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1、07 翻译第7讲Simplification and Addition Simplification, some people may use the term of condensation, is to condense a phrase into a word, a clause into word-group, a complex or compound sentence into a simple sentence, or two or more simple sentences into one simple sentence, to make our translation co

2、ncise or contracted.As we know, one of the most important differences between Chinese and English in linguistics is that the comparison between Hypotaxis and Parataxis. Hypotaxis means “the dependent or subordinate relationship of clauses with connectives”. Parataxis means “the juxtaposition 并列of cl

3、auses or phrases without the use of coordinating or subordinating conjunctions”. Simplification Simplification (condensation) of phrases and clausesSentence 1 He used poetry as a medium for writing in prose. A. 他以诗歌作为写散文的媒介。B. 他用诗歌来写散文。C. 他以诗歌的形式来写散文。Sentence 4 If you take this medicine, your illnes

4、s will surely be cured.A.你要是服这个药,你的病肯定能治好。B.这药吃了准好。C.吃这种药,病准能好。Sentence 8 The system of strong public services and social solidarity has deep root in French history.A. 法国历史中有很强的公共服务和社会团结的体制。B. 强调公共服务和社会团结一直是法国的历史传统。C. 良好的公共服务和安定的社会环境是法国的历史传统。We finally got to the root of the problem.我们最终抓住了问题的实质。Sen

5、tence 9 People were variously impressed, intrigued, outraged, frightened, and perplexed by my arguments.A. 我的观点使有的人印象深刻,有的深感兴趣,有的气愤之极,有的惊恐万状,有的困惑不解。B. 大家对我的观点印象各不相同,有的印象深刻,有的深感兴趣,有的气愤之极,有的惊恐万状,有的困惑不解。Sentence 10We passed two neighbors. Havel nodded to both wishing them a good day.A. 我们走过两个邻居,哈维尔向他们点

6、头,以示问候。B. 我们经过两位邻居家时,。More examples:1 As he approached the village he met a number of people but none of whom he knew, which somewhat surprised him. 快到村庄时,遇见了许多人都很陌生,这使他感到有些惊讶。2 As we lived near the road, we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine.我们住在路旁,常有旅客和异乡人来访,品

7、尝我们家酿制的醋栗酒。3 When anyone among the people breaks the law, he too should be punished.任何人违法,都要受惩罚。4 The chief functions of the heart are to send blood to the lungs, so that they can receive oxygen from inhaled air, and then to pump this oxygenated blood all over the body. 心脏的主要功能是将血液送入肺部,使肺接受吸入的氧气,然后把

8、含氧的血液输送到全身。5 No one has told them about the British custom of lining up for a bus so that the first person who arrives at a bus stop is the first person to get on the bus. 6 When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people, we are not merely being polite. 我们对中国领导人和中国人民的赞扬绝不是出于虚假的礼貌。7. The acting

9、 of plays was something to which the educational theory of the Renaissance attached high importance. (= The acting of plays was granted high importance in the educational theory of the Renaissance.)演戏这件事很受文艺复兴时期教育理论的推崇。8. It is this emphasis which it lays upon the unity of a work of art that the cla

10、ssical conception seems principally opposed to the romantic. (= The principal difference between the classical conception of a work of art and the romantic one seems to lie in whether emphasis is laid upon its unity.)古典派文艺思想和浪漫主义文艺思想主要的不同似乎就在于是否强调艺术作品的统一性。Addition Addition means supplying necessary

11、words in translation, making the version grammatically correct, semantically clear, rhetorically sound, logically acceptable. There are structural addition, semantic addition, and rhetorical addition. Structural addition means supplying words omitted or substituted in the original, supplying words n

12、ecessary in the structure or collocation of the target text. Semantic addition often supplies supplementary nouns to make the meaning concrete and clear, supplies supplementary verbs to explain the meanings of nouns or supplies summarizing words. Structural additionThey have our interest at heart as

13、 we have theirs. 他们关心我们的利益,我们也关心他们的利益。Meantime the market kept growing; and the demand rising.同时,市场总是在扩大,需求总是在增加。By birth he was an Englishman; by profession, a sailor; by instinct and training, a rebel. 就出生来说,他是英国人;就职业来说,他是海员;就本性和所受的教育来说,他则是叛逆者。More examples:1 Histories make men wise; poets witty;

14、the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 历史使人明智,诗歌使人聪颖,数学使人敏锐,哲学使人深刻,伦理使人庄重,逻辑与修辞使人善辩。2 Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。3 We dont retreat; we never have and never will.我们不后退,我们从没有

15、后退过,将来也决不后退。4 A book, tight shut, is but a block of paper. 一本书, 紧紧合上,只是一叠纸。 一本书,如果紧紧合上不读,只是一叠废纸。 闲置之书只是废纸一叠。5 Success is often just an idea away.成功往往只是一个念头的距离。成功往往只是一念之差。成功与否往往只是一念之差。6 The activity of every tissue in the body depends upon its receiving constant supply of oxygenated blood. 全身各组织的活动都要

16、依靠的含氧血液的供应方能进行。Semantic additionI love my love with an E, because she is enticing; I hate her with an E, because she is engaged; I took her to sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name is Emily, and she lives in the east. (Dickens David Copperfield )我爱我的爱,因为她长得实在招人爱。我恨我的爱,因为她不回报我的爱。我的心上人花容月貌无可比拟(exquisi



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