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1、Guo Dongjun ScriptsCleantech Industry Investment and FinancingGuo DongjunJuly 27, 2007Tsing Capital/China Environment FundChina: world factory vs world pollution sourcel High cost in environment - offsetting about 4-6% of the GDP growth - only 43.6% of the polluted water is treated- 58.6% of the cit

2、ies have unqualified atmosphere l Huge energy consumption - energy consumption for unit GDP is four times the world level and 14 times the level of Japan- Raw material consumption is going up rapidly; in 2005, steel consumption increased by 15.1%; aluminum by 9.7% or 12.84 million ton; cement by 12.

3、4% or 960 million ton Polices laid out by Chinese government to push forward environmental protectionl previous to 2003: sustainable developmentl 2003: cyclic economy, green GDPl 2004: harmonious society l 2005: economized society, Renewable Energy Lawl 2006: new village construction Development goa

4、ls of the 11th Five-Year Plan periodl Environmental protection- percentage of municipal sewage treated: 70% - percentage of municipal garbage treated: 60% - primary pollutants discharge: down by 10%- forest coverage: 20%l energy and resources conservation: energy consumption for unit GDPl renewable

5、energy: proportion of renewable energy consumption against primary energy consumption increase to 10% by 2010 and 16% by 2020 Investment in environmental protection during the 11th Five-Year Plan periodRMB billion Yuan8th Five-Year(1991-1995)9th Five-Year(1996-2000)10th Five-Year(2001-2005)11th Five

6、-Year(2006-2010)Amount invested1314507501350% GDP0.73%1.3%1.5%1.5%Cleaning Technology (cleantech) l Cleantech generically covers products, services and techniques. Compared with conventional technologies, it has the advantages of being able to lower the consumption of energy and resources, protect e

7、nvironment and increase peoples living quality.l According to the definition given by US Cleantech Investment Association, cleantech is primarily applied to the following sectors:- agriculture- energy and energy conservation- manufacturing- traffic- water resource utilization Cleantech represents th

8、e advanced stage of environmental protection industry 环保产业发展阶段Stages of the development of environmental protection industry 清洁技术cleantech可再生能源: renewable energy节能、资源化energy saving, reclamation 固体废弃物处理treatment of solid wastes大气处理 treatment of atmosphere污水处理treatment of sewage 环境保护 environmental pro

9、tection可持续发展清sustainable development 循环经济cyclic economy 清洁技术cleantech来源:青云创投/中国环境基金Source: Tsing Capital/China Environment Fund Cleantech vs conventional technologies for environmental protection Conventional CleantechMarket Policy-drivenEconomy-drivenVision Rear-end control Front-end control, proce

10、ss controlMethodPhysical, chemicalBiological, material and information science Service Products, projectsSolutions, system integration Growth Slow, e.g., solid wastes treatment Fast, e.g., solar energy market Cleantech investment market生物质能:biomass energy 有机农业:organic farming清洁交通:clean traffic绿色包装:g

11、reen packing供水:water supply污水处理和再生:sewage water treatment and regeneration 有毒有害固废处理:treatment of toxic and hazardous solid wastes工业固体废物处理:treatment of industrial solid wastes城市垃圾处理:urban garbage treatment 汽车尾气净化:purification of automobile exhaustion 脱硫脱硝和除尘:desulphurization, denitrification, and dus

12、t removal二氧化碳减排: reduction of carbon dioxide emission 工业能效改进:improvement of industrial energy efficiency 建筑节能:building energy saving照明节能:lighting energy saving太阳能:solar energy风能:wind energy可再生能源:renewable energy能源:energy清洁技术:cleantech清洁生产:clean production水:water节能:energy saving空气:air环境: environment

13、固体废物: solid wastes来源:青云创投/中国环境基金Source: Tsing Capital/China Environment FundCleantech investment contribution from various segments 数据来源:美国清洁技术投资协会Data source: US Cleantech Investment Association China cleantech venture investment total Comparison with Europe and North America Cleantech: come into t

14、he limelight for venture investment at home医药保健:health care金融服务:financial service其他:others能源环抱:energy and environmental protection生物技术:biotechnology 半导体IC:semiconductor IC传统产业:traditional industries 通讯/电信:communications/telecommunications狭义IT:IT in narrow sense 数据来源:中国风险投资研究院2006年中期调查报告Data source:

15、China Venture Capital Research Institute Limited Semi-Annual Report 2006Single investment size comparison with North America and EuropeVenture Investment contribution by segments Cases of cleantech investment 2006 IPOs made overseas: 11-plus cleantech companies since 2006 中华环保: China Huanbao 卓越新能源: Zhuoyue New Energy浙江昱辉: Renesola 伊普水务: Epure International常州阿特斯: Canadian



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