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1、China files WTO complaint over U.S. import duties on Chinese paperThe Associated Press(美国联合通讯社,美联社)Published: September 14, 2007GENEVA(日内瓦): Facing a U.S. legal assault(指控), China asserted its rights(主张权利) by filing a World Trade Organization complaint against antidumping duties that the United Stat

2、es applies on Chinese paper imports, trade officials said Friday.The WTO case is the first initiated by Beijing against Washington in five years and comes on the heels of a series of U.S. trade complaints against China.Beijing opposes the unfair practice of the U.S. in carrying out the antidumping d

3、uties, an official at the Chinese mission in Geneva (日内瓦)said, referring to Washingtons May 30 decision to impose(施加,征收) penalty tariffs(惩罚性关税) ranging from 23.19 percent to 99.65 percent on imports from China of the glossy paper(coated paper 铜版纸) is used in art books, textbooks and high-end magazin

4、es(高端杂志).The official spoke on condition of anonymity(匿名), citing Chinese government rules. The Commerce Ministry in Beijing confirmed the action.Sean Spicer, spokesman for the U.S. trade representative(美国贸易代表发言人) in Washington, said he was surprised by Chinas action because a final decision on the

5、coated-paper duties is not expected until November. But he said the U.S. was not angered by the request because such disputes are normal among major trading powers.Today in Business with Reuters(路透社)Our laws are fully in compliance with(依照,遵循) WTO obligations, and we are going to rigorously defend t

6、hem, Spicer told The Associated Press. This is part of doing business. This is how mature trade partners act.The administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, criticized in the United States for soaring trade deficits (飞涨的贸易赤字), began investigating Chinese paper imports last year after a complain

7、t by NewPage Corp.(新页公司), which produces coated paper.NewPage contended that it faced unfair competition from Chinese companies which it alleged(NewPage宣称) received illegal government support(政府补贴).The decision to impose duties on Chinese paper reversed 23 years of U.S. trade policy by treating Chin

8、a classified as a nonmarket economy (非市场经济即计划经济) the same way as other U.S. trading partners in disputes involving government subsidies(政府补贴).Since the 1960s, the U.S. has declined to identify subsidies by foreign governments in nonmarket economies(非市场经济体). The theory has been that fair prices in su

9、ch economies are impossible to measure, especially when the governments dont tell when they give companies financial aid(财政补贴). In 1986, the courts upheld(支持) the Commerce Departments right(the Department of Commerce/DOC美国商务部的权利) not to apply duties against imports from nonmarket economies.Experts s

10、ay the move has worried Beijing because it may open the door for many other American companies battered(冲击injured) in recent years by Chinese imports flooding the United States from steel to furniture to counteract(抵消) sweetheart loans(私下贷款) from banks, rent-free land and other hidden support China

11、allegedly provides firms.Washington has brought four complaints against China to the WTO since 2006. Last month, the global commerce body(全球商务机构) launched a formal investigation into U.S. and Mexican allegations that China is providing illegal subsidies for a range of industries (一些产业), including pa

12、per.A separate WTO panel is expected to be created on Sept. 25 to examine U.S. claims that China has failed to protect intellectual property rights(IPRs知识产权), while a first decision by the trade body could come later this year in a case brought by the U.S. and the 27-nation EU over allegations that

13、China maintains an illegal tax system to block imports of foreign-made auto parts(汽车零部件).The U.S. also has accused China of hindering sales of American movies, music and books, through censorship rules(审批程序) that dont apply to Chinese products.The U.S. trade deficit(贸易赤字) set a record for the fifth

14、consecutive year(连续五年) in 2006 at $765.3 billion. The imbalance(不平衡,这里特指美国对中国的贸易逆差) with China grew to $232.5 billion, the highest ever with a single country.China has consistently accused the U.S. of protectionism(保护主义). China was one of nine WTO members that challenged U.S. steel safeguards(钢铁保障措施

15、) in 2002. The new case is the first Beijing has initiated by itself against Washington.China urges U.S. to correct measures on coated paperGENEVA, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) - China urged the United States on Friday to correct its anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures(反倾销、反补贴措施) targeting(针对) Chinese coated

16、 paper, reiterating(重申) that these measures violate World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. In consultations held in Geneva(在日内瓦举行的磋商会议), Chinese officials questioned the consistency(一致性) of the U.S. measures with WTO regulations, and urged the United States to consider Chinas concerns seriously and correct its measures, said a statement from the Chinese WTO mission. The two sides also clarified some matters in the dispute



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