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1、欧洲文化入门各章练习及答案第一章 填空题:. The riches of opean ulure was created y _lemnt an _elmen. GrecoRoman deoChristan 2. The Homers onie of_.Iladan Oysey3 _ ihe firt writer o “proem plys”. Euripies 4. _ iscalled “Faherof Histr”.Heodots5._s hegratst histrian that evelivd. hcydides6. h divi rne in teRman itory refe

2、sto_ 7 C . “I cae, , Icnee.” isa amoussayng y_.Jis Caear 8. The reenaon or o Grek emocracyis _. citizenssembl. 判断题 . Euclid says “Ge me a placeto stand, nd will mve theorld”. () Achimed2.erdotss hitorical wriig is onthe war between Anhn an Sprt. () GreesandPra名词解释:. Pax omn 答:InteRoman htory ,tre cm

3、ewohundredears of peceftie, hich ws garanteedbte Romanlon, it was kown asPax Raa .“Dmocray” in anit Gece 答:1)Docrac mes“excie of porby te holpeop”, buti rece by “tewho people” theGreek meant onl the adltmale ciizs 2) W,children, forgnesndslvswere exclued from Dmracy. 论述题: 1 Howdi t Greulture origina

4、 evep? 1) Probab aound200BC, awr as foughtbwee Greec and tr. is thw haer refersto n his epics. )Greek cultur eched hhpit odeveopment in te 5th century .C. A. Th csu repuls tePerin nvasion eary inthe 5th century. Th tblismn f democacy C.Th louishng of sciene, phlosophy, ltratre, art and hstoicl riigi

5、n Athn. )The5t etry ed withcivil war tweenAtens anSra. 4) In te cn ofthe 4th century B.C., Greece a onqered y Axandr, kingof Macedn Whenever he went ad conqered, hnever Gekculure wasnd. ) Mltng beween Greek culture ad Romn cuturein 146C.,he Romns coqured Greece. 2. W is the gratsignificace f Geek Cu

6、tureon he ter-n cultura delopmn? 答: There has been an ending xient abouassial rek culture i Erope and elsher Redisoey f Greekculture plyaitalpart i e nasance i Itlyand othe Europen countries. 1) Spirt of innvtn The re pepe invened mtheatis an ence an phlosoph; Thy fit rote istory as oppsed o mer ann

7、als;ey pecltd ely bot the natrf the ol and the end f fe,witou bein bo in e fetters f ny inheitd rthodox. ) Sprem Acievmet Th eek acied suprem acievemets in nerl allfields ofhmn neaour: Philosoy,nce, epcoey,omedy, historca ng, architecure, ec. ) Laing effet A. Countlss wriers hve qoed, brrwd romnd ot

8、hrwie uedHomer epics, th trageies of Aeshlu and Sohocls a Euriides, Aritophanss codes, Pas Dialoues,et. B. herly atof he 19th century, in ngla lo, hee yu Rmantic ptsexpesse th amiation o reek ltur i wrks wihave temselve beco clasics: Byns le o Geece, Sheey ells ad PrometheusUnboun and Ketss Od n are

9、cia Urn. C. Ithe2 ctury, there ar Hmeric prallls ith Ihman Jame Jyce moernit mastrpiece Ulyses. 3. Whai the similaiyand ifferencbeweeGreek culturnd oan ure? 答:)smilarties: ABotheopls a adis rootei heidea of the cinassmbyB. The rligion weeak enogh for most ftheireiies ob reaily idtifid, and tir mths

10、befusd. C.heirlnguages woked inimiawas, beig mmbes ofthe d-uopan laguae famiy. 2) differences: . The omas lt upa vast emir; the Gres didt,excepfr thebiefmoment fAlexnders nquests,which on siterated. .The omanwe cnfid in their onorganztoal ower, tei milar and admnstraiv capbile. 4. hat is thRomisoica

11、l backgrond?答:1)Te hstorof Roedividd int tw periods: eforeth ye 27 B.C., Rome ad been a rpubic; rom theyear7 B.C., ctavu ook supreme power s eerorwith etit Agusts and Rman pire ega. 2) Two enturis late, the Roman mpre reachd t clmx, makd by laares extenion:Ecircln t Mediteraea. 3) Strog mliary power: themousomn egios. 4) I theoman history ,here cam to huded yeas of peceltme, hihwasguateedbythe Romnlegions, t as kown as axRmana ) Anoer mportan contrbuinmaby the omans to ropea culurwas Roman Law. ) Te mpire bega to linen he 3rd cenury .


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