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1、课题9A Unit4 TV programmesPronunciation &Checkout时间2013年 10 月 _ 日课型New课时8主备人 方 云审核人刘 超画川初级中学 九 年级 英语 学科教案【教学目标、重难点】复备1 To review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit.2 To give students the opportunity to practise the grammar and vocabulary items, and to gain confidence through doing so3

2、To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have能力目标;学会确定单词重音的位置并能正确读出单词的重音。让学生有机会体验自己是否已理解本单元的新词汇和语法项目情感目标:给学生机会练习语法和词汇项目,通过练习增强学生的信心【课前准备】Read Daniels thank-you letter and learn how to write a thank-you letter 【教学过程】一、预习反馈一、根据句意,将句子补充完整:1、All the performers are i

3、n the _(演播室).2、After twenty minutes _(讨论), the students agreed with the teacher.3、He was working on the day of his _(死).4、Its _(危险) to play football in the street.5、Tomorrows football match will be covered _(现场). I must watch it.6、I got up late yesterday, but _(luck) I got to school in time.7、The st

4、udents are having a _(一周的) test.8、The boys grandfather died in a _(nature) disaster.9、The key is one of the _(导演) over there.10、We found this TV _(节目) very enjoyable.二、问题探究反馈及拓展1. One day,as I was working on the plan, you thought of that surprising ending. 一天,我在制定计划时,你想出一个出其不意的结局。Surprising adj. 令人惊

5、讶的(指事或物)Surprised adj. 感到惊讶的(指人)Work on sth./doing sth. 从事某个方面的事情/从事干某事2. Its you who made our story so perfect.正是你使得我们的故事如此完美。本句为强调句。强调句的句式结构为:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who+句子的其他成分。被强调的部分可以是主语,宾语,状语等。引导词只能有两个,被强调的是人,用who或that;被强调的是物,或地点,时间,引导词只能用that.三、练习反馈一 翻译短语:因为-和某人争论 _ 很容易受到惊吓_直到电影的结尾 _ 一个动物热爱者

6、_近距离地观看_ 赢得大奖_如此有趣的故事_ 使我发笑_想起,想到 _ 任何别的人_从事-方面的工作_ 一个令人惊讶的结尾_共事 一起工作_ 整个月_更好地计划每件事_二、根据句意及所给汉语或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. There are lots of (现场直播的) games on CCTV 5 every year.2. So Young is popular with young people and its (导演) is Zhao Wei.3. My brother got first (奖) in the race.4. There will be a (音乐会) at

7、 National Grand Theatre. Would you like to go with me?5. When (面临) danger, the hero tried his best to save others.6. (滑冰) is one of the most popular outdoor activities in winter.7. The boy who (消失) two years ago has been found by the police.8. Is that Jack speaking? No, this is Jacks mother. Hes out

8、. Can I take a m for you?9. Its believed that thousands of reporters will go to Brazil to c the World Cup in 2014.10. Its easy for us to learn about the u news by mobile phone. . 用括号中单词的适当形式填空。1. China is the first (Asia) country to send astronauts into space.2. There are some (week) newspapers in t

9、he school reading room.3. There will be lots of rain in the (come) month.4. I have seen some films (direct) by Zhang Yimou.5. Do you have the (late) news about Beckham? Yes. Its reported on TV that he will come to Nanjing for a trip next week. 单项选择( ) 1. A big earthquake happened in Yaan a few month

10、s ago and the at that time was very terrible.A. habitatB. sceneC. viewD. mystery ( ) 2. The noise may make the students , so something must be done to prevent the noise when students take important exams. A. disturbedB. excitedC. surprisedD. interested( ) 3. After Marys wedding, I will Jim in seeing

11、 a new film.A. attending; joinB. joining; attend C. joining; joinD. attending; attend( ) 4. He felt tired, so he stopped to have a rest and drink milk. A. a bit; a bitB. a bit of; a bit C. a bit; a bit ofD. a bit of; a bit of( ) 5. What do you think of tennis match between Li Na and Klara Zakopalova

12、? Its a close game (势均力敌的比赛). The match is really exciting.A. last nights; two hours B. last nights; two-hour C. last night; two-hoursD. last night; two hours. 根据汉语翻译句子。 1. 大自然充满了奥秘,等待着被发现。 2. 人们可以在网上投票选举最美乡村教师。 3. 我爷爷有很多爱好,比如看京剧和下象棋。 4. 我们学校运动会将在下周举行。 5. 詹姆斯被评为NBA总决赛最有价值球员后,有大量对他的采访。 6. 如果你去西藏,你可以近

13、距离观看藏羚羊。 7. 学生不应该在课堂上用手机发短信。 8. 这场慈善演出将在电视上直播。 9. 今年六月,南京有两个孩子被发现死在了家中。10. 直到颁奖典礼结束,观众才会弄清楚谁将获得最佳男演员奖。四、练习拓展完型填空:About a week ago, when I was playing basketball at our local park, I noticed a small group of boys picking on a smaller, skinnier boy. They were 1 him names and even pushed him to the ground and kicked dirt in his face. 2 I saw that, I walked over to the group.I stepped 3 them and the smaller boy, and asked them politely what this boy had done worthy of 4 they were doing to him. One of the boys replied, “Hes weird.” At that, I asked one of the boys if he thought his frien


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