Unit8 How are you[4].docx

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1、Unit8 How are you?Period 1 Story time教学目标 (1)能听懂、会说,会读句型:Thisisspeaking.MayIspeakto?Imsorrytohearthat.Howareyou?Imfine,thankyou.Seeyoutomorrow.Seeyou.(2)能听懂、会说,会读词汇:cometoschool,cold,fever,cough,headache.(3)能听懂、会说,会读,会写:may,hear,takecare,atschool.(4)能力目标:能用英语打电话。(5)情感目标:培养学生关心他人的品质。2重点难点 1. 能听懂、会说,会

2、读句型:This isspeaking. May I speak to? Im sorry to hear that. How are you? Im fine, thank you. See you tomorrow. See you.2. 能听懂、会说,会读,会写:may,hear, take care, at school3教学过程 Step1:Preparation1. Lets talk:How are you? Im fine/ happy.Do you like English? (Ss: Yes, we do.) Im happy to hear that. (Bb: Im t

3、o hear that.)What can you hear? a telephone (Teach: telephone)Do you have a telephone at home?Can you make telephone calls? (Bb: a telephone call)Can we make telephone calls in class? (Ss: No, we cant.) T: We cant make telephone calls in class. But today we can. Why? Because we are learning how to m

4、ake telephone calls in English today.Step2:Presentation and practice1.T:Look,there are our learning aims for today.Now let me read the aims for you.2. Lets look:Good,we are happy today. Look at the picture. Are the children happy too? Yes,they are in the happy land. They enjoy playing there.Oh, wait

5、.Someone is missing. Who are not here? Miss Li is in her office. But where is Yang Ling? Is she in Miss Lis office? Lets call Miss Li.A telephone call to Miss Li:Tip: Phone expressions: This is speaking. May I speak to. (Bb)She is not in Miss Lis office. Where is she? Lets call Yang Ling.A telephone

6、 call to Yang Ling:Tip: Im sorry to hear that. (Bb)Yang Ling is ill. Miss Li doesnt know where Yang Ling is. She is worried.What should Yang Ling do now? (Ss: call Miss Li and ask for absent.)Yes, Yang Ling calls Miss Li. Now lets listen to the telephone call and choose.3.Task 1. Listen and choose.S

7、s listen to the first telephone call and choose to answers. T helps explain the new words: cough, headache, cold, fever.Can Yang Ling come to school today?Whats the matter with Yang Ling? (Bb: Whats the matter?)Bb: I have a (cough, headache, cold,fever.)4.Task 2. Think and say:T: Yang Ling has a col

8、d and a fever. What can she do? Do you have any suggestions(建议)?Take care.If we are ill, we can go to the hospital and see a doctor. I can introduce you a nice doctor: Doctor Wu. (Say a rhyme)5.Task 3. Watch and answer:T: Miss Li is a nice teacher. She is worried about Yang Ling. In the afternoon, s

9、he makes a telephone call to Yang Ling. Is Yang Ling still ill in the afternoon?Can she come to school tomorrow?6.Task4. Listen and repeat.Student imitate the telephone call, pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.7.Task5. Watch and dub.Students first prepare in groups. Then dub in roles.Step

10、3.Production and progress. 1. You have done a great job. Can you make a telephone call now?How to make a telephone call? (结合板书: This is speaking. May I speak to?)T: Yang Ling is ill. She has acoldand afever. She cantcome to schooltoday. Miss Li calls her and she isfinenow. Her classmates care about

11、her and theymaketelephone calls.2. Can you make a telephone call? How many stars can you get? Great!Now lets look at aim2: I know some illness.What illness do you know? Ss look at the pictures and say what illness it is. When we are ill, please remember to go and see a doctor. If you dont want to be

12、 sick, you can eat more fruits and do more sports. We have a famous saying in English: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. All right. 3. You are really smart.You know some illness and you can make telephone calls.What about the third aim?Can you care about and help others?Look at the picture.The girl is ill.Some classmates go and see her.Because we are friends.We should remember to care about and help others. Lets sing a song ”The more we get together”.Homework (1)Listen,readandactStoryTimeagain.(2)MakeaphonecallwithyourfriendsinEnglish.(3)Try your best to help others.



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