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1、新8AUnit1 Period 1-4 教案8A Unit1 Friends Comic strip & Welcome to the UnitTeaching aims:学习目标知识目标掌握四会单词,词组和句型能力目标1)学会用与“朋友”相关的单词与词组描述朋友的品质2)明确本单元的中心任务情感目标1)通过学习有关朋友品质的表达来加深对朋友的认识2)通过小组间的有效活动激发学生对朋友的了解学习重点学会用表示朋友品质的单词与词组来描述自己的朋友学习难点理解并正确运用与朋友品质相关的单词与词组Part One预习作业&预习交流:一、 通过预习,翻译下列的英汉短语(小组核对答案 - 教师提示重点词

2、组注意点-读背词组)1 be hungry 2 你真好 3 再来一些食物4 分享我的快乐 5 be honest 6 keep secrets7 make me happy 8 有问题 9 干净且整洁10 有趣的 11 相信她的话12 我能喝点什么吗?是的,可以。13 There is nothing else in the fridge.二、预习对话,回答下列问题(小组讨论)1.What does Hobo get from Eddie?2.What is in the fridge?三、预习Welcome to the Unit Part B,根据实际情况回答。(小组讨论)1. What

3、makes your friend so special?2. Do you think a good friend should be honest? 3. Do you think a good friend should be helpful? Part Two交流展示&点拨提高:一. 听录音,回答Comic strip问题1 What does Eddie give Hobo?2 Is there anything else in the fridge?3 What does Hobo want? Why?二、 朗读对话,并且小组内分工合作表演对话三、 根据对话内容,完成下面短文Tod

4、ay Hobo was _. Eddie gave him _ and some_. Hobo wanted to have _ food. But there was _ in the fridge. At last, Eddie had to _ the pizza with Hobo.四、 小组讨论,Who do you like better as a friend, Eddie or Hobo? Why?五、 根据上面的讨论,得出好朋友应该具备的那些品质,完成Welcome 的A部分,并且收集重点词组make sb +adj keep secretshave problems wit

5、h sth share my joybelieve what he/she says= believe his/her words六、 根据Welcome B对话内容,尝试组内编写新的对话并作小组展示。1. Who is your good friend?2. Where is he/she from?3. What does he /she like?4. What do you think of your friend?5. What made you become good friends?Part Three 检测反馈:一、根据汉语意思完成句子1 My friend _ (是诚实的).

6、2 I can _ Amy _ (对讲任何事情).3.There is not enough bread for supper. We need to _ (再买一些).4. _(有多少碗) are there in the cupboard? There are four.5 My best friend often _(让我开心).6 He always helps me when I _(有困难).二.单词拼写.1. Peter is our monitor and he never tells lies, we all think he is h_.2. Theres n_ in th

7、e bottle. Its empty.3.My friend often shares his _ (欢乐) with me. 4. Dont tell anything to her because she cant keep s_ for you .5. We often borrow books and _(杂志) from our school library.三.选择。( )1.-Can I have _? - Of course .Here you are.A. some more cakes B. a few food C. quite a few food D. a litt

8、le eggs( )2.-_ honest boy you are ! -Thank you!A. What an B. What C. How an D. What a( )3.-Which word cant describe (描述)appearance(外貌? -_.A. Beautiful B. Helpful C. Pretty D. Good-looking( )4.Millie is very _,so we all want to make _ with her.A. friends friendly B. friendly friends C. friendly frien

9、dly D. friends friendsHomework1 高效课堂导学案第二课时预习作业一、 找出重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法),查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题。1.as slim as 2.be willing to do 3.be ready to do 4.give her seat to someone in need 5.want to be a singer 6.travel around the world 7.the tallest boy 8.have a good sense of humour9.make someone look sma

10、rt 10.knock off 11 say a bad word about anyone二、预习课文内容,尝试着判断下面的几句话是否正确Betty is generous to old people only.Betty wants to be a singer and travel around the world.Max does a lot of computer work.Max is very good at telling jokes.May is a true friend.May likes to tell others her friends secrets.8A Uni

11、t1 Friends Reading(1)Teaching aims:学习目标知识目标初步理解与本单元主题相关词汇能力目标通过阅读了解文中所出现的三个好友的基本情况;理解用形容词来描述朋友外貌和个性品质的语篇。情感目标学会欣赏别人, 学会珍爱友谊。学习重点学会使用正确的阅读技巧进行文本解读,获取关于文中三个好友外貌与个性特征的主要信息。学习难点学会使用正确的阅读技巧进行文本解读,获取关于文中三个好友外貌与个性特征的主要信息。Part One预习作业&预习交流:二、 找出重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法),查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题。(小组合作)1.as slim a

12、s 2.be willing to do 3.be ready to do 4.give her seat to someone in need 5.want to be a singer 6.travel around the world 7.the tallest boy 8.have a good sense of humour9.make someone look smart 10.knock off 11 say a bad word about anyone二、预习课文内容,尝试着判断下面的几句话是否正确(小组讨论)Betty is generous to old people o

13、nly.Betty wants to be a singer and travel around the world.Max does a lot of computer work.Max is very good at telling jokes.May is a true friend.May likes to tell others her friends secrets.Part Two交流展示&点拨提高:一、对课前自学中的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法)在组内和班内展示。二、小组讨论下面的表格,用适当的单词填空NameAppearance(外表)Qualities(品格)BettyMaxMay(带着目的去阅读)三、小组讨论,回答下列问题1 Why does the writer say Betty is generous?2 Is Betty helpful? Why?3 Why does Max wear glasses?4 Does Max have a good sense of humour? Why?5 May is a beautiful girl, isnt she?6 Is May a true and kind friend? Why?


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