, find, feel, believe, think

5、, suppose, consider, see to 等词带有宾语补足语的动词,则通常在这些词后用it作形式宾语,构成“动词+it+宾补+宾语从句” 6. I dont believe (她认识他,对吗?) You saw (他偷了这幅图,是吗?) 当主语谓语动词为assume, believe, expect, guess, imagine, suppose, think 等表示“认为”,“猜想”的动词时,其后的宾语从句如果带有否定意义,通常应将否定词迁移至主语谓语上。例如:I dont think she will succeed. I dont suppose that anyone

6、will object to the plan. 此类动词若主语为第一人称,变成反意疑问句,提问宾语从句中的谓语动词。而其他宾语从句的动词变成反意疑问句时,则提问主语谓语动词。 7. Do you doubt (他会赢?) 8. I dont doubt (你的观点是错的) 9. He doubt (我知道这件事情) 动词 doubt 用在疑问句或否定句时,其后的宾语从句常用 that 作连接词;用在肯定句时,连接词用whether 或 if 都可,而不用that.(五) 定语从句 1. There are persons and things _ _(每天我们必须要处理的)如果先行词是既指人

7、又指物的并列名词词组时,用that. 2. All _ _(活着的)must die. 当先行词为those, all, something, anything, nothing, everything,或some, any, every, little, few, much, only;或最高级等,关系代词在从句中做主语用that,作宾语用that或省略关系代词。 3. Such people (你所描述的) are rare nowadays. Have you bought the same dictionary (我昨天用的) the sameas, suchas, asas 4. (

8、正如他说他会的那样), he met the girl. As引导的从句可位于句首,句中或句末,而which 引导的从句则不能位于句首。 5. He graduated last summer, (他记得很清楚) because a terrible drought hit his hometown then. 先行词在定语从句是作宾语,就不能用when,而要用which. 6. They hurried to the place (事故发生的) Switzerland is the most beautiful country (我曾经参观游览的) The prevent and treat

9、ment of AIDS is (我们可以合作的领域)( 2007-06) 表示地点的先行词,指代它的关系代词,如果在从句中作状语,须用 where或者介词+ which。其指代的关系词如果在从句中做宾语,则用 which或者that. (六)状语从句 A时间状语从句 1. He ran away (他一看见我) We hadnt met for 20years, but (我一看到她就认出了她) 引导词用when, as soon as, just as, the instant, the minute, the moment, the second. 2. I didnt begin wo

10、rking (直到他来了之后) (直到天黑)that she realized it was too late to go home. 3. Hardly had they got to the bus stop (车就到了) (我刚一离开家)than it began to rain heavily. no soonerthan, hardly/scarcelywhen 均表示主从句的动作相继发生,“一就”. 主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时; no sooner , hardly/scarcely位于句首,主句谓语部分则要部分倒装。 B 原因状语从句4. (既然没人反对),we will adopt the proposal. They pardoned him only (因为他是个小孩子) since引导的从句常位于主句之前;because 引导的常位于主句之后。 because之前可用just, only, simply; 而since不能。 C为目的状语从句5. Take your coat (



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